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View Full Version : Can someone help me with my SR banner?

09-14-2007, 07:33 PM
I am so computer illiterate. I cannot figure out how to get my banner to show up. All I keep seeing is a html link and nothing else. :confused:

09-14-2007, 07:38 PM
You have to have 25 posts for it to show up as an image. Once you get those posts then you just have to go into your edit sign function on the usercp and check to make sure the info is there. Click submit or edit or apply or whatever the button is on that page and you should be good to go. Sometimes it is not immediate. Give it a little bit.

09-14-2007, 07:51 PM
You have to have 25 posts for it to show up as an image. Once you get those posts then you just have to go into your edit sign function on the usercp and check to make sure the info is there. Click submit or edit or apply or whatever the button is on that page and you should be good to go. Sometimes it is not immediate. Give it a little bit.

Thank you! I thought I was doing something wrong. :) I kept seeing everyone else's banners showing but mine wasn't.

*off to get more posts!*

09-15-2007, 12:06 AM
posting, posting, just keep posting...:) :sunshine:

09-15-2007, 12:11 AM
There is a thread that is called get your 25/75 posts (would you all believe I don't remember the exact name - and I am always on there?!)

Post anything there...it helps get your numbers up.