View Full Version : Unbelievable!!!

Blessing and Miracle
09-23-2007, 10:59 AM
I'M NUMBER ONE ON THE BIG BOARD!!!!!! I know it's not going to stay there, but my name looks mighty good in that spot!! I'll bask in the sunshine :sunshine2: for at least another 9 hours!l


09-23-2007, 11:35 AM
Congratulations! :party:

I was #2 earlier this month and I was psyched! I knew it wasn't going to last either, but it's nice to see your name on there. You should be able to stay in the top ten for this month!

09-23-2007, 11:44 AM
Wow! That's fantastic! It's the race to the finish now this week. There will be some very happy people on October 1 when they get those bonuses. :) Looks like every bonus is going to be at least $10. :)

09-23-2007, 01:04 PM
ACK!!!! You knocked me down to #3!!!! I was fighting for that number one spot with Nichol and now I have to fight you too :rotfl:

09-23-2007, 01:15 PM
So, may I ask, how do you gals do it? Lots of shopping? I do every freebie there is, and lots of surveys, etc., and I've earned $70-something, but still am only in the 20s on the big board. Or did you do a lot of offers last month and they all went thru on the 15th of this month and bumped you way up? The only time I've been in the top 10 of earnings was before there was prizes for it, LOL. I keep trying, but I can't justify buying stuff I don't need just for the credits....:p I even cleared my cookies yesterday and today and am trying all the old freebies I can get my hands on....

09-23-2007, 01:47 PM
okay here is the breakdown for me:

58.65 in shopping credits. These were items that I was buying anyway I just planned ahead and bought them here instead. Shoes, diapers, cleaning supplies, a few christmas presents, itunes, make-up. Things like that.

I had 3 items that credited on the 15th that were hold from last month:

Crossing book club- I have already fulfilled my committment with them because they had great kids books and I bought new books for all 3 kids.

Columbia House TV Club- I already fulfilled this membership by buying several series for my DH and the kids for christmas presents. Another great offer.

At Home Rewards:I actually tried this one because Tricia was looking for someone to try it out first and because we are remodeling on a regular basis and thought that the savings might be nice. This was the only one I didn't keep because it wasn't what I thought it was going to be.

Basically, one paid offer out of all of the money. $30 was for these 3 offers.

So of the 133.00, 88.65 was from shopping and paid memberships and offers. I absolutely love the shopping aspect now. I plan way ahead for gifts. I have a list and I shop at least a month in advance or if I see one of the merchants having a sale that sells something I will need later on I buy it while they are on sale. I have a huge bag full of gifts for later but it so nice not to have to run around the weekend of a birthday party looking for a gift. HTH!

Blessing and Miracle
09-23-2007, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the congrats! I'm not sure how much is earned from actual shopping since they seperated it into two catergories. I think the numbers are a little off, but I did take advantage of the Shoebuy increase payout. I bought shoes for the men in my life. My husband and my three sons. So that really paid off and the offers, three referrals, daily surveys, oh yeah, car rentals from summer vacation and.....I can't remember what else, but when I buy it isn't just to buy, it's needed, well for the most part! :) If only I would have known about this site earlier!!!:(

Janet, don't worry, I don't have to finish number one, just as long as I finish in the top 10, I'll be happy! I'll let you and Nichol continue to battle it out for that spot:rotfl: It's all just so exciting! :heart:

09-23-2007, 05:02 PM
Congrats! i am far from the top this month! And thats a good attuide to have you only need to be top 10 and you are still a winner!

09-23-2007, 05:58 PM
Best of Luck to all the frontrunners! The bonus will definitely be wonderful for you!:banana:

09-24-2007, 03:43 PM
just happy to be in the top 10!!!! :) I had several offers from Aug credit in Sept. No doubt that helped me. I would love to stay and finish in the top 10.

Congrats to the top 3 there's no way I can catch you!
