View Full Version : ? for Janet about shoebuy (or Tricia)

09-23-2007, 06:05 PM
Hi Janet,
I ordered a pair of shoes that I love and was going to place another order but when I click on the coupon (or just the shopping link) the address line goes to something that ends in "=coupon" but then changes to:
http://www.shoebuy.com/?cm_mmc=cj-text-_-none-_-none-_-none The none- none- none :confused: :confused: :confused: makes me nervous, shouldn't it have numbers from Sunshine Rewards? I don't want to mess up getting credit. What would the Shoebuy Expert do? TIA :thanks:

09-23-2007, 07:01 PM
I just double checked to make sure that it's our current link and it looks like it is...although that does look weird when you check on it. We were still getting commissions from them through yesterday, so I think it's okay. If not, they are good about communicating with us.