View Full Version : Can we get homeschool stores?

09-25-2007, 03:59 AM
I'm about to place several orders for homeschooling things from Sonlight, Love to Learn, and Rainbow Resource. I've used the product search on SR and just can't find most of the things I need anywhere - some are on ebay but with high shipping.

Is it possible to get any of these places? Also Lakeshore Learning would be nice too.

09-25-2007, 08:03 AM
I think we did add a few of them that have affiliate programs. Laura? Are you out there?

09-25-2007, 11:25 AM
This year I ordered from Alpha Omega Publications (AoP). We've been very happy so far, Ra is thrilled. The subjects are very engaging as well as how they are presented.

I've also ordered Japanese language course books and tapes from Book Closeouts. VERY happpy with them.

I'm going to look through the shopping links now, I'll post back in a few if I find anything.

ETA: I just saw your kids' ages...I think Austin may be able to use AoP, not sure though.

So I can search better, is there any specific book / publisher you are looking for?

Tricia, I checked out Sonlight, it looks like they have an affiliate program http://www.sonlight.com/affiliates.html

09-25-2007, 12:37 PM
Rainbow Resources is great... but I doubt they have an affliate program... I can understand why not... they already offer low prices... free shipping on large order and a check discount on shipping if it isn't a large order...

http://www.pandiapress.com/ - History and Science programs... does seem to have an affliate program... I haven't used this program yet... but plan to next year!

Things I ordered that don't mention affliate program, but might be worth checking...

Peace Hill Press - Great Classical History - Story of the World Series... as well as some begining reading and grammar texts. http://www.peacehillpress.com/

Right Start Math - hands on math program. http://www.alabacus.com/

Hands on Equations - http://www.borenson.com/ manipulatives for algrebra teaching program.

Rod and Staff - http://www.rodandstaffbooks.com/

Singapore Math - http://www.singaporemath.com/

Real Science 4 kids - http://www.gravitaspublications.com/index.html

Learnables - Languages - http://www.learnables.com/


09-27-2007, 12:40 AM
Wow, very helpful ladies, thanks. :)

We're doing PreK with Hunter, and K with Austin.

Right now I'm looking for:

Singapore math 1a & 1b

Right Start Math

Cuisenaire rods & idea book

Sonlight K (core c?) science curriculum

Homeschool family fitness book

Some sort of art type curriculum - but no publisher yet

Rosetta Stone French and or Spanish


I think that's about it. :)

Ooh, if we could get Sonlight added, I might just order almost all of my stuff from them. I've toyed with the idea of the entire K curriculum (like 700 bucks though). :)