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View Full Version : Wow! That popcorn is good!

09-25-2007, 03:57 PM
and it comes fast!!! :) Again I'm in PA and it's only coming from NJ. Ordered it late Sunday night and it was on my doorstep this afternoon.

The southwest cheddar is great! I can't wait to order some of the chocolate line for our own consumption AND as teacher gifts.

PS How long does it usually take for the credit's to appear? I'm sure they'll go as pending, but being that I've already received my popcorn, I would hope that the credit would appear soon.

Now I can't wait for them to ship my free sample and taste the chocolate.


m 'n c
09-25-2007, 04:03 PM
being that you ordered it on a sunday and its shipped already (obviously) I'd think it would get posted this sunday when tricia manually uploads all of the shopping credits. I'm glad to hear that it was good and arrived quickly.

09-25-2007, 04:06 PM
I was wondering how you got yours so fast because they said that the free stuff isn't shipping until next week. :) I did see a real purchase credit come through, so I am sure that it is yours. It's just a matter of the manual posting now (as m 'n c said).

I actually ate some of the Southwest Cheddar last night myself! (ON PLAN!!)

I just went in to order some of the free stuff but we move next week. So I'm considering having it sent to the new house and just banking on it not getting there until the mailbox is put up next week.

09-25-2007, 04:12 PM
Is there a limit on the free bags of popcorn?

09-25-2007, 04:24 PM
I don't think there is a limit. You just have to pay the s/h separately on all of them.

09-25-2007, 05:21 PM
I'm confused on the shipping....at the top of the page is says "free except for $2.95 shipping" but in the box at the bottom of the page it is already filled in with a $5.90 shipping total? :confused:

09-25-2007, 05:26 PM
That is for TWO bags!!

Mine will not be shipped until October 22nd because we are in a hot state!!

09-25-2007, 05:35 PM
That is for TWO bags!!

Mine will not be shipped until October 22nd because we are in a hot state!!

ok, I thought it was $2.95 per shipment. I got this deal last year, couldn't remember what I paid. It is really delicious but the bags are not that big, seems like alot for shipping popcorn which is basically air? :rotfl:

09-25-2007, 05:38 PM
I was a bit bummed with the free popcorn as I tried to order it and for some strange reason it said my address was bad. I thought: Hmmmmm.... I've lived in this house for 10 years now and I'm pretty sure I know where I live. I even checked my wallet to make sure I knew where I lived (it talks to me!) and it thought I lived where I lived, too!

So, I then thought I'd send popcorn to mom and dad. What a treat that would be, right? The son who refuses to go back and visit because the snow is still on the ground from last winter (WAY up in the U.P. of Michigan) and who prefers 120 degree desert heat will send the olds some popcorn to munch on. Then they'll remember that they have a son out in California and gee, MAYBE COME OUT AND VISIT SOMETIME!!!!!

Well, mom and dad must have moved as well because the website didn't like their address either. It's just going to be a popcornless fall for me (and the olds!) I guess. I'll have to live vicariously, once again, through all of you munching away on this supposedly delicious popcorn. Sigh.......

It's been a rough day.... first Cindy and I have our first disagreement (and she tells me there's probably more to come!) and now this.

What's a guy to do??? I'm thinking margaritas for dinner.


09-25-2007, 05:45 PM
You know what??? It kicked my address out too and this has happened before. It is kicking out any address that is not using the EXACT spelling that the USPS uses. For instance my street name ends with TRAIL but the USPS only uses TRL. Once I used TRL on my order it was accepted.

Try and abbreviation or something for your address and it should go through. I had this issue with something I bought (I think it was checks or medication) and I remembered that issue when I tried to order the popcorn. I will bet that is what is happening with you too!!

09-25-2007, 05:57 PM
You know what??? It kicked my address out too and this has happened before. It is kicking out any address that is not using the EXACT spelling that the USPS uses. For instance my street name ends with TRAIL but the USPS only uses TRL. Once I used TRL on my order it was accepted.

Try and abbreviation or something for your address and it should go through. I had this issue with something I bought (I think it was checks or medication) and I remembered that issue when I tried to order the popcorn. I will bet that is what is happening with you too!!
Yeah, but if I correct it to what they think it might be I'll have to take back everything I just said and there goes my margarita dinner!!!:rotfl:

In all seriousness (and that IS a stretch for me!!) thanks much for that info. I'll have to try and think of how they might be spelling things!:sunshine:


09-25-2007, 05:58 PM
I was a bit bummed with the free popcorn as I tried to order it and for some strange reason it said my address was bad. I thought: Hmmmmm.... I've lived in this house for 10 years now and I'm pretty sure I know where I live. I even checked my wallet to make sure I knew where I lived (it talks to me!) and it thought I lived where I lived, too!

So, I then thought I'd send popcorn to mom and dad. What a treat that would be, right? The son who refuses to go back and visit because the snow is still on the ground from last winter (WAY up in the U.P. of Michigan) and who prefers 120 degree desert heat will send the olds some popcorn to munch on. Then they'll remember that they have a son out in California and gee, MAYBE COME OUT AND VISIT SOMETIME!!!!!

Well, mom and dad must have moved as well because the website didn't like their address either. It's just going to be a popcornless fall for me (and the olds!) I guess. I'll have to live vicariously, once again, through all of you munching away on this supposedly delicious popcorn. Sigh.......

It's been a rough day.... first Cindy and I have our first disagreement (and she tells me there's probably more to come!) and now this.

What's a guy to do??? I'm thinking margaritas for dinner.


Hey Michael, are your originally from the UP?? Not sure that I can imagine a sophisticated gentleman such as yourself being a yooper at heart! :rotfl:

I wish the peanut butter popcorn was part of the free offer, it is so good! :)

09-25-2007, 06:05 PM
Hey Michael, are your originally from the UP?? Not sure that I can imagine a sophisticated gentleman such as yourself being a yooper at heart! :rotfl:

I wish the peanut butter popcorn was part of the free offer, it is so good! :)
Ya, sure, ya betcha! I grew up der in dat town called Houghton wit lots of Toivos and Einos. Da ma and pa, dey still der wit a brudder and a sister not too far away.

You should hear the accent come back when the whole family does get together. We are "Fargo" all over again! It actually scares Marc!


09-25-2007, 06:07 PM
Ya, sure, ya betcha! I grew up der in dat town called Houghton wit lots of Toivos and Einos. Da ma and pa, dey still der wit a brudder and a sister not too far away.

You should hear the accent come back when the whole family does get together. We are "Fargo" all over again! It actually scares Marc!


I can't blame Marc, I lived there for one year as a child (Munising) and it still scares me too!! :rotfl:

I can make a mean pasty though, just in case you ever need one :)

09-25-2007, 06:16 PM
I can make a mean pasty though, just in case you ever need one :)

That is one thing I really miss, that and cudighi sandwiches!!

There is actually a site, I think it's pastycentral.com, that I've ordered from in the past. And then one day as I was traveling through Long Beach there was a sign; FRESH PASTIES. I never stepped on the brakes so hard as I did then. Turns out the owner was from Ishpeming and had this thriving business going on in Southern Cal!!!!! I did my student teaching in Negaunee and it was my daily lunch!!!

Hmmmmm........ may have to see if Tricia can find a pasty maker with an affilliate program. Maybe my mother needs to work some more....she's got to keep warm somehow, right??!!!! She can pop them in the oven before she heads for the sauna!


09-25-2007, 07:01 PM
It's been a rough day.... first Cindy and I have our first disagreement (and she tells me there's probably more to come!) and now this.

What's a guy to do??? I'm thinking margaritas for dinner.


Now THERES something we can agree on. :rotfl:

09-25-2007, 10:33 PM
I was a bit bummed with the free popcorn as I tried to order it and for some strange reason it said my address was bad. I thought: Hmmmmm.... I've lived in this house for 10 years now and I'm pretty sure I know where I live. I even checked my wallet to make sure I knew where I lived (it talks to me!) and it thought I lived where I lived, too!

So, I then thought I'd send popcorn to mom and dad. What a treat that would be, right? The son who refuses to go back and visit because the snow is still on the ground from last winter (WAY up in the U.P. of Michigan) and who prefers 120 degree desert heat will send the olds some popcorn to munch on. Then they'll remember that they have a son out in California and gee, MAYBE COME OUT AND VISIT SOMETIME!!!!!

Well, mom and dad must have moved as well because the website didn't like their address either. It's just going to be a popcornless fall for me (and the olds!) I guess. I'll have to live vicariously, once again, through all of you munching away on this supposedly delicious popcorn. Sigh.......

It's been a rough day.... first Cindy and I have our first disagreement (and she tells me there's probably more to come!) and now this.

What's a guy to do??? I'm thinking margaritas for dinner.


some sites don't like the "E" for East for my street (we really do have a west Ruth too!) But there was an option for me to continue with the address I listed. I'm pretty sure I know my address and it's correct!

09-25-2007, 10:35 PM
I was wondering how you got yours so fast because they said that the free stuff isn't shipping until next week. :) I did see a real purchase credit come through, so I am sure that it is yours. It's just a matter of the manual posting now (as m 'n c said).

I actually ate some of the Southwest Cheddar last night myself! (ON PLAN!!)

I just went in to order some of the free stuff but we move next week. So I'm considering having it sent to the new house and just banking on it not getting there until the mailbox is put up next week.

at the beginning... That I ordered some more for now and that's what I received already! Now I can't wait for the good stuff to come! I'm guessing I'll get it rather quickly once they do start shipping it on 10/1.


m 'n c
09-25-2007, 11:04 PM
I think I will have to give this stuff a try. I just had some moose munch for the 1st real time and boy was that stuff good but the chocolate melt just by sitting in my trunk on the drive home sunday so I couldn't imagine how bad it would be if it came through the mail. I will have to order it in late october so that we hopefully will be out of the 90s by then.

09-25-2007, 11:07 PM
Catherine, on the site it said popcorn to our area would not ship until Oct.21 or 22. Due to the heat! So if you ordered now they would hold it until then! I can't wait it will be a nice Halloween treat for the kids, if I don't eat it all first!!! :rotfl:

m 'n c
09-25-2007, 11:09 PM
Well I remember reading that and was thinking since its good till Oct 31st to wait until close to then to order so that I have one extra week to try and get the temps down.

09-25-2007, 11:36 PM
I did not see that part. that is good to know! I may wait awhile then before I order mine too!