View Full Version : Aquadots are coming!!!

09-27-2007, 12:53 PM
I just got a call from a guy that we met with back in July (the same one that is selling the Halloween blinky light things) and he said that he has the aquadots!! I should be getting the offer up in a few hours.

09-27-2007, 08:51 PM
My ds wants these for christmas .. I can not wait to see what he sells them for and what our kick back would be .

09-27-2007, 08:58 PM
I'm so excited! This is the 1st year my 5YO has asked for anything for Christmas and she has asked for AquaDots. YIPPEE!

09-28-2007, 08:49 AM
OK Maybe its because my dd is 10 but what are aqua dots??

09-28-2007, 09:36 AM
These are little dots (like small beads) which stick together when you spray water on them. I believe a kits includes patterns for animals and things like that. Apparently you can lift it off the patter and it will stick together.

I see them advertised on Nick all the time and my 6 yo is desparate for them. I guess Santa will have to do some shopping at SR! :)

09-28-2007, 09:40 AM
Here's the actual description...probably describes it better than me.


Don't order direct though. Wait for it to show up on SR!

09-28-2007, 02:55 PM
Thank you so much Tricia. I had no idea when I asked month sand months ago that everyone would go aquadot crazy. Can't wait to see what the offer is.

09-28-2007, 03:18 PM
It looks like there are going to be $20 plus s/h with a 4.00 credit reward. They keep saying we have access to them now, but I still can't get them in the system!!

09-28-2007, 03:21 PM
JUST CURIOUS, but how does this price compare to Target- is this a bigger package, etc? I would def order thru SR if the price is comparable. I know I've seen them at Target, but am unsure of the price. My kids have expressed interest as well. :cooldance:

09-28-2007, 03:29 PM
That's kind of tough because it depends if you buy them local or online. Online they have 2 versions, 1 at 20.00 and 1 at 25.00. The 20.00 one is sold out. The 25.00 one is in stock and looks to be the same number of beads as the one we have the offer for. So if you can find one locally and not pay shipping, it would cost you 25.00. If you buy it online, shipping would make it 30.00. Our offer is for 28 (including shipping) plus the 4.00 credit. So 24 altogether. It would end up being pretty darn close.

Interestingly, the guy we are getting this offer through actually has the aquadots in a warehouse himeself and is selling them. No middle man.

09-28-2007, 09:28 PM
So will this be in the offers section, or shopping?

09-28-2007, 10:10 PM
Cool. I know my youngest DD has been asking for them. She will be happy if Santa can find them for her. :angel: :sunshine:

09-29-2007, 05:49 AM
Are these up yet? If so, where are they listed? My dd is begging for these for her birthday. I want to order ASAP!:sunshine2:

09-30-2007, 11:08 AM
It is up now on offers

10-01-2007, 08:21 AM
Hate to put a damper on things, but my DD7 and DD4 got these for a present and they are not such a great thing as they look on TV. Whereas they did have fun putting the things together (with mom's help since the beads kept rolling away off the tray), they come apart VERY easily. I did the spraying, so I know I put on PLENTY of water. BOTH SIDES, like it suggests for a "stronger hold". And
i let them dry for twice as long as the diredctions say. But just holding them, can make them break and then you have the little beads rolling around EVERYWHERE. I even bought a little tackle box type container to keep them in which helped, but I stll step on them from time to time. My kids still like to put together what ever they can, but I hate having to clean up the beads and seeing their faces when the things fall apart. I'm constantly trying to fix their creation. Make sure you have them use a tray-type table to help keep the beads nearby and not on the floor. NOT my kind of toy at all. I'd much rather they play with something that they can show off their work with. Just my 2 cents, but I'm glad I didn't actually pay for them.

m 'n c
10-01-2007, 09:20 AM
Hate to put a damper on things, but my DD7 and DD4 got these for a present and they are not such a great thing as they look on TV. Whereas they did have fun putting the things together (with mom's help since the beads kept rolling away off the tray), they come apart VERY easily. I did the spraying, so I know I put on PLENTY of water. BOTH SIDES, like it suggests for a "stronger hold". And
i let them dry for twice as long as the diredctions say. But just holding them, can make them break and then you have the little beads rolling around EVERYWHERE. I even bought a little tackle box type container to keep them in which helped, but I stll step on them from time to time. My kids still like to put together what ever they can, but I hate having to clean up the beads and seeing their faces when the things fall apart. I'm constantly trying to fix their creation. Make sure you have them use a tray-type table to help keep the beads nearby and not on the floor. NOT my kind of toy at all. I'd much rather they play with something that they can show off their work with. Just my 2 cents, but I'm glad I didn't actually pay for them.

Your post reminds me of my mom and the darn light brites from when I was growing up. She'd never let me have one but when I'd want to play with one she'd bring me over to my cousin's house since she had one. Her theory was I got to play with it and she wouldn't have to worry about picking up the stupid little pieces from it.

10-01-2007, 09:23 AM
I actually asked the guy about the quality and he said it was pretty much on par with the other "as seen on tv" stuff. Definitely not the kind of toy that you pass down from generation to generation. LOL! But enough to get them to stop asking for them CONSTANTLY (like mine have been doing).

10-01-2007, 10:02 AM
I remember those Lite Brites!!.. I think I still have some of those pieces rolling around in my old closet! lol. My kids drove me crazy, too. I'm glad they had a chance to try them. Even they shake their heads at it wondering "what were they thinking" now that they know what it really is like. The pen is kind of neat, but a grown up should fill it since little hands get more of the beads on the table than in it despite the little funnel they give you. They have a starter set and a smaller add-on set. Only difference was no pen in second one. I hated to have to tell my kids to stop playing with what they made. My 4 yr-old asked for some crazy glue! I said absolutely not...I could just see dozens of little rubber beads permanently stuck to every nook and cranny of my kitchen!!!! Lite Brites don't look so bad now!

10-02-2007, 09:02 AM
I am on the edge as to whether or not I should order them. My girls HAD been asking for them like crazy at the beginning of the summer, but not a mention as of late. I am going to sleep on this one and decide by the end of the week.

Has anyone here ordered from SR and how did it go?


10-15-2007, 06:06 PM
I just ordered a set for Callie for her birthday. I will let you guys know if I see credit for it and when. My total with shipping was 25.98. Probably could have gotten them cheaper at the Target store but who knows if they would have them in stock and just stepping in that store costs me 100 bucks. Much easier this way.

10-15-2007, 07:08 PM
I ordered them for my granddaughter for xmas. She's been asking for quite a while. If she takes them home I won't have to worry about picking up all those little beads now will I. :rotfl:

10-16-2007, 01:55 PM
Anyone get theirs yet? I ordered it back on the 6th and have been billed on my CC but haven't received my order yet.
Just curious.

10-16-2007, 02:58 PM
Anyone seen credits yet? Just curious how quickly it was crediting.

10-16-2007, 03:14 PM
Anyone seen credits yet? Just curious how quickly it was crediting.

Yes my credits were pending within a few days, but they won't release until 11/15. I'm just wondering about the actual shipment now.


10-19-2007, 02:29 PM
I got my order today. I haven't received credit yet. I am pretty disappointed though in the product because I paid more for this one than I did for the one at Target and the one at Target is much different and nicer. The one from Target it like a big machine with the pen attached and the dots go into seperated compartments at the top and it has an electric dryer on it. This one is just the pen, dots, trays and templates and spary. Much less for my money. I sure hope this credits for me because I will be seriously disappointed if I paid more for less and also didn't get credit. I have 2 more to get and I think I will just go through Target for those.

10-19-2007, 03:58 PM
I got my order today. I haven't received credit yet. I am pretty disappointed though in the product because I paid more for this one than I did for the one at Target and the one at Target is much different and nicer. The one from Target it like a big machine with the pen attached and the dots go into seperated compartments at the top and it has an electric dryer on it. This one is just the pen, dots, trays and templates and spary. Much less for my money. I sure hope this credits for me because I will be seriously disappointed if I paid more for less and also didn't get credit. I have 2 more to get and I think I will just go through Target for those.

That stinks! I've seen them in Target but I had already ordered mine through here. I'll be on the lookout for my package then.


10-20-2007, 10:58 AM
Got my credit today. After looking at the product I think this may actually be better to store and pick up. Not so much big stuff. I do think they should charge less though since they aren't sending as big a product. I cant wait to give it to Callie for her birthday!

10-28-2007, 07:15 PM
I got my order today. I haven't received credit yet. I am pretty disappointed though in the product because I paid more for this one than I did for the one at Target and the one at Target is much different and nicer. The one from Target it like a big machine with the pen attached and the dots go into seperated compartments at the top and it has an electric dryer on it. This one is just the pen, dots, trays and templates and spary. Much less for my money. I sure hope this credits for me because I will be seriously disappointed if I paid more for less and also didn't get credit. I have 2 more to get and I think I will just go through Target for those.

Interesting..I guess I'll not do the offer on this one either, then.