View Full Version : Taking Surveys?

01-25-2010, 12:46 PM
Need a little feedback on surveys. Doesn't look like many people are trying them. I'm considering whether it is something that we want to continue doing on SR or start to phase out. Are they not worth it to try anymore? Be specific... AMP vs. Greenfield.

01-25-2010, 12:50 PM
I think the are a great account booster for some and I love doing them when I have time but can't sit here all day trying to get one either. I try like five times and then I quit if I haven't gotten one.

01-25-2010, 01:01 PM
I had trouble this year getting surveys so I stopped, but I am on a roll this month. I would hate to see them go away. Based on some reading on the board about Disney(not sure if I can say it) I think I know why survey taking has been down.

m 'n c
01-25-2010, 01:02 PM
I love doing surveys Tricia. I had a Jan 16/22 deadline so I haven't been able to do anything around here but I'm hoping my Feb 26 deadline isn't as bad and I can pop on here each day to do at least 2 surveys until things get back to normal and I can try for all 3 everyday.

01-25-2010, 01:02 PM
I thought January was supposed to be a bad month for surveys, at least that is what i remember. I for one have not had any problems getting a GF this month, Amp also has been better good compared to last couple of months. I am pretty persistent about getting them done. I keep trying until I get them, I did have a issue with AMP crediting for 3 days last week, when I never had a problem in the past. I am very careful about cookies, so I know it was not something that I failed to do. I stay away for 3 days went back and the last couple of days I was able to get them to credit again. I think that being persistent is the key to success with surveys. Keep trying do not give up, it works for me. So I would say Trish they all worth you keeping both of them.


01-25-2010, 01:03 PM
Surveys are my main money earner on SR. I love SR... but if surveys go... it would become a penny click site for me.

I try the gf one every day... I've had great luck in December... but January has been hard... I try the amp ones a couple times a week... they don't seem to add new amp surveys as often as gf.

I love how I can try a new gf every calendar day... but the amp one is on a 24 hr clock and it is hard for me to remember the time I last did one...so I find it harder to try an amp each day.

01-25-2010, 01:07 PM
I would be very disappointed if surveys went away because that is where a good percentage of my earnings come from. It is sometimes hit or miss for me, but I usually try as often as time allows.

01-25-2010, 01:09 PM
Surveys are my main earning source too. I try all 3 each day and keep trying throughout the day until I get one or run out of time. I don't have much luck with offers anymore, though I still like to try, and I can't afford to do much shopping, so without surveys I'd have little reason to come back.

01-25-2010, 01:10 PM
Definitely would hate to see surveys gone!:( They do make up a very good portion of my SR earnings! I usually am able to get all 3 surveys- although this past month it has taken a little more persistance to qualify for a survey. Just from the 3 surveys, I've made almost $45 in January- that definitely is worth it for me!

Hopefully you will get some good feedback from members on how we can get the numbers up for SR!! But unfortunately, the ones you probably want to hear from most aren't forum members. I wonder if some people get discouraged and stop after being disqualified for one survey. Hopefully you'll get a good discussion going on surveys!

01-25-2010, 01:16 PM
I'm trying and trying and trying, but I'm a middle-aged white woman whose husband works for the media . . .

Surveys are my main SR activity. I'd love for it to be shopping, but this is my ninth consecutive year with kids in college! One has graduated with no debt and another will next year, but Mom's fun money has been hit hard.:rotfl:

Unless surveys aren't good for SR, I would really hate to see them go away.

01-25-2010, 01:27 PM
NO Don't take away the survey's!!!

I try for both AMP and DS every single day!! I've hit the DS bonus every month since July and normally i'm really good at the AMP ones too. I have no idea what went on this month but i'm out of the running for the 56 Survey $5 bonus. I'm bummed.....but i'm still going to keep trying every day!

The GF one is really great, they add new survey's often enought to keep up with everyone who does try on a daily basis, and they seem like they do care, giving credit for messed up survey's.

I don't know how many survey company's are out there available for programs like this, but maybe if we could find someting other than AMP that doesn't work on the 24 hour clock so it would be easier to try every day. :blush:

01-25-2010, 01:27 PM
I would also hate to see surveys eliminated....I try all the time but the first 4 days of this month I was unable to get into one and then I was on vacation for a week and now I've gone 3 days in a row without a qualifying survey....but I'm very persistent and I keep trying.

01-25-2010, 01:29 PM
Surveys are my main money maker also. I would really hate to see them go. Most days, I try to get at least two surveys done. Please keep the surveys!


01-25-2010, 01:34 PM
I love the surveys! They're the way I make more of my credits. I think they're definitely more reliable than trying freebie offers.

I try at least a daily survey a day and if I have more time I try for more. Daily surveys are usually really good, but I think we all have times where there's just no surveys to try to qualify for.

AMP surveys are hit and miss. December was really good for me and January has been decent. But like normal, it's been a bit rough the past few days getting one. I'm not worried, because i'm sure they'll bounce back.

Please don't take the surveys away!

01-25-2010, 01:35 PM
As someone who does a few shopping credits every month here and there I would hate to see surveys go as they are my main activity on the site. I have had great luck the last 5 months on daily surveys and if I can get 5 to 10 AMP surveys crediting a month I think that is great. I do not do the 2 cent surveys because I feel that it takes away from my chances on the daily survey and I would rather get .90 for the DS then the .60 for the 2 cents one. I think I have been avg. $25 to $30 a month on surveys so if surveys were to go then I would probably go also (just being honest).

Just a suggestion but if survey traffic is down, how about a Trifecta contest once in a while. I haven't seen one of those since MissAngie left. Thanks!

01-25-2010, 01:36 PM
Surveys are my main money earner on SR. I love SR... but if surveys go... it would become a penny click site for me.

I try the gf one every day... I've had great luck in December... but January has been hard... I try the amp ones a couple times a week... they don't seem to add new amp surveys as often as gf.

I love how I can try a new gf every calendar day... but the amp one is on a 24 hr clock and it is hard for me to remember the time I last did one...so I find it harder to try an amp each day.

I feel pretty much the same except that I had a hard time in Dec but have had good luck in Jan (must be a different demographic). I shop through SR [I]when[I] I shop online but I don't shop online very often. The 24-hour thing is what gets me a lot with AMP too. Especially since I have to try several times to get one. If I do a few in a row, each one gets later and later. I visit SR everyday but if I only have time to do one survey, I do the daily since it is the highest value AND usually the easiest to qualify for.

01-25-2010, 01:43 PM
I would hate to see them go away too! I have times when I get burned out on trying and trying and getting nothing. But I sit out a couple of days and am right back at it. If there were no surveys, it would just be shopping for me because I can only get a couple of freebie offers a month in my account. Surveys are my bread and butter!! Greenfield is always better for me, but AMP has been better this month for me than for months past, although I probably just jinxed myself!

01-25-2010, 01:47 PM
Please don't take the surveys away!! I made almost $550 last year from surveys! This month I have earned $35! I try everyday for the DS and AMP and most days for the SM survey.

SR would become a shopping site for me if you took the surveys away - and lately I haven't been shopping much.

I like the idea of running a Trifecta contest again!

Thanks for asking for feedback! That's what I love about SR!!

01-25-2010, 01:48 PM
I would be so disappointed if the surveys went away. They are a huge part of my earnings here. If it weren't for the surveys, I know I couldn't make supermember anymore.

However, I have less time than I used to have for SR. My husband is in Iraq and has been since last May. I have so many other things to do around the house that I can't spend a long time on surveys these days. I do at least *try* for the Greenfield one almost daily. But sometimes I don't qualify and I can't spend an hour trying to do it. Or on Friday, I did an entire survey and it wouldn't load the Congratulations page...so techinically I DID do one, but I bet you didn't see it on your end.

AMP- I have had better luck lately, when I try, but often these do not work for me. I either cannot qualify or they glitch up.

My .02- this one I honestly just plain forget about. I did do one yesterday when I couldn't get an AMP and I had time.

01-25-2010, 01:57 PM
I too would miss the surveys. The offers no longer seem to work for me so the only way for me to earn with SR is purchases (which I do plenty) and surveys. However, recently I am getting concerned because I have made a couple of purchases that are not showing up and I have a TT for a previous Marriott stay and I have just made a pricey new reservation with them. Every once in awhile I will try an offer, but they rarely credit for me and so it is not worth the effort!

I love the Greenfield Surveys because they are usually plentiful and they will listen when there is a problem and usually fix it. It is also nice to be able to take them within a 24 hour period not EXACTLY 24 hours after the last one. I usually get much busier later in the day so if I don't get an AMP early I end up skipping a day. I wish there was a better way to handle those if not exactly 24 hours between surveys maybe not until after 12 or 16 hours has passed but not more than 1 per day, then if you start getting later in the day you can slowly work back to an earlier schedule. Hope this makes sense!!

01-25-2010, 01:59 PM
A trifecta contest would be great!! I've only gotten 6 trifecta's this month, but that is mostly because i've been struggling to get the AMP and haven't spent as much time on M2C survey. When i try it, I almost always get one.

speaking of surveys.....have this weekends credit's posted yet???

01-25-2010, 02:01 PM
Just the thought of taking surveys away makes me tear up...seriously! I took a long break from SR, but came back at the beginning of the year and have had good luck getting survey's this month. I try for GF & AMP Daily...please don't take them away!!

01-25-2010, 02:10 PM
Strange that you're not seeing people trying them. I know I am. After a few successes, which is shocking, with AMP, I'm trying them every day.

However, both AMP and DS are acting weird weird weird, IMO. Not behaving perfectly!

01-25-2010, 02:11 PM
I would be very very disappointed if surveys went away! :( I try for all 3 surveys everyday and have earned over $50 this month on just surveys. They are definitely my major source of earnings on Sunshine Rewards. I do shop through SR everytime I shop online, but would be very sad to see the surveys go.

I agree that somedays it seems that Greenfield is easier to get than the AMP, but I am persistent and just keep trying until I am successful. It would be nice if AMP was once every calendar day like Greenfield, but I understand that is just the way they work.

I am begging you....PLEASE don't take away the surveys!!! It makes me want to cry just thinking about that!

01-25-2010, 02:43 PM
I just came back to SR after taking a year off and the only thing I'm doing on here now is trying to get at least 1 survey a day, so if they leave I wouldn't probably be on here anymore. Yes, sometimes the surveys are sooooo frustrating. I wish it didn't have to ask 15 questions before it decides if I can take the survey or not....but I still try every morning anyway. I'm a sucker for punishment just to earn 75 or 90 cents.

01-25-2010, 03:02 PM
Please don't take the surveys away!!!! They are my main source of earnings on SR. I do a GF survey everyday. I have found that AMP is still hit or miss for me, but an every other day schedule seems to be working for me. DH has tried for SM surveys, but has gotten error messages, or he has just been so busy with his work schedule that he has not gotten to it. It shop through SR and try to do offers, but I would probably not make SM and would have less motivation to come to SR if there were no surveys.

01-25-2010, 03:19 PM
I TRY for a Greenfield survey each day. AMP, OTOH, I'm less likely to try as a)the 24 hour window may be an issue and b)AMP repeats the same survey qualifier, which gets to me sometimes. However, I'd hate to see sujrveys go, as I need them to make SM.

01-25-2010, 04:00 PM
Whew!! I'm so glad to hear that people still want to take them. I just felt like I was kind of pushing them on everyone but people weren't having much luck.

What can we do to help make the surveys fun again for everyone? We work really closely with Jill at Greenfield and we would be up for trying some new things. Would a trifecta contest be worth trying or would it put too much pressure on people? We already have the monthly bonus contest and second chance sweeps.

01-25-2010, 04:13 PM
I too do not want surveys to go away as its my main source of SR money. Last week I had a problem and did not get credit for two Greenfield surveys but still do not want to see them go away. I've had better luck today and got credit for two Greenfield's I did over the weekend!!!!! I'm a slow but steady survey earner. :) Thanks for everything you do as it is much appreciated.


01-25-2010, 04:39 PM
What can we do to help make the surveys fun again for everyone? We work really closely with Jill at Greenfield and we would be up for trying some new things. Would a trifecta contest be worth trying or would it put too much pressure on people? We already have the monthly bonus contest and second chance sweeps.

How about a contest where each daily survey and/or AMP completion gets you an entry into a contest to win a bonus or another prize? (Similar to what SR did during the holidays.) That way, those members who aren't able to get the 28 or 56 survey completion bonus or who don't win the second chance sweeps, still have a chance to win something which might encourage more participation. It could be a monthly, weekly, or daily contest. Just a suggestion. :sunshine:

Blessing and Miracle
01-25-2010, 04:54 PM
Please don't take the survey's away! I don't do them as much as I use too, but I do look forward to them when I can try.

I do want to do better. :angel:

01-25-2010, 04:55 PM
Since I am new, what is a trifecta contest?

01-25-2010, 04:59 PM
How about a contest where each daily survey and/or AMP completion gets you an entry into a contest to win a bonus or another prize? (Similar to what SR did during the holidays.) That way, those members who aren't able to get the 28 or 56 survey completion bonus or who don't win the second chance sweeps, still have a chance to win something which might encourage more participation. It could be a monthly, weekly, or daily contest. Just a suggestion. :sunshine:

I like this idea- maybe every trifecta for a month gives you an entry into the contest. I also like the way the DS bonus is set up because I think if there is just one big prize (like $5 for 30 surveys), that people tend to give up when they see they won't reach it. So having a couple of different levels keep people more interested.

01-25-2010, 05:04 PM
Since I am new, what is a trifecta contest?

A trifecta is when you are able to complete each of the three surveys in one day: the greenfield daily survey for .90, the AMP for .75, and the my thoughts count for .50 (.60 for supermembers).

01-25-2010, 05:05 PM
contests and bonuses definitely make it more fun...

but you need to talk to the group of people who don't take surveys...Maybe make a penny email link and put up a multi-choice poll on the site... so maybe you can reach the people who don't do surveys...a survey about what would make you do surveys :rotfl: not sure if you could target it to certain people... people who have never taken surveys... people who used to take survey but stopped for some reason...

01-25-2010, 05:12 PM
How about a contest where each daily survey and/or AMP completion gets you an entry into a contest to win a bonus or another prize? (Similar to what SR did during the holidays.) That way, those members who aren't able to get the 28 or 56 survey completion bonus or who don't win the second chance sweeps, still have a chance to win something which might encourage more participation. It could be a monthly, weekly, or daily contest. Just a suggestion. :sunshine:

Yes I have to agree that some kind of entry into a contest is better than a big reward or none. Sometimes you realize early on you can't make the goal so you stop trying. I liked the contest where the more entries you had the higher the pay off but it had a span of time to be reasonably successful even if you missed some days. It is darn hard to get online everyday and qualify and get credit for the surveys. Those that do deserve the big rewards because they are investing tons of time. Or maybe for every survey you complete you name is in a drawing for double survey credits for a week or something like that...

01-25-2010, 05:21 PM
Please don't take the surveys away, they are my main source of earnings on SR. I try for a DS everyday that I am able and when DH has time he will try for a SM survey. I admit I don't try for an AMP survey very often as I don't have the time or patience for them and rarely qualify but if it helps I promise I will try harder. :o

01-25-2010, 05:26 PM
I usually go both DS and AMP eachday however since the holiday weekend last weekend i have rarly been able to qualify for either must less both. Maybe it is because it is near the end of the month.

I really wish they wouldn't be taken away because i really like doing them

01-25-2010, 05:31 PM
I agree with the consensus - it's the easiest way to earn for me too and I'd hate to see it go! I've had a hard time qualifying this month and it's been a little discouraging, but even with that I earn more on SR than just about anywhere else!

01-25-2010, 05:32 PM
I like the 28 bonus for GF....i can get that no problem, i don't usually have a problem with the DS. But this month AMP has just not cooperated with me at all! It's by far been my worst survey month. I am a bit discouraged....:blush: It's just really hard to do the AMP ones with their funky 24 hr clock.

I don't know if a contest like the holiday one would work. I like an objective that i KNOW i'm going to get rewareded with. Like this month....i may not be getting the $5 bonus...but I'll still get the $2.

Maybe lower the 56 survey down to 50....since the AMP clock makes it harder to complete one every day.

Oh yeah...and increasing the chances of winning that $50,000 from Greenfield would probably increase the survey takers too. :rotfl:

01-25-2010, 05:47 PM
I like this idea- maybe every trifecta for a month gives you an entry into the contest. I also like the way the DS bonus is set up because I think if there is just one big prize (like $5 for 30 surveys), that people tend to give up when they see they won't reach it. So having a couple of different levels keep people more interested.

I like this idea too. Kinda like the holiday contest where everybody could find something to motivate them. I do like the idea of the bonus for X amount of surveys a month because I feel that the people who invest all that time would like a definite goal and reward to work towards, but I think for those who don't do surveys regularly it would be great to be entered into some sort of bonus if you reach a trifecta on any given day. Just my opinion.

01-25-2010, 05:53 PM
I'll be the voice for bad survey takers. My SR goals are making enough money to cash out one gift card for Disney. My goal before next Feb is to make 50 dollars, which in measly in comparison to members on the forum!

I did really good during the holiday contest, until Thanksgiving hit. I think I've only taken one survey since then. Part of it was I got out of my routine, and part of it was I was overwhelmed with school work plus work and home responsibilities.

I knew I wouldn't make the survey bonus this month since we were at Disney for a week. Maybe I'll turn over a new leaf in February.

As for specific surveys, I don't even bother with AMP for two reasons. I rarely qualify, and I refuse to waste time answering qualifying questions for surveys I already KNOW I don't qualify into. I will spend time to take Greenfield though.

01-25-2010, 06:34 PM
How about a contest where each daily survey and/or AMP completion gets you an entry into a contest to win a bonus or another prize? (Similar to what SR did during the holidays.) That way, those members who aren't able to get the 28 or 56 survey completion bonus or who don't win the second chance sweeps, still have a chance to win something which might encourage more participation. It could be a monthly, weekly, or daily contest. Just a suggestion. :sunshine:

Just to clarify a bit further... I like the monthly survey bonus and the second chance sweeps. My contest suggestion was in addition to the things that SR already has in place.

Also, maybe the survey bonuses could be lowered as well, especially for February since it's a shorter month. ;)

01-25-2010, 06:52 PM
I'll be the voice for bad survey takers. My SR goals are making enough money to cash out one gift card for Disney. My goal before next Feb is to make 50 dollars, which in measly in comparison to members on the forum!

I did really good during the holiday contest, until Thanksgiving hit. I think I've only taken one survey since then. Part of it was I got out of my routine, and part of it was I was overwhelmed with school work plus work and home responsibilities.

I knew I wouldn't make the survey bonus this month since we were at Disney for a week. Maybe I'll turn over a new leaf in February.

As for specific surveys, I don't even bother with AMP for two reasons. I rarely qualify, and I refuse to waste time answering qualifying questions for surveys I already KNOW I don't qualify into. I will spend time to take Greenfield though.

I bet that once you get that goal, you'll be hooked. :)

Also, if you add up all the 90 cents surveys...it, well, adds up!

Tricia, this month is really weird with surveys, IMO. Next time I run across this particular one in the DS I'm reporting it if they care to fix things, b/c there's something wrong in the coding, I'm almost sure...last time I ran into the survey it was AMP so of course i couldn't report it in any way.

Though...I wouldn't mind it if there were a *small* instant bonus (besides just adding them up!) for getting any trifecta. I know, I know, too expensive...but it would be fun to get a penny as recognition that you actually did it.:sunshine:

01-25-2010, 07:30 PM
I enjoy the time that I put into doing surveys but just started a new job last week and it's eating into my survey taking time. :rotfl: . The DS and M2C are usually never a problem. I usually do the DS first and then M2C back to back. I only have 45 min. in the morning for SR. I can usually get 3-4 out of 7 for the AMPs in a week. It is that darned exact 24 hour thing that messes me up as well with AMP. I make most of my earnings with the surveys, slow and steady.

01-25-2010, 07:36 PM
I also would cry if you took surveys away! Whenever I shop online, I do it through SR, but surveys are my major source of income here. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I actually love to take surveys and getting at least a DS everyday is a challenge for me. This month has been my worst survey month ever, I think. I try multiple times a day for a DS. That is my first goal. AMP's have always been harder for me to get. 1 every week or 2 is a lot, Lately I have gotten an AMP and then it freezes in the middle and won't advance. I think it has happened 6 times is the past week or two, but I still try. I love surveys, so please keep them. My hope is that GF will add more soon.

Thanks Tricia for coming to the Forum and asking us. It is very much appreciated!

01-25-2010, 07:49 PM
Since joining SR back in April '09, I have enjoyed taking surveys and relied on them for earnings! I try pretty much every day for at least the DS and Amp. So I would definitely hate to see them go away. Echoing what others have said, I too like the challenge of reaching the quota for the bonus!

01-25-2010, 07:53 PM
Another vote for keeping the surveys. They too are my main money earners. I try every day for all 3 surveys and get a DS and AMP about half the time. However, I can rarely meet the criteria for the monthly bonus. I like the ideas that have been suggested to mix the bonus up a bit.

Bottom line is I would hate to see the surveys go away.

01-25-2010, 07:53 PM
Please do not take away the surveys.

Although I do not often qualify for the surveys, it would take away my main source of Sunshine $. I do try for the DS and AMP's every day, and am ecstatic if I complete even one every other day.

FYI, I have not qualified for either one since January 20.

I so appreciate the personal touch of Sunshine Rewards' moderators and members in sharing tips and concerns. Please keep up the good work.

Maybe one of these days I will figure out how to try for offers as a way to earn more $.

01-25-2010, 08:15 PM
Surveys go in spurts for me, but I still try as often as I can and would not like to see them go away. I started this month really well (6 AMP so far which is unheard of for me) and had hopes of getting the small bonus; then it seemed like eveything dried up for me both on the DS and AMP. I'd love to say that I can keep trying throughout the day, but I'm pretty limited as to when I can try, and sometimes that's just not when Greenfield is loading more surveys. And although I try as often as I can, I don't sit on the computer all evening just to get a survey. The absolute best is when I can get one very early in the morning before I leave for work.

01-25-2010, 08:47 PM
I'm going to send Greenfield the complaint spreadsheet in the morning. So if you had any specific survey issues that you want addressed, make sure that you fill out that complaint. We're much more likely to get the credits when we give good information.

Keep the ideas coming about how to keep the surveys fresh. As long as I know you want me to keep them, I'll keep getting them. I just wanted to be sure. :)

01-25-2010, 09:16 PM
Seems like alot of survey options are for those who have various age ranges of kids in their household, and we have no kids at home anymore so I know that probably eliminates me from lots of the surveys.

Maybe there just aren't alot of surveys for Baby Boomers, but if there are, it would be great if Greenfield could load a few more of those.

01-25-2010, 09:18 PM
But, this is when I get on the 'puter, as a rule. I work during the day, come home about five and everyone knows all the stuff that needs done once you get home. I am unable to try several times a day. One run through and I'm done - if there are no surveys, I'm out. I try for surveys, but I usually do the GF or the AMP. I rarely have time to both. It does take a lot of time, but it is an addition to the account balance. I don't qualify for many - wrong demographics - but I usually try several times a week. As mentioned, December seemed pretty good. I wish I could see the actual count. As a rule, I might get 10 -12 surveys a month. Not many, but I'll take the credits. I would be sad to see the surveys go away.

01-25-2010, 09:58 PM
I do have another suggestion regarding the wording on the "We're Sorry" page. Not sure if these are SR's or Greenfield's words:

Unfortunately, we have no new surveys available at this time. We expect to have new surveys added shortly so please feel free to try back tomorrow.

Those of us who have been around awhile know that we should keep trying multiple times throughout the day. For those who haven't been at this so long and/or don't come to the Forum, once they read this message, they really might not try again until tomorrow. That word could be keeping people from trying until the next day.

01-25-2010, 10:17 PM
I do have another suggestion regarding the wording on the "We're Sorry" page. Not sure if these are SR's or Greenfield's words:

Unfortunately, we have no new surveys available at this time. We expect to have new surveys added shortly so please feel free to try back tomorrow.

Those of us who have been around awhile know that we should keep trying multiple times throughout the day. For those who haven't been at this so long and/or don't come to the Forum, once they read this message, they really might not try again until tomorrow. That word could be keeping people from trying until the next day.

Excellent observation. I'll talk to Jill and see if we can get that changed.

01-25-2010, 10:23 PM
I got two of them. The first one returned me to a plain white page so I don't know if it will credit. It let me take another and it took me to the congrats page. It seems I am getting more and more of the surveys that take me back to the white page instead of the congrats page and I never know if I should keep trying or just hope they credit.

Tried for an AMP but just kept getting sent in circle. Going to try again in a few.

I love the surveys but life is so crazy sometimes I don't have time to keep trying for them. I always try for them at least once though.

01-25-2010, 10:27 PM
Surveys are the best way to earn money on SR. Please don't take them away or I will never make SM again since I don't spend very much money online or in stores any more. We have been on a very tight budget for the past year and surveys have been the main way I earn money. I still try for a freebie offer now and than but it seems like those only credit about 20% of the time(which is expected since I know that I am already in most databases). I think SR does a fantastic job of keeping things fresh and new. To be honest, I just haven't had the time to be on the computer very much since the beginning of the year. In the past, I tried several times a day for a GF survey(until I got one). Now I try once or twice and that is all. I hope that once this month is over things will be back to normal for me.

01-25-2010, 10:37 PM
I do have another suggestion regarding the wording on the "We're Sorry" page. Not sure if these are SR's or Greenfield's words:

Unfortunately, we have no new surveys available at this time. We expect to have new surveys added shortly so please feel free to try back tomorrow.

Those of us who have been around awhile know that we should keep trying multiple times throughout the day. For those who haven't been at this so long and/or don't come to the Forum, once they read this message, they really might not try again until tomorrow. That word could be keeping people from trying until the next day.

Along those same lines, with the AMP surveys, non regular survey takers may not realize that you can continue to hit the "take me to another survey" (or whatever the exact wording is) until they are accepted into a survey. It might not be clear that you will still receive credit by continuing.

01-26-2010, 11:36 AM
Late into the game also but if you take survey's away I wont make SM again and it'll be peanuts that I would be earning. I don't really bother with the freebie's anymore, I've been around to long and they rarely credit.

I do shop through SR everytime possible, but that won't get me anywhere without the survey's which are my biggest money makers.

Up until Oct/Nov since I joined in 8/07 I have been able to get a GF survey almost everyday. For 2 yrs 9 out of 10 times I was able to get 2 out of the 3 surveys. Life just started getting really busy and I really do try to fit them in, and have been doing better this month.

01-26-2010, 05:18 PM
I will start doing surveys again. It does get aggravating to go what seems all the way through and then get rejected.
Life got in my way and I don't have time to go back every day(12 hour shifts plus DS' needs and his Boy Scouts and baseball, autism support meetings, etc) but now DS announced (We're going to Disneyworld Aug 16) his plans, I have to make it a reality.
Oh, and can you reduce the payout just a bit.

01-26-2010, 09:28 PM
I agree with those who are saying keep the surveys. I know they can be a source of frustration. I can spend hours and not get anything. But I decide how much time I spend and it is my own fault if I spend too much time. I do feel they are a good source of earnings for me. I do try to shop through SR when I do online shopping.

Please keep the surveys. I try not to complain when I do not get credit, because as many have said before, you win some and you lose some. I enjoy this site and am very appreciative for all that I have earned.

Thanks so much.

01-26-2010, 09:59 PM
Please dont take away the surveys it is 90% of my SR iincome
I try to take a GF survey everyday i have the most problem with the AMP ones. but i still keep trying. I think it is just a slow month hopefully it will pick up next month

01-27-2010, 12:05 AM
Please, please, please keep the surveys!!!
The fun (and funds) certainly outway the frustration!
I looked at my "current earnings" and over half of my earnings are from surveys.
I'm definitely more comfortable doing surveys -vs- the freebie offers.
I've been going like a gangbuster all of January on Greenfield and AMP, and am very happy with the results! I won't get the $2.00 bonus this month, alas, but if I keep up this rate with Greenfield and AMP, I'll have a couple hundred dollars for our next Disney trip! Add some shopping and offers like Vista Print, maybe I'll make it all the way up to $300!

Gotta go keep on those surveys!

:thanks: Thanks for listening!


01-27-2010, 12:19 PM
I just had an idea. Maybe do this in baby steps:
FOR EXAMPLE you get something (contest entry. .01, .05 whatever) for completing a DS everyday for a week, you get something small for completing every AMP for a week, you get something small for completing every SM survey for a week HOWEVER, if you get two of each survey everyday for a week (either DS, AMP or SM) then the reward is a little bigger. This repeats and at the end of the month or whatever time period the reward is greater if you managed to do all DS surveys for the month or all AMP etc..... Does this make any sense?? Maybe there could be a random surprise reward that would pop up every once in awhile such as you just earned .02 for taking a survey today.....I think all of those things would have people logging on and trying to get the rewards Just a thought

01-27-2010, 12:22 PM
One thing that has NOT worked at all is the Second Chance Sweeps. Our number of people trying surveys not only did not increase, it actually decreased when we started this. So I think it is about time to try something new.

I sent out a paid email today to everyone who is subscribed for "freebie" opportunities just to give everyone a little incentive to try the AMP. I also emailed Jill to see what we can do about changing up our landing pages with them and doing something different in terms of promotion. I definitely think sometimes promotions just get stale and people aren't as excited about them anymore.

01-27-2010, 03:03 PM
Truthfully... I forgot about the second chance contest...I only occasionally saw winners mentioned. I was unclear about the contest...was a winner drawn everyday? did I get multiple entries for trying multiple times or was it just one entry a day??

I'm glad you are going to try something new!:sunshine2: can't wait to see what you come up with.

01-27-2010, 03:06 PM
One thing that has NOT worked at all is the Second Chance Sweeps. Our number of people trying surveys not only did not increase, it actually decreased when we started this. So I think it is about time to try something new.

I wonder how that could be correlated. Would people just try once and then be happy with the chance to get 90 cents?

Also, were we supposed to enter our info in that thread (that is still going)? Never seemed like it should be, but people are still putting their names in.:)

I would have liked that second chance thing if I'd ever gotten a bonus .90! :)

And yayyyy, just got the AMP credit. Cannot believe how much luck has changed with them!

01-27-2010, 03:32 PM
I did them for a while and I never got a second chance bonus. I thought it stopped actually. I hadn't seen any recent ones.

01-27-2010, 04:41 PM
Oh no - keep the surveys! I always at least try for GF - not usually much luck with AMP, but it's nice to have that to try for if I can't get a GF. And, too, I always like the survey incentives! Have to confess, I rarely do the SM survey - not generally enough time to try for all 3. And I don't always shop a lot, or do too many offers anymore - so without surveys, I wouldn't earn much at all!

01-27-2010, 06:46 PM
Please don't take away the surveys!! I would definitely quit if so because surveys are where I make my money. I have only ever received credit for about 2 freebies so I don't bother anymore. Even the GoRV one that everyone got credit for never came for me.
With that being said, the number of surveys that I have completed lately that I don't get credit for seems to be increasing and that is very discouraging. I finished one last week that was for a movie made by a company who also has a popular vacation destination many of us visit. I got the white screen saying that I completed the survey. It never went to the comgratulations screen and I never got credit. I noticed on the forum that others had the same result.This seems to be happening alot more. I can honestly say that i haven't tried a survey since.
Also I agree with the others on the AMP surveys. They ask you same questions over and over and you still never get anything. The 24 hour mark is makes it hard to fit that survey in a busy day.

I have made some nice vacation money here. I really enjoy the site when it all works.

01-27-2010, 07:19 PM
Unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do about the timing of the AMP surveys. That is a decision that the survey company has made for technical reasons. We don't control it at all.

01-27-2010, 07:20 PM
Our of curiosity, how many of you have tried for a GF daily survey today? I'm only showing around 60 people total, and I know that most of our survey takers are not in the forum. I can't reconcile the numbers that I am seeing from GF with the comments that I am getting in the survey about how people continue to try for surveys.

01-27-2010, 07:22 PM
I took a survey today!

01-27-2010, 07:35 PM
I took and completed a survey today. :banana: Yesterday I had no luck all day. I was beginning to panic but am glad I turned it around TODAY. Patience is the key I suppose. I even got credit for the freebie offer you said was crediting well today also. Can't think of the exact name at the moment. I suppose that's due to old age. HAHAHA. Thanks Cindy for EVERYTHING and I am one of those who previously posted I would hate to see surveys disappear.


01-27-2010, 07:56 PM
I tried and tried until I got the sorry none for you page. One sucked cuz I went all the way through to the how do you like this survey page at the end and then you don't qualify. I had a friend email me last night about the same thing.

01-27-2010, 08:11 PM
I just tried and tried to get a GF survey for at least an hour only to finally be told that there were no more for me to try. I even completed about 15-20 minutes of a survey about cosmetics from Toluna when I got the you don't qualify screen.

01-27-2010, 08:13 PM
I got one today.

01-27-2010, 08:29 PM
I tried and tried until I got the sorry none for you page. One sucked cuz I went all the way through to the how do you like this survey page at the end and then you don't qualify. I had a friend email me last night about the same thing.

If that's the case, it is worth filling out our complaint form and letting GF know. Even if we don't get credit, (which me might), they can pull the survey if it isn't fair.

01-27-2010, 08:38 PM
tried this morning... but didn't qualify to take any... going to try again now to see if they added any more.

01-27-2010, 08:39 PM
I got a GF today. For what it is worth, I also completed and got the congrats page on the SM survey, but it didn't credit. That is the first time this has ever happened to me. Am I out of luck on the SM or am I allowed to try again?

01-27-2010, 08:48 PM
Count me as another person who would hate to see the surveys go away. I haven't been trying for them lately (actually have not had much time for SR at all). My life is so crazy right now and I have had to put a lot of things on hold. Once things calm down a bit I can go back to setting aside time for SR like I used to. I am hoping to still make SM for this quarter- no way I can do that without surveys.

01-27-2010, 08:55 PM
Our of curiosity, how many of you have tried for a GF daily survey today? I'm only showing around 60 people total, and I know that most of our survey takers are not in the forum. I can't reconcile the numbers that I am seeing from GF with the comments that I am getting in the survey about how people continue to try for surveys.

I've been trying all day, after doing the AMP.

01-27-2010, 09:16 PM
I tried until I got the no surveys available message at about 7am this morning. It went through about 4 or 5 surveys before I got that message. I just tried again and went through about 4 surveys and got the no surveys message again.

01-27-2010, 09:17 PM
I've been trying all day as well. Tried all day yesterday atleast 10 times, and couldn't get one either day. Will keep trying but it's not even giving me many options other than I work in IT, to even choose from, on the initial page.

01-27-2010, 09:43 PM
I tried this morning but didn't qualify for anything - I have been busy all day, but will try again after dinner!! I didn't qualify for anything yesterday - I had many options but eventually wasn't qualified for any.


01-27-2010, 10:22 PM
I got bumped from a few when I first tried early this afternoon. I did finally get one just before dinner, but there was only one choice! I have been able to get GF surveys every day, but did not receive credit for one (even though I got the congrats page) and some days have just taken a lot longer to qualify. Not sure if this is because it is the beginning of the year, but I am hoping tomorrow is easier!

01-27-2010, 10:34 PM
I've been trying off and on all day for a ds I swear :). First day in awhile that I haven't qualified for ANY. I did just get my AMP though!

I also LOVE the surveys. They make up 90% of my earnings here, so I would hate to see them go away. I do try for all 3 just about every day, and most of the time I get them!

01-27-2010, 11:18 PM
I tried three times throughout the day for GS and haven't had any luck :(
Better luck tomorrow!
I got AMP last night around 11:30, so I'll try later on tonight for that.

01-27-2010, 11:43 PM
I have tried atleast three different times and can not qualify for a DS. The first time I had several options but none of them liked my qualifying answers. The second time I tried there was no options and the third time I tried one survey and got booted after I entered my zip code. I was going to give it one more shot and call it quits. Heres to hoping that they load more surveys tomorrow. I did try and finally got one.

01-28-2010, 07:59 AM
I am probably the last one who should comment here, as I don't try as often as I should for surveys. I do like them when I have time. And I am on my computer a LOT...but not as often for long enough periods of time to continue to qualify for a survey. I rarely get one on the first or second try. Having said that, I do like to do them. I like the thought that my opinion may be helping to shape advertising and products on the market in the future. I'd be sad if they were not available anymore. I find that I do become frustrated by surveys though because it is just so hard for me to qualify most of the time...even when I am trying diligently. For me personally, it is just not a good use of my time to keep trying for a survey after a few failed attempts. I do have to take breaks from them, or I would look like this for real...:computer:

Second, I admit I only read through a few pages of posts, so I don't know if this has been asked, but I have wondered about something.

I know a lot of folks were mentioning a trifecta contest....for those who are often able to get a trifecta (I have never done it), I am wondering if it decreases your chances of getting into surveys later in that week by decreasing the pool of surveys available.

Anyway, that's just a question I have always had.

Tricia, thanks for always taking your membership into consideration and for trying to make things better...that's why I love SR.

01-28-2010, 09:42 AM
I am probably the last one who should comment here, as I don't try as often as I should for surveys. I do like them when I have time. And I am on my computer a LOT...but not as often for long enough periods of time to continue to qualify for a survey. I rarely get one on the first or second try. Having said that, I do like to do them. I like the thought that my opinion may be helping to shape advertising and products on the market in the future. I'd be sad if they were not available anymore. I find that I do become frustrated by surveys though because it is just so hard for me to qualify most of the time...even when I am trying diligently. For me personally, it is just not a good use of my time to keep trying for a survey after a few failed attempts. I do have to take breaks from them, or I would look like this for real...:computer:

Second, I admit I only read through a few pages of posts, so I don't know if this has been asked, but I have wondered about something.

I know a lot of folks were mentioning a trifecta contest....for those who are often able to get a trifecta (I have never done it), I am wondering if it decreases your chances of getting into surveys later in that week by decreasing the pool of surveys available.
Anyway, that's just a question I have always had.

Tricia, thanks for always taking your membership into consideration and for trying to make things better...that's why I love SR.

During the months of Nov. & Dec., I did a lot better with Trifecta's. Doing the DS and AMP has no impact on each other. And you are suppose to complete the DS before you do the 2nd survey.

I don't think it has an impact. It just determines what kind of survey that manufacturers puts out there.

I wish the 2nd Chance Drawing only went to the people that really try and take the survey's. It is sort of a bummer that everyone is thrown into the circle, whether they took the survey or not. I think we all try so hard, and it is sort of a consolation to us survey takers, when we were able to go to that particular thread and put our number in, after we tried all day to take a survey. I am a faithful survey taker, and I receive probably 80% of my earnings with survey's, and I have never won a 2nd chance survey.

01-28-2010, 10:02 PM
The only suggestion I would have is maybe considering an increase in payout on surveys rather than the bonuses. I wonder if people who don't have any chance of making a bonus would be more inclined to take the surveys with a higher payout. Other sites do pay more for them... are they getting paid more than SR? Just a thought. Either way I always do as many as I can here.

This thread is a good reminder I need to get back in the habit!!

01-29-2010, 09:01 AM
The only suggestion I would have is maybe considering an increase in payout on surveys rather than the bonuses. I wonder if people who don't have any chance of making a bonus would be more inclined to take the surveys with a higher payout. Other sites do pay more for them... are they getting paid more than SR? Just a thought. Either way I always do as many as I can here.

This thread is a good reminder I need to get back in the habit!!

It is quite possible that they are getting paid more, normally the companies won't divulge that info or lie about it when we ask. We feel like people who do take the time and effort to take the surveys (even attempt them like second chance) should be rewarded as opposed to those that aren't loyal enough and do hop from site to site. On the other hand, the companies may pay them more if they have more people taking them, so we might just need more people taking them consistently to get a raise for us. We already are taking a huge hit on what we pay out for them, thats why we asked if its even worth it to keep them, because quite frankly, with the payouts and bonuses, they aren't very profitable to us. I can tell you that other companies won't go to them with complaints and get the money for their members though like Tricia does.

Sometimes it does just take a little reminder and effort, especially after the holidays to get back into routine, like my exercising :(

01-29-2010, 04:52 PM
Alot of companies also pay a lot less. SR offers the best customer service. I"ve tried some other sites and I like this one the best. I love the forum. Granted, there was a little dry spell in the last few weeks, but I've gotten a trifecta the last two days. Things are looking up!

01-29-2010, 04:55 PM
How many people would rather see an increase of 10 cents in the per survey rate but no more survey bonuses?

01-29-2010, 05:01 PM
Each or one in particular?

01-29-2010, 05:15 PM
Each or one in particular?

Probably Greenfield since that is the one that people seem to be complaining about most.

01-29-2010, 05:17 PM
I'd be happy with $.10 more on GF! If i get 1 DS a day, that's $3.00 more a month instead of the $2.00 bonus!

I'm fine with GF....it's AMP that is driving me batty this month.:computer:

01-29-2010, 05:36 PM
How many people would rather see an increase of 10 cents in the per survey rate but no more survey bonuses?

That answer last month would be "survey bonus"!

That answer this month, since I've had troubles getting the 28, is 10 cents!


But I don't want you guys to hurt yourselves by putting out more than you're taking in. You've already increased the DS payout quite a bit since I started in, what, early '07 or so. And if that's a stretch for you, that's not fun to think about. (though if I could get DH to be sure to do his ordering from amazon through you consistently that could help you out!)

01-29-2010, 05:42 PM
I'm looking hard at the data, but I will put something new in place for February for sure. Right now I am looking at a test of eliminating the bonuses but bumping up the AMP to .20 cents to match the GF. That way, because they credit hourly, you always know if you need to try another one pretty quickly. And it would make the value of each of the surveys the same so there would not be a reason to try one more than another (except that we CAN challenge GF problems and CANNOT challenge AMP problems).

01-29-2010, 05:43 PM
I would probably get about the same either way. However, I don't want SR to put youselves in jeopardy. I love it here and I wouldn't want to lose surveys or SR. I'll be happy either way. Thanks for thinking of us.

01-30-2010, 09:00 AM
How many people would rather see an increase of 10 cents in the per survey rate but no more survey bonuses?

I like the bonuses, it keeps me motivated.

01-30-2010, 09:03 AM
How many people would rather see an increase of 10 cents in the per survey rate but no more survey bonuses?

I would love the increased payout. My only chance ever to get a survey bonus is if you give one that combines DS and AMP, and even then it is really hard for me to get the bonus. There is no way I am getting it this month. But the increased payout would be really beneficial for me!

01-30-2010, 09:21 AM
How many people would rather see an increase of 10 cents in the per survey rate but no more survey bonuses?

I vote for the increased 10ยข

01-30-2010, 12:07 PM
I do like the bonuses and how they vary and change. I would be happy with either or though.

01-30-2010, 04:01 PM
I would probably be more inclined to vote for the increase. I like the bonus and usually get at least one, but the extra money is nice even if I don't make the bonus. I am still motivated to do surveys even without the bonus.

01-30-2010, 04:46 PM
I'd probably vote for the increase, but I also like the bonuses when they have several different levels. Being at WDW this month and not having much survey luck, I am nowhere near the 28 bonus, and the 56 bonus was unattainable before the month started since I knew I would be out of town for a few days. I preferred the old bonuses that started at $1 for 8 or 10 surveys (or whatever number makes sense), but got proportionally bigger for those who were able to get a lot of surveys that month. Even including the AMP surveys, getting 28 surveys a month can be hard for some of us, although I usually do much better than I have this month.

01-31-2010, 01:29 AM
since i never get enough surveys to get the bonus, i would love the increased payout as well!

ive been kinda losing motivation with surveys lately, but hopefully things will change soon.

01-31-2010, 10:05 AM
I think the increase is the better choice, trying to get 56 is just impossible. Mainly on the weekends, expecially towards the end of the month on both of them, it is impossible to get them. If you increase people that do not get the bonus would be more willing to spend the time.


01-31-2010, 07:42 PM
Another vote for an increase. The last time I received a bonus was when there was a three or four level bonus and you could receive a bonus for something like 10 or 15 surveys. I'm excited if I get 10 GF surveys a month.

01-31-2010, 10:28 PM
I'm looking hard at the data, but I will put something new in place for February for sure. Right now I am looking at a test of eliminating the bonuses but bumping up the AMP to .20 cents to match the GF. That way, because they credit hourly, you always know if you need to try another one pretty quickly. And it would make the value of each of the surveys the same so there would not be a reason to try one more than another (except that we CAN challenge GF problems and CANNOT challenge AMP problems).

Trying an increase in AMP for February sounds interesting.

I got a late start for surveys this month. But since the 8th, I've gotten 11 GS and 7 AMP. Not bad ;)

Thanks for looking out for us and keeping things interesting :D

02-01-2010, 01:40 AM
I'm excited if I get 10 GF surveys a month.

me too! lol

im just thinking, is there any way to increase odds of getting a survey? or is that on greenfields part? if more participants in each area were allowed, alot more of us would be able to get surveys more regularly & become more motivated, which im sure = more overall participation, which is good.

02-01-2010, 04:44 PM
I enjoy the surveys, when I qualify, and they are pretty much what I use this site for. An increase for February will be great :thanks:.

02-01-2010, 04:54 PM
me too! lol

im just thinking, is there any way to increase odds of getting a survey? or is that on greenfields part? if more participants in each area were allowed, alot more of us would be able to get surveys more regularly & become more motivated, which im sure = more overall participation, which is good.

This is totally done by Greenfield. The best that I can do is always be ready and waiting every time they announce a special survey so that I can get it out there for our members before it fills up.

02-01-2010, 09:02 PM
I meant to say thank you SR for the AMP increase for this month! I was able to get one today, and I am hoping I will have luck this month!

02-02-2010, 04:29 PM
Thank you for the AMP increase. I just took one and am looking forward to the nearly dollar bump in my account.

FYI--I was having horrible issues at the end of last week and the weekend where I kept getting kicked out of AMP. I had to put my info in again only to be kicked out during the first couple of questions. I usually got kicked out when I said I wasn't hispanic or that my 4 year old was a girl!?! The issue seems to be resolved today for anyone else who was having those problems. I was able to get into the 2nd survey and wasn't kicked out at all.

Thanks again!

02-02-2010, 05:46 PM
I have to say the 1.80 in my account intregues me. I was successful yesterday and today I will see in about 15 minutes I think. It is a nice boost to going to Disney. I have been really into trying to go for free this year.

02-02-2010, 09:23 PM
I am excited about the bump for the AMP surveys. I have a harder time getting an AMP than a DS so it makes me more likely to keep trying!

Thanks SR!

03-04-2010, 03:45 PM
Please don't take them away! I am just getting the hang of it!! :banana:

03-06-2010, 03:59 PM
I just wish i could qualify for amp.

i just get the dailies and once in a while the 50 cent ones

03-07-2010, 01:59 PM
I very rarely get a survey, so I don't try often. When I get one it is a big deal, at least to me. I want them to stay, please.

03-08-2010, 12:34 AM
if surveys actually left entirely, i can say that canadians... aside from maybe merchant shopping, have no reason to be here. thats kinda what i count on usually... along with the odd daily click or ebay shopping (which is spending money, so i dont usually count that as a gain). there are so many things we cant do on here "not available in your area", so taking another away would be very... un-motivating... not sure of the best word. lol.

Sorry, i just cant remember if i actually gave my opinion! lol

(forgot to mention that i am referring to greenfield surveys, since we dont qualify for AMP ones)

03-08-2010, 03:11 PM
i would say at least 90% of my over 600 dollars i have earned is from surveys i love em and would love to see them stay around. the increase would be nice as you sometimes get dissapointed in yourself for not getting the bonus.

maybe just do a bonus around the holidays like the multy month one last year was cool. but like others said i dont bu ya ton online so it would really take away my earnings if they went away, and i count on this money for my disney trips.

currently working on trying to make 800+ for our trip in a little over 2 years away. you guys rock here and help make trips affordable to those of us who save up for them.

03-08-2010, 03:33 PM
No need to worry. This original post is over a month old and we came up with some good solutions on how to keep them.