View Full Version : Need opinion on Wii Fit

02-01-2010, 02:56 PM
Ok, all you fit SR members!! Who has Wii Fit and is it worth it, do you use it??
Any opinions?? Thanks in advance

m 'n c
02-01-2010, 03:14 PM
I have it. I bought it for Christmas in 2008 and I used it religiously for about 3 months and then backed off of it. It is fun and a good game but it got boring to me. I'm not sure how that would change with the new Wii Fit Plus add on and the accessories they have for the game now - weights and step elevators.

I have been wondering if anyone has tried the Jenny McCarthy Wii fitness game and what your thoughts were. I saw an ad for it in Shape yesterday.

02-01-2010, 03:28 PM
I have it, but I really don't break a sweat.

It seems when you finally get going, you are done.
The running thing is wierd, because you are running in place and not really jogging. So I started jogging around my house.
I guess it is better than sitting and watching tv.

It told me I am 7 years younger than my age.

02-01-2010, 05:17 PM
I had the wii fit for a year... I found it fun and got on it alot in the beginning... but then it got a little boring...and the breaks between exercises was annoying. Honestly it worked great for 6 months...

Now I got the wii fit plus and it is fantastic. It added some new games to keep it interesting... when I don't feel like "working out" we have a family challenge game... we do the "exercises" together and compete against each other. The plus includes all the original stuff as well.

I also love the plus because you can set up a routine of yoga and/or strength exercises and it will take you through one after the other with no scoring, minimal pauses and clicking... I love it...

Hopefully it will keep me entertained and working out for another 6 months...and then I'll see what else I can do...

I really like the boxing from the original and the bike riding from the plus... I wish I could really bike on wuhu island... it is so peaceful and beautiful there. And the snowball fight and chicken flying are fun to do with the kids.

m 'n c
02-01-2010, 07:40 PM
Glad to hear the improvements on the Plus. One of my biggest complaints is that you waste so much time between exercises flipping and getting ready that you want to give up.

02-01-2010, 07:52 PM
I agree that the Plus is better than the original. I like how you can do a routine without having to constantly take breaks.

02-01-2010, 07:56 PM
I have both Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus and really like them. That being said....I know myself and I am not going to exercise willingly. Doing it via a video game makes it more entertaining for me. My favorites are the Advanced Step and boxing, as I can really let out some frustration there.

I got Dance Dance Revolution for Christmas and have been playing that lately instead. I like that it has more than one routine and is similar to Advanced Step and that I can change teh difficulty. My brother makes fun of me because I just started consistently getting A's on easy mode. He's played it a lot over the years and has said it wouldn't take him that long to do it....whatever!

02-02-2010, 10:46 AM
This thread made me break out the WiiFit Plus last night that i got for Christmas. In the little bit of time that i used it, I can tell you I liked it better then the WiiFit. Maybe because I was just bored with the regular one. It seems to have a better, more fun variety of things to do. I would opt for the WiiFit plus over the Wii Fit.

02-02-2010, 01:22 PM
I had the Wii Fit (but we lost the disc:cry:) so I bought the WiiFit Plus to replace it. I really like it alot, and so does my DD6. I need to work out every day (don't we all;)) but it is so hard when I work a 14-hour shift at work. Due to my physically demanding job, I cannot be "sore" from a workout when I go to work, yet I still need to get some exercise. I find that the WiiFit Plus gives me just the right amount of workout. No, it is not intense, but that is what I like about it. I can do a 30-minute routine, break into a light sweat, feel like I've actually done something, but it doesn't leave me crippled over with muscle soreness at work.

I also added the Just Dance game to my workout regime. THAT is a workout! I use that for cardio. I usually do 3-5 dances to start, then I switch over to the WiiFit Plus and do some yoga and strength stuff. I finish off with the Super HulaHoop and a run around the island. It takes about 30 minutes total and I definitely feel like I've done something. Even my abs get a workout from laughing at myself doing the various dance routines:rotfl:.

02-05-2010, 10:16 PM
Awesome, sounds like WiiFit Plus is the way to go. OK Sunshiner's where is the best place to order it???

02-06-2010, 12:38 AM
Awesome, sounds like WiiFit Plus is the way to go. OK Sunshiner's where is the best place to order it???

Good luck finding it online! I asked DH for it for my birthday, and it is either on backorder or not available online anywhere (unless you want to spend more). I know Buy.com had it, but it was more than other places. GameStop took it off online ordering. It is not available at Best Buy or Target. I am going to wait a little to see if the demand goes down. After reading this thread, I was really excited to get it, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards for me right now.

02-06-2010, 09:23 AM
Keep in mind if you don't already have Wii Fit, you'll need the Wii Fit Plus that comes with a balance board. I think the price on those is 99.99. I think the most I've seen it on sale for is maybe $10 off?

02-06-2010, 03:05 PM
I don't have a Wii Fit but I know a few people who do. All but one of them loves it. My mother-in-law lost 50 pounds in just a few months with hers! A friend of mine also lost a good amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time.

I, like a previous poster, have a hard time motivating myself to work out. I'm thinking strongly about getting a Wii Fit (and maybe the Plus, from what I've been reading here) with my tax refund.

02-06-2010, 07:25 PM
For those who don't yet have a Wii Fit, there really is no reason to buy the old Wii Fit anymore. You can buy Wii Fit Plus with the board and it contains all the old stuff and it comes out to be $10 cheaper than buying the old Wii Fit and the upgraded game. I'm not even sure if they still sell the old one.

02-07-2010, 12:38 AM
That's good to know Mmm611, thanks. I'll forget about the old one then and just plan on going with the Plus.

m 'n c
02-07-2010, 12:22 PM
I don't have a Wii Fit but I know a few people who do. All but one of them loves it. My mother-in-law lost 50 pounds in just a few months with hers! A friend of mine also lost a good amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time.

Wow! That is awesome. Do you know what exercises she was doing? I can't get to the gym right now but was thinking about pulling the Wii Fit out again for when I get home late.

02-07-2010, 02:44 PM
Wow! That is awesome. Do you know what exercises she was doing?

I'll have to ask her. I know she also started really watching what she was eating as well, so that no doubt contributed. I'll ask her about the exercises though.