View Full Version : My Two Cents

02-03-2010, 08:32 AM
I took one last night, and I got all the way through it. At the end, I got a white screen that said "thank you for completeing the survey" but I didn't get the screen with the green bar saying I completed it. Didn't get credit. Has this ever happened to anyone else? It was a really long one too.

02-03-2010, 09:00 AM
Sadly, yes this has happened to me. It was just a few weeks ago. I had two days where I got this sort of screen at the end of a survey. Unfortunately, I didn't receive any credit for either of the surveys that ended like this. I have been having better luck since though and have been getting through to the end of the survey with the congratulations page and receiving credit also. :) Good Luck in the future!!!!!


02-06-2010, 04:34 PM
About 50% of the time, I make it to the "congratulations" page of the Y2C surveys and still never receive credit. It is frustrating, but I still do them because there is a 100% chance that I will not get paid if I DON'T complete one:)

02-09-2010, 02:53 PM
About 50% of the time, I make it to the "congratulations" page of the Y2C surveys and still never receive credit. It is frustrating, but I still do them because there is a 100% chance that I will not get paid if I DON'T complete one:)

This is also happening to me. I didn't get credit for the one I did Friday, yesterday, or today. Tricia said maybe I am having a problem with my firewall. Does anyone know how to check this and fix it??? Please help!!!!:cry:

I am having no trouble getting credit for DS or AMP. They are crediting fine.

02-09-2010, 05:45 PM
This is also happening to me. I didn't get credit for the one I did Friday, yesterday, or today. Tricia said maybe I am having a problem with my firewall. Does anyone know how to check this and fix it??? Please help!!!!:cry:

I am having no trouble getting credit for DS or AMP. They are crediting fine.

Are you clearing cookies between taking the DS and the Your 2 Cents?

02-09-2010, 06:23 PM
Are you clearing cookies between taking the DS and the Your 2 Cents?

Yes always. This is new thing. I have always gotten credit before, but we got a new laptop and I am wondering if that may be the problem.

02-09-2010, 06:45 PM
Yes always. This is new thing. I have always gotten credit before, but we got a new laptop and I am wondering if that may be the problem.

Sorry this is happening to you. I am not a computer expert, but hopefully someone will be able to help you.

02-09-2010, 09:33 PM
I haven't had too much problem in the past with the Y2C surveys crediting, but over the last 2-3 weeks, I have noticed that I am not getting credited for them at all:cry:. I complete them, get to the "congratulations" page, and then the credit never shows up. I always clear my cookies between every survey (which I didn't used to do) but I still only seem to get credit for maybe 1 out of every 4 I complete.

It is so frustrating too because some of those surveys are LOOOONG and it is barely worth the $0.50, but then it is like a kick in the teeth when you finally finish one....and then it never credits:computer::computer:.

02-11-2010, 11:49 AM
I'm right there with you!
The last two times I have taken AMP and My 2 Cents (each) they haven't credited!!! :computer:
I clear my history, so that's not it.
What's going on???

02-11-2010, 06:13 PM
Seem like if I do a Y2C 2 days in a row, the 2nd won't credit; like today's hasn't credited. But if I do one every other day, not a problem. Just what seems to be the pattern this last week for me. I did clear cookies, too. Not sure why there should be a problem, but maybe there's something they need to clear up on their end, so our credit goes through consistently!

02-12-2010, 10:27 AM
Seeing that others are having the same issues as me makes me feel a little less badly about it.

I can get the other 2 surveys just fine, but lately no matter what I do, my your 2 cents will not credit, even after I get my congrats.


02-13-2010, 11:13 AM
again, really seems to be that I can get credit for a Y2C every other day, but not 2 days in a row! I wonder just why that is. Even used a different browser (IE instead of Firefox), but apparently to no avail. Oh well. Maybe I'll just do them every other day then! ---- and not complain any more about what simply seems to the way it works for me ----

02-13-2010, 01:23 PM
I did a Y2C on Thursday and never got credit did everything you are suppose to do and it still does not work That makes at least 2 so far this month They use to always credit without any problem :computer:

02-16-2010, 05:44 PM
Maybe they've fixed a glitch:clap:. Check this out....

#1902224 Credit: GiveUsYourTwoCents (Once a Day Survey) 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid
#1902225 Credit: GiveUsYourTwoCents (Once a Day Survey) 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid
#1902226 Credit: GiveUsYourTwoCents (Once a Day Survey) 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid
#1902166 Credit: YourTwoCents Daily Opinion Survey 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid


Hopefully it is not an error!!:banana::cooldance::banana:

02-16-2010, 06:16 PM
Maybe they've fixed a glitch:clap:. Check this out....

#1902224 Credit: GiveUsYourTwoCents (Once a Day Survey) 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid
#1902225 Credit: GiveUsYourTwoCents (Once a Day Survey) 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid
#1902226 Credit: GiveUsYourTwoCents (Once a Day Survey) 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid
#1902166 Credit: YourTwoCents Daily Opinion Survey 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid


Hopefully it is not an error!!:banana::cooldance::banana:

Wow! I have never heard of that happening! That is great!

02-16-2010, 06:24 PM
Maybe they've fixed a glitch:clap:. Check this out....

#1902224 Credit: GiveUsYourTwoCents (Once a Day Survey) 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid
#1902225 Credit: GiveUsYourTwoCents (Once a Day Survey) 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid
#1902226 Credit: GiveUsYourTwoCents (Once a Day Survey) 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010 Paid
#1902166 Credit: YourTwoCents Daily Opinion Survey 02/16/2010 0.50 Credits 02/16/2010

Hopefully it is not an error!!:banana::cooldance::banana:

wow! that's lucky.
if they're fixing glitches and giving out credit for surveys that didn't credit some days, I'd like to see mine, too!:p:D

m 'n c
02-16-2010, 07:41 PM
I thought Y2C credited the next day like Greenfield for non-SMs. That would explain why some people received a bunch of credits today from the holiday weekend.

02-16-2010, 09:10 PM
I thought Y2C credited the next day like Greenfield for non-SMs. That would explain why some people received a bunch of credits today from the holiday weekend.

If I am going to get credit, I get it on the hour after I have done the survey; otherwise, I don't see credit at all, not the next hour or the next day.
I don't know why it would work differently for some than others.:confused:

m 'n c
02-16-2010, 09:22 PM
I'm not sure if the person who posted the catch up is a SM thus my comment about non-SMs and credits.

02-16-2010, 09:24 PM
Oh, would it be different for an SM vs non-SM? - oops, I didn't think about that! I thot it would just credit the same for everyone, like the AMP does. Maybe not.....

m 'n c
02-16-2010, 09:25 PM
Oh, would it be different for an SM vs non-SM? - oops, I didn't think about that! I thot it would just credit the same for everyone, like the AMP does. Maybe not.....

No I remember Tricia changing it a while ago and she was thinking of changing it back but I don't think she ever did. I could be wrong but it would make sense in this case.

02-16-2010, 11:03 PM
I'm not sure if the person who posted the catch up is a SM thus my comment about non-SMs and credits.

Nope, not a SM.....yet:sunshine:...

03-27-2010, 09:58 AM
Mine usually credit within a hour or so and I had one that didn't credit Friday, and now its been about 3 hours and my2c credit isn't there today either. Oh well what can you do.