View Full Version : Fastpass???? Not

03-16-2010, 08:39 AM
I am booking a vacation for a client who says that 4 different people told her that Disney has some sort of ticket they purchased that allowed them to skip the ride lines. I told her about the Fastpasses that Disney has at no-cost but she said all these people bought whatever this is. I've never heard of such a thing, and certainly can't find any info anywhere on it. Anyone have a clue what this might be? I can call Disney to ask, I know, but I hate to ask a question that I'm 99.9999% positive I know the answer to.

03-16-2010, 08:48 AM
Did they maybe buy the Fastpasses on ebay? I know that we have gotten them before for things like DVC. And you could use your Volunteer Day to get them. I wonder if there is kind of a black market for them online now?

03-16-2010, 09:05 AM
I don't know. I spent quite some time online last night doing Google searches for anything I could think of about line skipping at Disney but couldn't find anything except Fastpasses. I just told her to see if she could get any more information from her friends. It does seem odd that 4 different people told her the same thing. Maybe they're all confused.

p.s. Tricia - can I put the link to my Disney travel site in my signature?

03-16-2010, 09:19 AM
I did a google search too and found this:
VIP passes - Kinda a strange thing, but, there are times where
Disney will give special passes to people. Sometimes through Make a
Wish foundation, sometimes to invited guests, media, employees, etc.
These passes are not available to the public other than through some
sort of special relationship with Disney. I know some travel agents
can get VIP passes for certain tours that allow early-entry into the
park and pre-arranged fast-pass-like access to certain attractions.

I've seen famous/VIP people with these but I don't think they have to purchase them?

Maybe they are GAC? but you don't purchase those either? Strange, if you find out what they are, let us know...I'm very curious now.

03-16-2010, 09:21 AM
Ebay is the only thing I can think of too- I have seen people selling Fastpasses on there before. Maybe people got them from the Give a Day program and are selling them on Ebay. Good luck!

m 'n c
03-16-2010, 09:25 AM
Universal has "fast passes" that you can buy. Maybe that is where the confusion is from.

03-16-2010, 09:27 AM
Universal has "fast passes" that you can buy. Maybe that is where the confusion is from.

I forgot about that..good point! Six Flags also offers a "flash pass" with the same concept. They might be assuming Disney does the same.

03-16-2010, 09:33 AM
I don't know. I spent quite some time online last night doing Google searches for anything I could think of about line skipping at Disney but couldn't find anything except Fastpasses. I just told her to see if she could get any more information from her friends. It does seem odd that 4 different people told her the same thing. Maybe they're all confused.

p.s. Tricia - can I put the link to my Disney travel site in my signature?

I'm sorry. :( Our board policy is only to allow our paid merchants to include links (or sites that we own). It's part of the deal that we make with them to get them to advertise on our site.

03-16-2010, 10:51 AM
Ebay is the only thing I can think of too- I have seen people selling Fastpasses on there before. Maybe people got them from the Give a Day program and are selling them on Ebay. Good luck!

Maybe I'm having a stupid moment but why would someone pay for a Fastpass? That would be awful if people are selling their Give a Day Tickets, but I guess some people would.

Thanks for everyone's input. I'll let you know if I find out anything for sure. Maybe I should just call Disney and ask them but I'm just hesitant to - sounds a bit stupid. But, maybe I'll learn about some sort of VIP pass like you mentioned.

03-16-2010, 02:51 PM
I have never heard of anything like a Fastpass that you can buy at Disney...Universal yes, but not Disney. BUT...that being said...I still think there are a LOT of people who do not understand how Fastpass works and might think it's an option you pay for. It amazes me how many people I talk to that visit Disney never take advantage of them. :confused: This client of yours could have found 4 of those very visitors. :)

03-16-2010, 06:17 PM
Okay, this is what I found out. If you book a VIP tour @ approximately $175 per hour, you get a guide through the parks and get to go to the head of the line. I think I'll suggest that my client take her chances with a Fastpass. :)