View Full Version : I LOVE Duwop Lip Venom from glow.com!!!!!!!

04-02-2010, 06:35 PM
Oh my gosh...seriously, you should all go immediately to glow.com and order the Duwop Lip Venom. I used the mini lip venom trio last night, and I SWEAR my lips have never looked better! I am a huge lip gloss fanatic and have tried A LOT, and this stuff is incredible! Makes your lips glossy in a good way, and it seriously made my lips look fuller! I went out at 8, came back a little after midnight and reapplied once during the night. Even after I came home and took my makeup off, my lips still looked awesome, just without the glossy sheen :)! I have never used anything like this! :love:

Just checked the glow.com site now to see how much it was, and all Duwop lip venom is 20% off and free shipping! The mini trio I used is on sale for $15!!!!

Also wore an ez eye shadow roller from glow.com last night, but can't remember the exact name of it, will check later...it was easy to apply and lasted all night, fun!

04-02-2010, 07:58 PM
I'm so glad that you wrote about this. It was my favorite product in the ones that they sent for the contest as well!! I love those minis because I can throw one in my jeans pocket if I need to touch up throughout the day. But I really don't find myself touching up nearly as much as I do with regular lip gloss.

I need to go check that sale because I would like to get a full-sized one as well to keep in my makeup bag since I have divided up my minis into different places. :)

04-03-2010, 10:48 AM
I don't normally wear gloss, mostly because of it's texture, but the Lip Venom doesn't have that problem at all! It's not too sticky, and I can't feel it sitting heavily on my lips like so many other glosses I've tried. Great idea, Tricia, about throwing one of the minis in your pocket!

I really liked the E-Z Eye Eye Shadow. I was surprised at how great it rolled on. I wore it for several hours, and it had good staying power. I'm gonna check out what other colors they have.

m 'n c
04-03-2010, 10:57 AM
I didn't notice my lips being fuller but I love the shimmer that it adds on top of my regular gloss. I used the one with the gold specs in it last night since I was going with an orange/green/copper look.

The eye shadow roller definitely went well with the look and I was able to use my old Stila smudge pot in copper that I've had for 2 years but haven't been able to find the right shadow to go with it.