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View Full Version : How often do you cash out?

10-16-2007, 10:59 PM

I have about $160 in my SR account. We don't plan on going to Disneyworld until 2010. I am tempted to cash out tomorrow for Disney gift cards, but I am not sure if I should just leave the money there and wait until later. I don't think the cards have an expiration.

What would you do? Cash out and save the card or leave the money there and cash out later on?


10-16-2007, 11:05 PM
The disney cards don't have any expiration, but if you aren't going until 2010, I'd wait. I'm willing to bet there will be more, but not until next year. That way you can maximize your savings (the $200 for $188 is the best).

Alternately, I would check out what non-disney specials there are tomorrow, perhaps you might find something for Christmas gifts.

Good job & good luck w/ future credits! :cooldance:

10-16-2007, 11:16 PM
Yep i too would wait for the next special and get the higher $200 cards as they offer the best deal! I cashed out for my frist 4 $25 cards as soon as i had the money because i was leaving in 30days but now i will cash out during big cashouts for trip if and when i can!

10-17-2007, 07:18 AM
I agree with the two previous posters - wait until you have enough $$ to cash out for a bigger GC or look at the other non-Disney GC that will be offered as specials today!
