View Full Version : Paid emails?

04-08-2010, 07:56 AM
When I look at Current Earnings, at the top it says paid emails. I don't get any emails is there a settings somewhere that I have to change?

04-08-2010, 08:56 AM
Paid emails are sent based on demographics and interests. So be sure to fill out your profile page and you will be more likely to get them.

04-12-2010, 02:01 AM
has there been any recently? Ive noticed i havent recieved any in a while...

04-12-2010, 07:23 AM
Honestly, we just don't see many paid clicks and paid emails any more from reputable companies because they aren't getting a return on their investment. For the last paid click that we did, less than 1% of the people even clicked on the banners on the landing page. The advertiser ended up losing money off of it. We're very picky about who we accept for those because we don't want to take the chance that there is anything scammy or viruses or toolbars on the sites. So we limit ourselves to reputable companies. But because our members aren't really checking out the advertisers, we don't recommend to many people that they advertise with us like that.

04-18-2010, 02:55 AM
so, basically, eventually, besides maybe shopping %'s back, is SR going to eventually cease to exist?

im just worried eventually it wont be worth it on your part and... well... you know.

04-18-2010, 04:55 AM
I'm not sure why you think SR may not exist. As you can see from my total I have done quite well with SR, and only $2.80 has been from paid emails. SR was never about paid emails. Shopping and surverys are how you can make the most here. If you were expecting to make a lot of $ thru paid clicks, you are at the wrong place.


04-18-2010, 09:20 AM
Laura's right. The paid clicks and emails were never a big part of our business. Really just a little something extra that we did now and then. The majority of our business has always been the shopping, offers, and surveys. And given that we have gone from one daily survey to five daily surveys in a little over a year, I'm hoping that we have even more to offer our members. :)

04-18-2010, 02:59 PM
has there been any recently? Ive noticed i havent recieved any in a while...

Actually, I had quite a few merchants here have sponsored paid click emails through us the last quarter of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 and with less then 1% of our members clicking on them, I can't in good conscience keep recommending to our merchants to even do them. Some even give away free products on their site, and all of them offer our members great savings through the clicks, and since very few take advantage, its not worth my time to even work on getting anyone to sponsor them. There are so many ways to earn real money on SR, that paid emails can't compare.

04-23-2010, 01:31 AM
Actually, I had quite a few merchants here have sponsored paid click emails through us the last quarter of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 and with less then 1% of our members clicking on them, I can't in good conscience keep recommending to our merchants to even do them. Some even give away free products on their site, and all of them offer our members great savings through the clicks, and since very few take advantage, its not worth my time to even work on getting anyone to sponsor them. There are so many ways to earn real money on SR, that paid emails can't compare.

Well, being canadian i am extremly limited in what will actually work for me (very many "not available in your area" messages). Please dont take this conversation as a complaint of any kind. I only asked because being canadian i did rely on paid clicks more than others. I likely notice it more in my account. thats all.

as far as my 'cease to exist' comment, I was thinking in my mind 1 merchant dropping out, followed by another, etc until there are none left, or until its not worth it anymore to run the SR site. Thats what i was afraid of.

04-23-2010, 07:01 AM
Well, being canadian i am extremly limited in what will actually work for me (very many "not available in your area" messages). Please dont take this conversation as a complaint of any kind. I only asked because being canadian i did rely on paid clicks more than others. I likely notice it more in my account. thats all.

as far as my 'cease to exist' comment, I was thinking in my mind 1 merchant dropping out, followed by another, etc until there are none left, or until its not worth it anymore to run the SR site. Thats what i was afraid of.

Actually, I'm happy to say that we are now seeing more and more of our merchants shipping internationally or to just Canada. We try to keep up with all of them that do, they don't always tell us. So, if you see a particular merchant that you wonder if they do, or if you find one that does that is not in our international shipping category, let me know.