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04-29-2010, 05:01 PM
I am trying to set a goal for myself and am kind of confused on what my cash out date has to be. I am going on a Disney cruise and will be leaving Oct 23. What day do I need to cash out for a Disney gift card to get it here on time?

Also, do you think now that we are making money faster on here that there is any chance they will up the qualifying amount for super members? I am getting close and would hate for it to get changed before this quarter is up.

Thanks for any input.

04-29-2010, 05:25 PM
I would cash out at the beginning of Sept. - probably as close to the 1st as you can. That will ensure that you get it before you leave.

And Tricia would not change the qualifying amount in the middle of the quarter so I think that you will be safe for this quarter. I'm not Tricia, so I can't say for sure but I've been around long enough to be fairly sure!


04-29-2010, 05:26 PM
I am trying to set a goal for myself and am kind of confused on what my cash out date has to be. I am going on a Disney cruise and will be leaving Oct 23. What day do I need to cash out for a Disney gift card to get it here on time?

Also, do you think now that we are making money faster on here that there is any chance they will up the qualifying amount for super members? I am getting close and would hate for it to get changed before this quarter is up.

Thanks for any input.

The site advises you give a full 6 weeks to get your cash out in time. If I were you, I'd give a little more time so as not to stress about it. I think if you cash out prior to Sept. 1st, you should be fine.

As far as the SM qualifying amount being changed, that is totally up to Tricia. I DO know she encourages people to become SM's, even trying to get more crediting opportunities for the members close to the end of the quarter. I personally don't feel she is going to change the qualifying amount this quarter, and hopefully not at all for the future. However, it is totally up to SR.

Good luck meeting your earnings goal.

m 'n c
04-29-2010, 06:41 PM
I would cash out by Sept 1. You can probably wait and cash out a little later but I feel Sept. 1 is the safest.

As far as SM goes, $100 has been the threshold for years so I don't see it going up. SMs are happy members and the more happy, SM members Tricia has spreading the word about SR then the better the site is. Tricia did just add a SM Plus program that is $250 and I think with the new offers we'll start seeing some more people qualifying for that. I really would love to one quarter so we'll just have to see what happens.

04-29-2010, 08:00 PM
Thanks. I will cash out Sept 1. I about have tips covered so that leaves me plenty of time to cover snorkel rentals and bingo!!!