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View Full Version : ? about the weather

10-23-2007, 09:52 PM
This may be a dumb question but is there a good website I can check and check back to get an idea of what the weather and temp will be like when we're in disney? One better then going to the local tv stations or weather channel?

I did take someone's idea to Trishia when I was at the $ store today and just bought adult poncho's and a $1 umbrella (only 1) for the kids. There were 2 in a bag for a buck!


10-24-2007, 07:56 AM
I used a combination of www.weather.com and www.accuweather.com. The only problem is that the weather down here changes SO fast!

10-24-2007, 08:26 AM
I live here and I've given up trying to figure out the weather. Unless it is 190 degrees and no clouds, then the forcast is always "partly cloudy with chance of thunderstorms".

There have been several days that we have checked the weather channel while trying to decide if it is raining in Orlando and while it may look like it is pouring (according to the weather channel), we will find it perfect overcast park weather when we arrive.

DH thinks that as long as he carries a poncho in his pocket, it will not rain. The days we don't haul ponchos to parks, it pours.

The parks do tend to clear out a bit when it is pouring, so even if it rains, there's always a sunny side in the storm.:sunshine2:

10-24-2007, 12:40 PM
Someone on the DIS gave me this link a long time ago:


I've used it for our past several trips and I've found it to be fairly accurate (as accurate as Florida weather can be). Happy planning!!

10-29-2007, 08:58 PM
We'll be down there this Friday for a week:cooldance: I did check all the sites & they change so frequently! Last night, accuweather showed 73 as the high for next Fri, 11/9, today it showed 84! That is certainly not helping in my packing ideas!!

I'm curious though - when it says it gets into the 60s at night, how do you dress down there? I'm not sure if it'll be jeans weather every night, or maybe just throw on a sweatshirt & keep the shorts on. Being up here in PA, that would be chilly at night! I really don't want to overpack, but I'm starting to feel like I have to bring everything!

10-30-2007, 08:24 AM
First of all, welcome to the SR forum!!:sunshine:

During "cooler" months in Florida, we wear jeans to the park and carry a sweatshirt or a light jacket with us for the evening. For days where it is too hot early in the day for jeans, but we expect the evening to be chilly - we where shorts and take a sweatshirt/jacket with us. Sometimes, I end up buying a sweatshirt at the park because we weren't prepared.

You could always rent a locker at the front of the parks to put jackets in if you don't want to haul them around the park all day.

I'd recommend you bring both shorts & jeans and sweatshirts/jackets. You probably should consider bringing 2 pairs of shoes for each person (maybe flipflops+ 1 pair of other shoes) & extra socks because it is raining quite a bit right now and walking around in squishy shoes gets old fast.

It takes us exactly one hour to drive from our driveway to the purple Disney welcome sign and it is very gray and raining today at our house. So, don't forget your rain gear/ponchos.

10-31-2007, 08:40 AM
Thanks for the welcome & the info!! I'm home packing today, so I'll just throw in a little bit of everything! I was at the mall yesterday - picked up a cute Tinker Bell sweatshirt in the Disney store - I figured it was cheaper than down there! I'll probably even throw it on here to get to the airport. When we leave Fri am, it's only supposed to be in the 40s here - and it will still be dark, so pretty chilly. I can't wait to come down there & warm up! Thanks again!

11-04-2007, 12:44 AM
April............have you been checking the weather.......looks like the night we are both going to MVMCP is going to be nice..........will need a sweater, but no rain forcasted!!! YEAH

11-04-2007, 06:44 AM
April............have you been checking the weather.......looks like the night we are both going to MVMCP is going to be nice..........will need a sweater, but no rain forcasted!!! YEAH

No. not yet! I had to get thru DD4's bday party this weekend. NOW i can concentrate on packing and getting ready for WDW!!!

That's great news though! I'm sitting here trying to figure out, what in the world to pack. Since we're staying off site the house we have has a washer and dryer so I think I'm going to pack 2 short outfits just in case, several jeans/pants and a bunch of tshirts and sweatshirts. Well not a bunch, but enough that I don't have to worry, and may only need to do one load while we're there.

11-04-2007, 09:59 AM
I finally got to look at weather last night (sydney's friend party was yesterday....I am exhausted and now gearing up for our family party today at 2).

Last weekend I switched over all of the girls clothes and put aside the outfits that they will be wearing, but I think I am going to go out and get them both new sweatsuits to have (both are growing out of everything) for the plane ride to and from and for an extra outfit for at night (we also will have a washer and dryer in our room at Old Key West, so that is really nice....especially since my 4 year old likes certain outfits and may throw a fit if she can't wear it most of the time!!!!!! The washer will help with that problem)

Getting excited.......we leave late this Friday night...........have all of our documents ready and thankfully the first full day we have there (Saturday) is dedicated to just hanging at the resort, swimming, maybe some miniture golf.....we don't start all the park craziness until Sunday.......so we will have a little bit of a rest on Saturday (which is good since we don't arrive in Orlando until after midnight !!)

Have fun with all of the packing....getting excited......now have to just pack in the next few days and I will feel ready!!
