View Full Version : Filing Trouble Tickets for surveys...

10-24-2007, 07:29 PM
I know we all get frustrated with the surveys, but filing a trouble ticket won't help. All it does is tie up our time for the things we can get credit for. We don't control the surveys, Greenfield does. We will be addressing a lot of problems with them in a couple weeks, but in the meantime, if you file a trouble ticket, I'm not even going to answer it, I'm just going to close it out. i can't get you credit for it, I can't make them have you qualify (believe me, I don't qualify half the time either) and I can't help if the qualification questions seem like a survey in itself (Tricia and I get the same thing). All I can say is its a free .80 each (when we get credit) and bonus at the end of the month and though its aggravating, its worth it or so many people wouldn't take them repeatedly.

10-24-2007, 10:13 PM
I know we all get frustrated with the surveys, but filing a trouble ticket won't help. All it does is tie up our time for the things we can get credit for. We don't control the surveys, Greenfield does. We will be addressing a lot of problems with them in a couple weeks, but in the meantime, if you file a trouble ticket, I'm not even going to answer it, I'm just going to close it out. i can't get you credit for it, I can't make them have you qualify (believe me, I don't qualify half the time either) and I can't help if the qualification questions seem like a survey in itself (Tricia and I get the same thing). All I can say is its a free .80 each (when we get credit) and bonus at the end of the month and though its aggravating, its worth it or so many people wouldn't take them repeatedly.

Completely understandable!!!! Hopefully things will get straightened out when you see them in NY. Something funky did happen though that's for sure, bc I'm still only able to access my survey's for the next day after 8 pm at night. I just got one for today 20 mins ago, but all day long it tells me I exceeded my limit. Its like their updates or SR's who knows, has to run before it wipes out the exceed and allows me to take another one.
I'm just thankful I can still get in! (Although i never did figure out my desktop's problem, still can't do them there, I have to use my husband's laptop to do them)

Thank you for everything that your doing to take care of us!


10-24-2007, 11:34 PM
:hugs: Here ya go.