View Full Version : Surprise trip...but I want to tell them...

05-24-2010, 05:04 PM
I really want to keep my trip a surprise. But at the same time I am struggling not talking to the kids about the trip. Part of the fun is them helping with the planning...but....it is so fun to be surprised too...ugh...

The kids' dad is taking them to Mexico next week. So it isn't like they NEED another vacation, so if I tell them, it won't be terribly exciting for them, you know?

Any ideas? Would you keep it a surprise?

05-24-2010, 06:19 PM
I would keep it a surprise...I think they would be more excited to find out about it when the time comes since they are going on vacation soon anyway, JMO! Then they won't be overwelmed with vacation overload? :D

05-24-2010, 07:56 PM
if you are anything like me Angela I am always talking to the kids about disney and we play game about different places we want to eat, what resort is our fav or want to try next, what park would be do first, etc...

so why not do that with them.... and then either the day before of the day of surprise them (one year I did this and they did not know until we were at the airport and I gave them a bag to open that was mickey themed and talked with a sign inside that said "surprise you are going to WDW NOW"...they thought we were taking my sister to the airport for a business trip!)

Have fun with it!!

05-25-2010, 09:42 AM
I would tell them 1 month before we leave :) That way they can have fun with helping you plan and looking forward to it, but it's not too long to wait :)

My DS7 asks me to play "the Disney guessing game" EVERY freakin day! It is the only conversation he wants to have! He loves guessing disney resorts, rides, and restaurants - I asked him if he is planning on being a WDW tour guide - he was like "you can do that?" I know what his career path will be :rotfl:

It is nice of you to let the ex take the kids to Mexico......I would have to say a big NO to that! But I am a big worrier, that's why we vacation at WDW so often, one place where I can let the guard down a bit :)

05-25-2010, 01:27 PM
Yeah...Not a fan of the kids going to Mexico. Actually this is the 2nd time he is taking them in 7 months. I will make sure that I stay busy ALL next week so I don't worry the whole time.

I will at least wait until mid July to tell them. But now, I am thinking that it might just be fun to wait til the morning of. It would be something they would remember always....

05-25-2010, 02:14 PM
My girlfriend just told me that she went to her sons school and picked him up for an ortho appt that had been scheduled forever. And when he got in the car she said hey you wanna ditch the dentist and go to Disneyland instead. Drove to the airport and got on a plane. Had the whole thing planned. Said it was the most memorable trip she has ever had with him.