View Full Version : SH Question

06-02-2010, 11:16 PM
Can anyone tell me why Surveyhead is not crediting me money for doing 2 surveys now? I didn't get credit for the first one so I did another one and haven't been credited. I cleared my browsing history both times. If it is something I'm doing I'd love to know so I don't do it again.

06-03-2010, 12:28 AM
How long are you waiting before you clear? Sometimes they credit at the top of the hour and sometimes it takes a couple hours. I usually give it at least 3 and then forge ahead. Someone else may have better info. :blush:

06-03-2010, 06:48 AM
I usually clear in an hour. The first survey I took early am and the second in the pm. I was credited no problem the day before. I also can't seem to get the GF survey to load. Don't know what is going on.

06-03-2010, 10:17 AM
Sorry for starting this thread. I saw on another that you don't want this in the forum. I totally understand but as a new member I have questions and don't know who you ask. I thought I'd ask here first and see if anyone could help me figure it out. Once again sorry.

06-03-2010, 10:24 AM
If you're clearing cookies after an hour, I'd give it some more time. That could be the problem, but I couldn't say for sure.

I also leave the tab for the survey open for a little bit after reaching the congrats page. I don't know if it actually does me any good, but that's what I'm comfortable with.

06-03-2010, 10:34 AM
Okay, thanks.

m 'n c
06-03-2010, 10:36 AM
Have you added any new programs in the last day or two? Any new toolbars? Possibly run a spybot type program? Sometimes these things will change your settings and mess with your cookie handling. Also are you using Internet Explorer?

06-03-2010, 10:48 AM
I have had some trouble accessing the GF page - instead of the green box on the SR page, I have a red x, and it goes to the Internet Cannot Display the Web Page. It has happened over the past few days, but it is always temporary and I was able to access GF a little while ago after not being able to get there earlier. Just keep trying.

As far as SH, I had one not credit two days ago, even though I got the congrats page. I also had a Y2C not credit the same day (even with the congrats page), but both credited for me yesterday. Sometimes I think it is just a tracking glitch, while other times I wonder if it is the particular survey that causes the problem. Good advice from the PPs to not clear cookies too quickly - I usually clear in the morning and not again until the next day unless there is a problem. I have found that I don't usually even need to clear cookies between SH surveys - they usually credit even if I forget to clear.

If other surveys are crediting for you and if you are getting the Congrats page (in three languages), it may have just been a glitch. Do you clear cookies with CCleaner or just with Internet Explorer Tools? I have found that clearing with IE sometimes leaves some cookies, so I clear with CCleaner every day.

I've only had a handful of surveys ever not credit when I have gotten the congrats page (over all the survey companies) - if you are having a frequent problem with one particular company, it sounds like a settings issue.

06-03-2010, 11:05 AM
Sorry for starting this thread. I saw on another that you don't want this in the forum. I totally understand but as a new member I have questions and don't know who you ask. I thought I'd ask here first and see if anyone could help me figure it out. Once again sorry.

Asking questions about completing surveys and how to set up your computer or how to change your settings is not a problem. Asking for or about particular survey credits in the forum we would prefer you not do. It is perfectly ok to ask about the technical issues involved with getting your computer set up or corrected so that surveys will credit. Welcome and good luck!!!

06-03-2010, 02:58 PM
I had a 50/50 yesterday, I did 6 survey's and only 3 credited. I've been having problems with my internet kicking out with survey's. If I sit on a page to long, ie, watching a video, or it just has a lot of questions/ answers/ selectins, my internet will kick out. So I don't know if it has to do with inactivity, or if there is something wrong with my modem.

06-03-2010, 03:42 PM
Do you get the messages when do other things besides surveys on your computer? It seems really odd but being that it happens on more than one survey company it definitely seems like something on your connection end. Since they are all on different networks it would be highly unlikely that more than one survey company would be having the same time out issue at the same time. Do you use wireless or are you connected with an ethernet chord? If you are on wireless maybe try plugging in the ethernet and see if you get a better connection. If so then there may be something that is making your wireless signal lower and so making you time out. Let me know if you figure it out. For some reason I have found that my best crediting happens if I am plugged in to my ethernet. I always plug in the ethernet and turn off the wireless if I am shopping and I usually do the same for surveys and offers. It isn't a problem for me because the modem is next to where I use the computer but it might be harder for you. I hope you get it figured out! Good luck!

m 'n c
06-03-2010, 04:57 PM
I had a 50/50 yesterday, I did 6 survey's and only 3 credited. I've been having problems with my internet kicking out with survey's. If I sit on a page to long, ie, watching a video, or it just has a lot of questions/ answers/ selectins, my internet will kick out. So I don't know if it has to do with inactivity, or if there is something wrong with my modem.

What kind of internet do you use? What kind of modem do you use? Do you use a router at all? I ask because I use a Linksys router at home (circa 2005) and have never had an issue but my parents bought a Linksys router (circa 2008/2009) and they get booted frequently.

06-03-2010, 06:46 PM
Do you get the messages when do other things besides surveys on your computer? It seems really odd but being that it happens on more than one survey company it definitely seems like something on your connection end. Since they are all on different networks it would be highly unlikely that more than one survey company would be having the same time out issue at the same time. Do you use wireless or are you connected with an ethernet chord? If you are on wireless maybe try plugging in the ethernet and see if you get a better connection. If so then there may be something that is making your wireless signal lower and so making you time out. Let me know if you figure it out. For some reason I have found that my best crediting happens if I am plugged in to my ethernet. I always plug in the ethernet and turn off the wireless if I am shopping and I usually do the same for surveys and offers. It isn't a problem for me because the modem is next to where I use the computer but it might be harder for you. I hope you get it figured out! Good luck!

What kind of internet do you use? What kind of modem do you use? Do you use a router at all? I ask because I use a Linksys router at home (circa 2005) and have never had an issue but my parents bought a Linksys router (circa 2008/2009) and they get booted frequently.

I used to have to a CPU, but the on/off switch broke, so my dh gave me his laptop from work, because he gets a new one every 6 months. I hooked up the computer through the router, to the modem, because all my kids have laptops for college and when they come home, they need to get online, wireless. I have netGear system, and it is probably over 5 years old. It is probably the router, I replaced the modem (rent from charter) over a year ago, so I am thinking it is the wireless router too.

06-03-2010, 07:22 PM
I may have been using Internet Explorer or Chrome(?). I don't think we have put anything new on the computer but I'll have to ask my DH. I am clearing cookies with just the tools. What is CCClear? If nothing else I might learn a little bit about computers:rotfl:

06-03-2010, 07:24 PM
I know my DH said we need a new router. Any recommendations?

06-03-2010, 07:31 PM
I don't have recommendations for a router but go download CCleaner. It is free and all you have to do is click on it before you open your browser to do surveys in the morning. It will clear all of the cookies on your computer with one program. Be careful because it also clears the remembered user names and passwords so make sure you know them all before you clear them...i.e. bank sign in info. It is so much easier and more thorough than just using the tools because it clears all cookies. Try that for a day or two before buying a new router and see how it works. I only clear cookies for surveys once in the morning and then do all 5 of the surveys that I do. Then we clear cookies again because DH does the YTC and if I don't clear cookies first my info is still prefilled when he tries to do the YTC. If you do both you shouldn't have to clear cookies the second time. Wait for them all to credit and see how it works. Let us know what you think and how it works. Good luck!!

m 'n c
06-03-2010, 09:40 PM
I may have been using Internet Explorer or Chrome(?). I don't think we have put anything new on the computer but I'll have to ask my DH. I am clearing cookies with just the tools. What is CCClear? If nothing else I might learn a little bit about computers:rotfl:

You can find the link on the Software thread in the Tech Issues section. There is spybot, adware removers, and then ccleaner. All 3 are great tools to have just in general to keep your computer clean and fresh.

As far as routers go I'm not sure what to recommend. But when researching computers, I used the reviews on Cnet, Bestbuy, and Buy.com to help me decide what to buy.

06-03-2010, 11:50 PM
Thanks everybody. I'm not sure what DH did but it all is working again. Hopefully it is not a temporary fix.

m 'n c
06-03-2010, 11:58 PM
Thanks everybody. I'm not sure what DH did but it all is working again. Hopefully it is not a temporary fix.

Well you better give him a stern lecture about how messing with the computer cost you some money :rotfl: Glad things are working and fingers crossed that they don't happen again.

06-04-2010, 08:03 PM
Well, my luck has ended. I took 3 surveys and none credited. I have no idea what is going on with my computer. I was really hoping to have a good enough month to become a SM but at this rate It will be almost impossible.

The worst thing is I have no idea what to do to fix the problem.