View Full Version : Used Computer & IP Address

06-03-2010, 03:28 PM
I know this question has been asked different ways... but it's a little different. I received a laptop from my sister & she uses SR - But now it's my computer; and I'd like to use it for SR... so my question is - My IP address should be different than what she used at her house, right? Do I need to do anything so I can use my "new" laptop for SR?

06-03-2010, 03:38 PM
I do believe that the IP is generated by the modem or wireless that you use. Therefore it shouldn't matter what computer you use to do SR as long as it is not connected to a modem with an IP address already used by someone on SR. Does that make sense? So members can't share IP addresses. I would do a restore on the laptop to it's factory settings to get rid of everything on it that has been done since she bought it. I would do a good cookie cleaning and run an adware to make sure nothing from her is left on there. Besides that I don't think there should be any problem.

m 'n c
06-03-2010, 05:01 PM
Just clear things out really well (ie cookies) and you should be fine.

Just a quick computer lesson so I can still "use" that degree LOL. Each computer has a mac address which is a specific address internal to your computer. And then there are IP addresses which are generated by your internet provider and they can be changed, recycled, etc. The IP address gives your geographical location and service provider incase you do anything illegal the courts can "find" you. :)

06-04-2010, 03:41 PM
Thanks ladies! I know enough about computers to get me in trouble...heehee... but just wanted to make sure - Figured someone would steer me in the right way!

How have you been doing? I feel like SR friends are long lost friends... ever since I bought the house we've been busy busy!! And the computer isn't right in the living room; so that is a bigger reason why I haven't been around!

m 'n c
06-04-2010, 04:16 PM
You sound like a great candidate for a laptop and I'm glad you just got one

Overall I'm doing good. Went on a cruise in April and signed up for another next April but I might change the departure point and thus all the other destinations. Also quit my job today and start my new one on Monday so I'm super excited and happy today.

06-05-2010, 10:38 PM
How awesome! Good to hear that you had a job lined up before you quit your current job. :)

I hope to be around a little more now since I have the laptop near the rest of the fam.:D