View Full Version : when should I cash out?

06-04-2010, 12:07 PM
Hi All,

Just stated with SR at the end of April, so this would be my first cash out, and I'm not sure about the timing.
I would be cashing out for Disney gift card(s) to take on our trip. Last day for mail delivery before the trip is Saturday August 28th.
If I can keep up the pace, and a bit of shopping, I should be able to get either $300 or $325 but the $325 could be tight and might need an extra day or two to pay for the mailing cost, etc. Would I be OK if I put in my request Mon. July 19th? If I am a few cents short in getting to the next card value, could I push it a day or two beyond that, or is July 19th already pushing it?
I know I am asking this early, but I figure its best to have a goal and a plan!

BTW, LOVE SR! :love: When I signed up, I didn't think it was "for real" and figured I would be lucky to cash out for $25 before our trip!

Thanks for any guidance,

06-04-2010, 01:02 PM
It usually takes 6 weeks to receive your Disney gift cards. Sometimes they come early, but I would leave 6 weeks just to make sure. If it was me, I would cash out by Friday, July 16th, but thats just my opinion. I wouldnt want to risk that they wouldnt arrive before we left. Hope that helps and welcome to SR! :sunshine:

06-04-2010, 01:09 PM
:agree: when I cashed out last october it took 6 weeks and 2 days to get my card. If I had waited until the last possible minute we'd have missed the cards. For $300 gc, I'd definately want to make sure I had it before we left, so i'd cash out a 7 weeks just to be on the safe side.

06-04-2010, 01:28 PM
I wouldn't wait to the very very end.

For my last cashout, thanks to the awesome, helpful, wonderful, and fabulous thread that Tricia's been keeping on the Announcements page telling us when things have been sent out, I could see that my GC was sent out inside the 6th week. Thankfully the USPS worked miraculously from MI (I think that's where she lives) to WA, and I got it in something like 2 days, which was amazing.

But if there had been a storm along the way, or a hiccup in delivery, or if USPS had just acted like they act sometimes, it could easily have taken the full time for normal mail delivery, which is more than 2 days.

So give yourself a nice buffer between the end of the 6 weeks and when you're leaving. Because as frustrating as it might be to have an amount in your account that you could have cashed out for, that feeling would pale in comparison to having to leave withOUT your GC because you took it too close.

06-04-2010, 02:06 PM
Thanks everyone! I will make July 16th the absolute last day I put in the request (rather than July 19th), and hopefully a few days before that.
Its sounds like it could depend on the luck of timing...if you just a miss a batch going out it could take the full 6 weeks or more.


06-04-2010, 02:22 PM
You could always cash out for the $300 as soon as you earn it so that it is sure to get there on time and then work really hard to get the extra $25 under the deadline.

m 'n c
06-04-2010, 02:59 PM
I would recommend that you cash out for what you have on that date and then if you happen to earn a little more then cash out for paypal before the 31st and it will be deposited to your account while you are on vacation and you can just move it to your bank account when you get back. :)

06-05-2010, 01:58 PM
Thanks for the ideas. I will def cash out for the $300 as soon as I get it.
If I can get the next $25 in plenty of time before the trip, I will get the Disney gift card, if it looks close time-wise I will go for the paypal.
