View Full Version : WEIRD

11-01-2007, 09:03 PM
This is so weird. I did a toysrus order weeks ago I went to look for it and couldn't find any record of it. I used my mcdonalds codes so I was sad to lose it. It has never showed up at my house or on any bills. But I had put bill me later to get the 15 dollars off. But this Monday I put an order in with payless shoes, cute boots for kids, and now cannot find that either. I wonder if I have a problematic card. I know it worked as I got the screen that says here is your order number. But do you think I was smart enough to print that out. NO!

So weird

11-02-2007, 06:45 AM
That is odd.....I would try calling the stores to see if they see an order at all. I would be disappointed too, to lose my points.

I did lose an order once. Ordered, said I was successful and then nothing. I waited about 2 months before ordering it again because I did not want double of that item.

11-02-2007, 08:28 AM
hope you figure this one out..........that is odd

11-02-2007, 03:43 PM
I'm not sure if all Windows has this, or if you need MS Office...

What I do is when I get to the order confirmation page, I print it, but instead of selecting my printer, I choose Microsoft Office Document Image Writer. That will give you a copy/file to save to your computer. Then I have a directory for my frequent stores, and I can find the "receipt" if I know what date the order was. And I don't have to worry about mounds of paper piling up. I have an external hd, so I backup all my files. Learned that lesson the hard way :rolleyes:

I know this doesn't solve your mystery, but since you mentioned you didn't print it out thought I'd throw out the tip to ya! You can also print to an Adobe pdf if you have that software.