View Full Version : Have the survey's picked up for you yet?

08-04-2010, 10:26 AM
I know Mondays are usually really slow for surveys, and since this Monday was also the begining of the month, it was really slow. But now here it is Wednesday and there are still no survey's available! I haven't gotten a MV all month....and it's not that i'm not qualifing, they just don't have anything available. no M2C either. So far today I've gotten a DS, but all 5 other survey's all say no survey's available. :confused:

not counting today, out of 18 possible survey opportunities for 3 days of the month so far, I've only gotten 8! Crappy when I normally get 4-5 each day!

m 'n c
08-04-2010, 10:31 AM
Have a little patience.