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06-07-2007, 08:58 PM
Do not be surprised if you have some trouble tickets that have not been moved to "submitted to merchant" yet despite you filling in all of the appropriate information. Over the last month we have seen a huge rise in the number of trouble tickets filed (in part just because of the increase in members on the site and the number of offers that we have). As we started submitting more and more credit disputes, some of the merchants asked that we lump them together rather than sending a new one every other day.

So especially for places we have a lot of disputes (Blockbuster, Stamps.com, Shoebuy, Columbia House, BMG, etc), we will only be submitting them once a week or every other week. It will NOT hurt your chances of getting your credits and will actually help to ensure that the old odds and ends submissions do not fall between the cracks.

08-06-2007, 10:45 AM
What does it mean if it says "under SR review"? I have two for purchase, one for a large amount, that I will love to get before my trip later this month.


08-06-2007, 10:48 AM
That means that we have read the ticket and started investigating it but cannot yet send it to the merchant (either we need more information or we are waiting until our designated day of the month for submitting that particular merchant's disputes).

08-21-2007, 09:57 AM
How long are you leaving trouble tickets open? I have a large purchase from about 6 months ago that both of us have not received payment on!!

08-21-2007, 10:00 AM
How long are you leaving trouble tickets open? I have a large purchase from about 6 months ago that both of us have not received payment on!!

I'm leaving that particular one open until they give me the money. LOL! Usually, I would not. But yours is a special situation because it has been held up by technical issues on the network side.

Normally, I would leave them open for about 90 days. If we can't get credit within 90 days of submitting them to the merchant, we wouldn't ever get credit.

11-13-2007, 03:59 PM
As our membership expands and holiday shopping increases, we are seeing a HUGE number of trouble tickets filed for shopping. Although 90% of the time we file disputes with merchants they do not give us the credits for one reason or another, we want you to know that we take the trouble tickets seriously.

Toward that end, MissAngie is going to be taking over the daunting task of dealing with the trouble tickets through the end of the year. While I expect that it will take a couple of weeks to get her up to speed, you should start to see the shopping disputes processed much more quickly.

A few words about the trouble tickets first:

Why do we only get credit for about 90% of the disputes that we file? The first, biggest reason is that the member did something outside the "rules." This includes using ANY coupon code not listed on SR, clicking around coupon sites after you have clicked on our link, putting things in your shopping cart before you click on our link, not having your cookies enabled, blocking cookies, using gift cards to make your purchase, or using an 800 number to complete a purchase. Any one of these can result in us not getting credit.

The other, smaller, reason that we do not always get credit is that some merchants just do not respond. They have thousands of transactions a day and don't want to be bothered with our disputes. We keep them on the site because people beg us to add them. The general rule is that the bigger the company, the less they are to care about our trouble tickets (with few exceptions).

During the holiday season, we tend to give back such high percentages on purchases that we just don't have a margin to pay when we do not get paid. So we stand firm on that part of our T&C. However, know that with the addition of Angie, we are hoping to have a better chance at staying on some of these merchants and pursuing your credits aggressively.

Welcome to the Sunshine Team, Angie. :) You are going to have your hands full. LOL!

m 'n c
11-13-2007, 05:41 PM
I didn't know you couldn't use Gift Cards:confused: I haven't as of yet, but I didn't know this.

I think it depends on the merchant. Tricia can you clarify this one?

I know its ok with itunes but not sure about others.

11-13-2007, 06:06 PM
I think it depends on the merchant. Tricia can you clarify this one?

I know its ok with itunes but not sure about others.

Honestly, we never know. It's always a crapshoot. Some will pay out, some will not. We err on the side of caution but then hope that they pay anyway.

11-13-2007, 07:36 PM
I have a TT question. I submitted one a few weeks ago for a Boca Java shopping order. It had been pending, but today went back to open. There is a message in my TT from Admin, but I don't see anything on how to respond to it. Anybody? My TT is #2170.

11-28-2007, 03:01 PM
Not sure where to post this but I filled out some trouble tickets back on 10/31/07 and was wondering how long it takes to resolve them?

m 'n c
11-28-2007, 03:02 PM
It just depends on what it is related to and where it is in the review process. Tricia, Angie, and Cindy look at each one so I'm sure they did not miss it.

11-28-2007, 03:18 PM
I can promise that no TT ever goes un-dealt with. We have them in a queue where we have to manually resolve each one of them before they can be deleted. I used to try to keep the queue at no more than 20. Right now we are at over 80 despite having me, Cindy, and Angie all working on them every single day.

I honestly don't know what the problem is. We do get a lot of trouble tickets filed that are not legitimate. But we are also seeing a huge spike in tickets that ARE legitimate. My best guess is that the merchants and networks have experienced a whole lot of tracking issues over the last month as a result of heavier than normal server use.

12-01-2007, 03:35 PM
Hey, Tricia... I just put a note as a response in an existing trouble ticket regarding a gift card #. Will you see it there or should I have made a new one? It did automatically move up to "new" after I notated it.

TIA :)

12-12-2007, 05:01 PM
I have a trouble ticket question. Angie answered my trouble ticket and requested more information if I had it and I did find another number but I am not sure how to get it to her. Do I open another ticket. I do not see a place to reply


m 'n c
12-12-2007, 05:03 PM
If there is no place to respond (usually a link/button on the bottom) then open up a new TT and reference the old TT number you are responding about.

02-19-2008, 01:43 PM
I was wondering if it makes a difference if I use "Pay Later" on shopping.

I have an open ticket with Model's. I bought a Packer hat in December, and I finally received it the last week in January. I had it on the "Pay Later" and once it went into that account, I paid it right away so I didn't incur any charges.

I just bought luggage and I put it on the "Pay Later" since I don't like giving my cc out.

I seem to have more problems with merchants this month. I am waiting for Turbo Tax and now Quill. These 2 are not on "Pay Later".

02-20-2008, 12:30 AM
I was wondering if it makes a difference if I use "Pay Later" on shopping.

I'm not 100% sure on this, but I would swear that I remember Janet having problems when choosing the bill me later option. I don't remember if it was ever resolved positively, but you might check with her with the question!

02-20-2008, 09:11 AM
I'm not 100% sure on this, but I would swear that I remember Janet having problems when choosing the bill me later option. I don't remember if it was ever resolved positively, but you might check with her with the question!

Well I can't really give you a definite yes LOL. I had trouble in the past with Shoebuy and 1800 Contacts not crediting using billmelater. Now, I found out afterwards that I couldn't get Shoebuy to credit from computer using any payment method and I needed to use DH's computer to order from them. I have ince then used Apple Store and Eastbay and Sports Authority to purchase using billmelater and I have gotten credit from all of them just fine. I would say that it is just fine to use BML but you may end up needing to file a TT at some point in order to match up your credits to you. I think that some merchants that use them have an issue with matching the credits to your user id. The only one i have NOT gotten any credits for after using BML was 1800contacts. HTH!

02-21-2008, 11:05 AM
Closure after 90 days is not automatic. We monitor the merchant submissions and periodically close tickets that are 90+ days old. It is extremely rare to have a merchant issue credit beyond that time. I always have hope that we will receive credits, but often the older the merchant inquiry, the less chance we have. If on the outside chance, a credit comes in beyond 90 days, we will ensure that it gets credited to your account regardless of the status of the ticket. I hope that answers your questions.:sunshine:

02-22-2008, 02:47 PM
In order to file a merchant dispute, we have to be able to specifically define your purchase. We need an order number, purchase date, your name, email addy, user ID, click ID, and confirmation email. We prefer to have all of this information (some merchants will require it). With only partial information about your purchase or sign up, we will likely be unsuccessful in getting credits from a merchant dispute. If you'd like to open a TT and include your new Netflix account number, we will take a look at it for you. I'm not familiar with the Netflix offer, but I know that Tricia is committed to doing the best she can for our members.

03-04-2008, 11:16 AM
How long is it after I file a trouble ticket before I hear anything? I filed a TT on Feb 19 and nothing has been done with it. When is it turned into the merchant? If SR needs anything more from me will they email me? I have never had to file a TT before.

03-04-2008, 11:19 AM
There is nothing more for you to do at this point. If they need anything else they will let you know via a response to the TT so do check on it periodically. Some merchants only allow submissions once a month so that could be why it hasn't been submitted yet. Sometimes they have to wait to have a few to group together before they send it. No worries! They are definitely on top of the TTs.

03-05-2008, 03:10 PM
Have you checked back on the ticket? I am showing that Angie left a comment for you on the 22nd that she submitted it to the merchant.

How do I do that? When I go to the TT page - I can't find anything. Please help.

m 'n c
03-05-2008, 03:15 PM
You have to click on your open trouble ticket number to see the response from SR about it on the TT page.

03-05-2008, 07:12 PM
I also want to remind everyone that specific TT questions have to be addressed in a way other than on the forums. First of all it causes alot of trouble because Angie can't look anything up from the forums and must go in and search for your account. The best way to get answers about specific TT questions is to open an account question TT and that way Angie can check directly from your account over there. This thread should really be for TT questions in general and not for specific questions about specific TT's THANKS GUYS!

03-18-2008, 06:42 PM
If we have filed a TT and in the mean time, the credit has come through to our account (but the TT is still in the pending state), do we need to notify you or is it something that will take care of itself?

If you need the information, tickets 3011 and 3012 can be closed because the credits came through today.:cooldance:

Thank you!

03-18-2008, 09:20 PM
Yippee! That's awesome for both of you. I will go close the tickets. I mark a lot of things for follow up and find the credits at that point, but at this point there is not something automatic that happens. If you see it, let me know. If I come across in follow up or in a periodic ticket review, I'll close it. Thanks for the head's up! I'll make sure these are closed.

03-21-2008, 04:25 PM
Am I out of luck with a shopping TT if I don't have the email confirmation? I have a shipping confirmation, but I must have accidentally deleted the order confirmation. :(

m 'n c
03-21-2008, 04:35 PM
Am I out of luck with a shopping TT if I don't have the email confirmation? I have a shipping confirmation, but I must have accidentally deleted the order confirmation. :(

Some people have had luck requesting the merchant resend the order confirmation (probably smaller merchants though) so you might want to try that route. Otherwise there is nothing saying you can't send in the information you got and seeing how far SR can take it.

03-28-2008, 09:54 AM
Thanks in advance to those that answer my questions. This is my first TT with SR and I am not sure how things work. I filed a TT on 2/19 and it is still waiting for the merchant to review. When I look in the TT section it says that I don't have any "open" TT - is that the way it is suppose to work. How long does it usually take until the merchant responds to SR? Again thanks in advance - SR is fantastic - in all my shopping that I have done with SR this is my first TT.

03-28-2008, 11:13 AM
Just in general in case anyone else was wondering also. Once TT's have been marked submitted to merchant they are in the hands of the merchant and we just have to wait for them. Angie is very good about following up periodically with the merchants who haven't responded. I can take anywhere from a day or two to 90 days for the credit to come through or for us to hear that they aren't going to pay and why. On your end there is nothing else for you to do but wait and check the TT periodically to make sure that there isn't a message for you. I try to remember to click the "notify by email when there is change to ticket" button so I don't have to keep checking because it will send an email if a message is left or if the ticket changes status. Good luck.

03-28-2008, 11:25 AM
Just in general in case anyone else was wondering also. Once TT's have been marked submitted to merchant they are in the hands of the merchant and we just have to wait for them. Angie is very good about following up periodically with the merchants who haven't responded. I can take anywhere from a day or two to 90 days for the credit to come through or for us to hear that they aren't going to pay and why. On your end there is nothing else for you to do but wait and check the TT periodically to make sure that there isn't a message for you. I try to remember to click the "notify by email when there is change to ticket" button so I don't have to keep checking because it will send an email if a message is left or if the ticket changes status. Good luck.

Thanks for the information - I have one question - where is this button to notify by email when there is a change to ticket? is that something that needs done when you file the TT or can you go back and do it later? Thanks

03-28-2008, 11:28 AM
It is something you have to do when you first file the TT. I can't tell you how many times I have forgotten and wanted to kick myself. You can't go back and do it once the TT has been filed so you will have to check back periodically yourself.

04-01-2008, 06:50 AM
If a TT isn't resolved in the 90 days what happens? I still have one out from November and was just curious. Thanks

04-01-2008, 09:05 AM
Unfortunately, if we have not heard back from a merchant within 90 days it is very unlikely that we will receive credit. Periodically, we audit our merchant submissions and close tickets that have aged beyond 90 days. I will take a look at our "Submitted to Merchant" tickets yet this week to ensure that all old tickets are closed as needed.

04-02-2008, 08:43 AM
how long should you wait before filing a tt? i ordered on 25mar, and my order should be here today or tomorrow, the money has already been deducted from my acct. so i am just curious as to how long should i wait before questioning my credits.

04-02-2008, 09:01 AM
The posted guidelines say that credit should post within 10-14 days, and you have to wait at least 10 days to before opening a ticket. However, 14 days is really a better guide. If you haven't received credit in that time, we will better be able to review our reports and file an inquiry with a merchant.

04-27-2008, 11:21 AM
What in the world do you do if you mess up a TT. I just realized that I put in the wrong amount for the purchase. I put the total, purchase plus shipping, not the purchase.

04-27-2008, 12:44 PM
I was just trying to submit a TT for Apple computer, but do not see them in the drop-down list. Is it possible to submit a TT for them?

04-27-2008, 01:05 PM
I was just trying to submit a TT for Apple computer, but do not see them in the drop-down list. Is it possible to submit a TT for them?

If it does not show up in your dropdown, it means that either 1) you did not click on our Apple link or 2) it has not been at least 7 days since you made the purchase.

05-08-2008, 04:39 PM
At the bottom of the Member Zone, you will find an option to open a Trouble Ticket. Read the instructions and follow the prompts. You will be asked to fill in the details we will need to look into it for you. There are never any guarantees that we will be successful in getting the offer to credit, but we are always happy to do the research on your behalf.


05-13-2008, 01:16 PM
If credit comes in after you file a trouble ticket, it will either be the result of our research, in which case we will close the ticket and make notes of the resolution, or we will find the credit in our periodic review of "submitted to merchant" tickets and will close the ticket, or you can use this thread to let us know that the ticket can be closed because you received credit. If you can give me a TT #, I will be happy to ensure credit posts and close the ticket.

As for the 4/20 ticket, we will have to wait on the merchant. Sometimes we receive quick responses others are slower. Some merchants only review disputes once a month. If we do not hear back from them within 90 days, we will close the ticket assuming that credit is not going to be issued. I regularly do merchant follow ups in hopes of getting responses, but again, it really depends on the SOP of each merchant.

05-25-2008, 09:38 PM
Tickets submitted to merchant will stay in that status for 90 days while we wait on a merchant response. After that time the ticket will be closed.

Additional questions regarding your specific TT or related account concerns need to be asked via the trouble ticket system.


05-29-2008, 02:53 PM
I'm not sure if I should post this here but I would file a TT except I never received a confirmation email. I made a purchase from Lands End about 10 days ago. I have received my package but haven't received credit. It says on the TT not to file if you don't have a confirmation email. So am I screwed? Should I give it another weekend to see if it comes thru on Sunday? It was a large order and would really help keep me in the top ten. Thanks in advancew for any help.


05-29-2008, 03:04 PM
If we have to do a merchant inquiry regarding an order, we most always 99.9% of the time need an order confirmation email. It is not likely that I will have any luck, but if you are missing a credit that you'd like for us to look into, the best thing to do is open a TT. If you don't have the required elements, explain why when making notes on the ticket. We will respond accordingly in the trouble ticket system.


06-11-2008, 07:36 PM
Am I the only one that doesn't know how to file a trouble ticket? Do I just report it here? I am so confused. S.O.S. :blush:


06-11-2008, 08:25 PM
member zone tab , news and links page....
scroll all the way to the bottom for the trouble ticket link

06-11-2008, 08:53 PM
It has been over 30 days since I filed a trouble ticket. Now what do I do?

06-11-2008, 08:56 PM
Absolutely nothing. I would make sure to check back periodically to make sure that Angie hasn't left you a message on the ticket. I would also check to make sure that it hasn't been closed but besides checking back on it periodically there is nothing else you can do. It will stay open for 90 days while Angie researches it and tried to get a response. If she needs more info she will request it in the ticket. If it gets closed and not paid she will mark the ticket with the reason. Besides that there is nothing that you can do.

06-11-2008, 08:58 PM
member zone tab , news and links page....
scroll all the way to the bottom for the trouble ticket link

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


06-11-2008, 10:33 PM
Absolutely nothing. I would make sure to check back periodically to make sure that Angie hasn't left you a message on the ticket. I would also check to make sure that it hasn't been closed but besides checking back on it periodically there is nothing else you can do. It will stay open for 90 days while Angie researches it and tried to get a response. If she needs more info she will request it in the ticket. If it gets closed and not paid she will mark the ticket with the reason. Besides that there is nothing that you can do.

Janet is absolutely right. Once a ticket has been opened it will move through the ticketing process as we do our research and submit an inquiry to the merchant as needed. Once the merchant has the inquiry, there is little we can do. If the merchant responds, I will update the ticket. If we receive credit, I will request a manual posting. If we do not get a response, I periodically will close tickets that are 90+ days old. We do our best to provide merchants with the needed details to track the order and respond to us quickly, but every merchant is different. If you haven't heard anything yet, we likely haven't either.

06-12-2008, 12:18 PM
i just had to open my first trouble ticket :( the york photo offer didn't credit for me.

06-12-2008, 02:25 PM
missangie, that was so very sweet of you, thank you so much. :love:

06-12-2008, 02:42 PM
missangie, that was so very sweet of you, thank you so much. :love:

Tricia took care of you on this one! She's a sweetie too!!:)

06-12-2008, 02:45 PM
Oh I definitely know her sweetness! Thank you, Tricia, for your continued awesomeness! :heart::heart:

06-13-2008, 08:19 PM
Thank you Miss Angie!

I was counting on thoses Home Depot Credits to make SM. When I was missing the confirmation e-mails, I figured it was a lost cause. (Still wonder why I didn't get them!!!) But you came through for me!


06-13-2008, 08:48 PM
Thank you Miss Angie!

I was counting on thoses Home Depot Credits to make SM. When I was missing the confirmation e-mails, I figured it was a lost cause. (Still wonder why I didn't get them!!!) But you came through for me!


You're welcome! I was excited to see these come through as well. Congratulations on SM!

06-13-2008, 08:55 PM
You're welcome! I was excited to see these come through as well. Congratulations on SM!

I didn't get there yet, but if these credit before the end of the month...it is doable. (That is a major shopping amount for me - My parents are remodeling and will be spending the cards.)

Thanks again!!


06-18-2008, 10:46 AM
How long before I should just give up on a trouble ticket? It has been over 30 days and I just feel it is not even worth bugging anyone.

Should I send a copy of the packing slip as an attachment? I have already sent the email. Do I just give up?

06-18-2008, 10:54 AM
Once you have filed a TT, we keep it open for roughly 90 days. Angie will reapply for them once, but after that, we figure its a lost cause too. The only exception may be travel credits because some of those have a tendancy to take a bit longer. But, there is no use filing a TT to ask about a TT, shes on top of them and checks the ones submitted to merchants regularly.

06-23-2008, 02:43 AM
I need to file a TT for Travelocity, but they are not in the merchant list in the TT area. Can we not file a TT for them? My hotel stay was June 6-8.

I received my hotwire credit very quickly, I know I read somewhere Travelocity only credits once a month or something. Do I need to wait longer?

06-23-2008, 09:15 AM
If they are not on you list of merchants that you can file for then it either hasn't been 7 days or your cookies didn't record you clicking through SR or you went through a different link. I would make absolutely sure that you went through SR and if it has been over the 10 days I would file a TT under account questions and see if Ms. Angie can research it for you.

06-23-2008, 10:57 AM
Yeah, I am surprised too that I did not see a drugstore.com credit show up yesterday. They usually are so quick to credit.


One thing about them is that we cannot pull credits on the weekend. So if you made a purchase on, say, a Thursday, we would not actually get the credits until Monday night or Tuesday morning. But if you make a purchase on a Monday or Tuesday, we generally post them by Friday.

06-23-2008, 12:53 PM
If they are not on you list of merchants that you can file for then it either hasn't been 7 days or your cookies didn't record you clicking through SR or you went through a different link. I would make absolutely sure that you went through SR and if it has been over the 10 days I would file a TT under account questions and see if Ms. Angie can research it for you.

I booked the hotel in April and it's been more than 7 days since my actual hotel stay. I'm pretty sure I clicked through SR that's why I've been watching for the credit.

If that list is only supposed to have merchants that I have shopped through, why is there a bunch there that I haven't shopped with? There is a huge list available to choose from, many of whom I've never shopped with.

I'll file one under account questions, thanks!

06-24-2008, 11:11 AM
I'm trying to figure out a better way to deal with general TT issues in the forum. There are definitely some questions that are good to have answered in public that affect everyone (like "how do I reopen an old trouble ticket") that are not member specific. I'll think on a way to have people post those and maybe we can just do an updated FAQ where we generalize answers without getting into details.

06-24-2008, 11:47 AM
There is absolutely no problem with asking general questions about TT's and how to file them. The problem is people use the forum to get the status of personal TTs. That is against the rules for several reasons that were detailed by Cindy above. It is much different to say, "Can I reopen a TT that is already closed so I can ask another question about the ticket?" than it is to say "Why does my ticket #XXXX say not resolved?" or "My ticket number XXXX is still pending can you let me know what is going on with it?" Generic questions about the TT system in general help everyone learn and can be answered by anyone. If your account has to be looked at in order to answer the question then it should not be asked in the forums. Hope that makes sense.

06-24-2008, 01:26 PM
For the sake of everyone involved, I'm going to close this thread. I think everyone on both sides has gotten a little upset and I don't want us to lose any of our moderators over this because they work really hard.

I'm going to try to figure out a better way to deal with this issue. Clearly we have some "issues" regarding TTs and the best way to deal with them in the forum.

08-06-2008, 09:28 AM
Hey guys! I really want to help everyone and would love to be able to do it casually, immediately, and whenever you need. However, in reality there are too many members at SR for me to be able to help everyone in the forum. Inevitably a post will be missed, a question will be unanswered, or details will be missing. Hence the reason for our Trouble Ticket system. It is the best way to ask specific questions about account issues, credits, problems, etc. It allows us to gather all of the details we need to effectively take care of you. It also immediately links us to your account information so that we can research issues more efficiently. It even gives us the option to request a response from you. So, if you're unsure, you can still open a ticket, and we can request more information or respond directly to you on the ticket.

Noone is getting the best assistance possible when it comes to individual account issues in the forum. Talk to us via a TT! We will be happy to research and respond there.

We have had way too many TT questions lately, and that needs to stop or we will have no choice but to ignore TT questions in the forum. Thanks for helping me out! I really want to do a great job for all of you. It will be easier on me and faster for you via a TT.

Thank you so much!
Angie :thanks: