View Full Version : Welcome Back to Dale and Thomas Popcorn!

10-08-2010, 02:46 PM
We are happy to announce that Dale and Thomas Popcorn as reopened its program. I know that many of you were big fans of theirs when we use to have them on SR. Here are their current flavors:

Hall of Fame Kettle Corn
Chocolate Chunk N'Caramel
Peanut Butter & White Chocolate DrizzleCorn
Twice-As-Nice Chocolate DrizzleCorn
Dale's Caramel
Blazing Buffalo
Southwest Cheddar Chipotle
Double Chocolate DrizzleCorn
Real Butter
North Country Cheddar
Black & White Biscotti
Rodeo Ranch
Cinnamon Creme
NEW FLAVOR - Caramel & Nuts
NEW FLAVOR - Apple Crisp
White Cheddar & Black Peppercorn
Dark Fudge with Praline Almonds


Blessing and Miracle
10-08-2010, 03:09 PM
Welcome Back!! Just in time for the holidays.:)

10-09-2010, 07:02 AM
Welcome Back!! Just in time for the holidays.:)

You are so right Lisa! I was thinking the same thing. This popcorn was a hit. So delicious!

11-11-2010, 02:24 PM
I got my first order from them today since they came back to SR. I have to admit that I ate so much that I feel sick now. LOL! I just couldn't help it. That chocolate popcorn gets me every time!!

11-22-2010, 02:40 PM
Dale & Thomas just released one of the best deals that I have ever seen during the holidays. The Holiday Scroll Box that is usually $39.95 is on sale for $19.95. Plus shopping is only $5. This would make a TERRIFIC gift.

I ordered Dale and Thomas for my Bunco party last week and almost every single person asked where they could get it. The chocolate chunk caramel, chipotle, and cheddar were the biggest hits. But I had to keep refilling all of the tables all night because so much of it was getting eaten!