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View Full Version : I've got a question

12-02-2007, 06:48 AM
Not sure if this is the right board or not, so please feel free to move it, delete it mods. I'm wondering how everyone gets so many credits from here? I see people with tags saying "ask how I've made $XXX.XX" etc. I've only made less than $10 so far. I've been doing a lot of the fast crediting things lately, I always try to take advantage of the daily surveys/scratch off etc, plus I've been doing most of my shopping on here too. Any tips for me?

Also, I've got a lot of things in my pending list that have been there awhile, is there anything I can do about trying to get those to credit?


12-02-2007, 07:50 AM
Hi, welcome to SR Forum. I had the same questions when I started in early August. My totals have been steadily rising, day by day. Like you, I do the daily surveys each and every day. Some days are harder than others, but I keep trying. If I can't do it, my DH usually can get in with his e-mail account. I have several e-mail accounts just for offers. If an offer is not crediting with one e-mail account, try taking the offer back out of pending after a week or two and trying with another e-mail address. This usually works like a charm. You might also want to establish a gmail account with a loooooooong address, such as "mydoghadfleasinmay2007@...... You can later put dogs in the address (only in gmail) so it looks like a new e-mail address. For example: m.ydoghadfleasinmay2007, my.doghadfleasinmay2007, etc.

Try not to do too many free credits in one day. I usually limit myself to 3 or maybe 4.

Make sure you clear your cookies prior to shopping through SR so you get credit through here. If you've been looking at the item, and not through SR, and especially if you put it in your shopping bag, you may have cookies from those sites on your machine, so you might not credit via SR.

The biggest advice I have is to have patience and just plug along. The people with the largest totals on this site have usually been at it for a while. I made super member for this last quarter (Oct-Dec) by earning $100 in the three month quarter ending Sept 30th. There are some monetary advantages for being a Super Member, which also helps bring up my total.

Hope this helps you. Again, welcome. Good luck!:sunshine:

12-02-2007, 08:24 AM
Spring gave you an excellent run down of the ins and outs. One small thing to add is be sure to check your email after doing the freebie offers - some of them have confirmation emails that you have to click on in order to get your credit. Basically, they're trying to confirm that you're not giving them a bogus email. Not all offers have these confirmation emails, but it's worth checking your email account after completing each and every offer just in case. What I normally do (a tip I picked up from some folks on this forum) - when doing an offer, I have my gmail account open in a different window (I clear out all the messages in my gmail acct first). I do the offer and then click over to my gmail to see if a confirmation email comes through.

Hope that helps - keep posting questions as they pop into your head. There's a big pile of people here willing to share their "tips of the trade" - I've learned so much since joining in early May.

And welcome to SR!!! Glad to see you around!! :welcome:

12-02-2007, 09:20 AM
All good tips! You also have to realize that some of us have been on this site since the beginning- I've been a member since January 2006 (although I didn't get really serious until a later date- all that wasted time!). So, that makes a difference in totals too! It has already been mentioned but I do daily surveys, e-mail clicks, scratch off, shopping and offers that I am interested in.

If you look at just the daily surveys, assuming you qualify, that can get you $20-25/ month plus possibly a bonus- it really adds up!

Good luck! I'm sure you will get some good advice from others! I :heart: SR!!

12-02-2007, 10:36 AM
I made alot of my money by doing the freebie offers. I did 3-6 a day one at a time and eventually I had tried all of them. If there are freebie offers you haven't done then that is money just sitting there waiting for you and it doesn't cost you anything to get it. Make sure you are pacing yourself with these and only do a few a day and try to pick ones that are from different advertisers. I also am a book lover so I joined some of the book clubs. Those pay around $8 each and I was going to be purchasing books anyway so this was a way to make money off of it. I plan my shopping ahead. I have a list of birthday gifts I will need to buy for the year and I purchase the gift 1-2 months ahead of time. This gives me time to find it at an SR merchant and purchase it a place that will give me free or very low shipping and get my percentage back. This means no more running around at the last minute looking for gifts and it also means more money for Disney. SURVEYS-SURVEYS-SURVEYS that is all I can say about those. Aggravating at times but at close to $30 a month it is well worth it. I hope this helps. Once you get the hang of all of the ways you can make money on here you will be earning in no time. I started in February of 2007.

12-02-2007, 11:13 AM
most of my are from the freebies offer also, i am trying to get my 4th 50.00 disney card this week. I also just changed my emailed to something new today. I only keep the same email about ever 2 months, then i get a new one.

Good luck

12-02-2007, 11:39 AM
The offers, clicks, emails, scratch offs, and especially surveys really add up quickly as long as you are doing it every day. I joined last year, but didn't get serious about it until Nov. 18 of this year. Since the 18th, I've earned over 20 credits. It does really add up fast. So, just keep it up and it will add up faster than you think.

12-02-2007, 12:26 PM
Everything that everyone else said. Daily surveys, free offers (I have several email addresses and get new ones when things slow down), book/movie clubs (if you are interested, and I love to read, use movies for gifts). Some shopping, but that hasn't been a big part of my earnings. The BIG thing is perserverance. If things don't credit after a couple wks, I try, again. Sometimes, it takes 4-5 tries for something to credit, some never do. I have been with SR since May but really started in earnest in July.

It also helps to have a goal, like an upcoming vacation. That motivates me to come back every day. I have paid nearly $1000 on our upcoming vacation, $400 from SR.:sunshine:

12-02-2007, 02:30 PM
Sounds like everyone gave you great info. Hope it works for ya. Welcome to SR:D

12-02-2007, 06:10 PM
Also it is good to note about the daily surveys.... If you get to the point where it says you don't qualify for any, you can still keep trying. New surveys are added or changed frequently. Also, as some have mentioned you can get someone else in the house to try w/ their demographics/email. Just keep trying to get one for the day!

Good luck and welcome!