View Full Version : Need Some Advice

12-05-2007, 01:59 AM
I recently saw a facial scrubber on Oprah's Favorite Things. I forgot the brand name, but I know it was tooooo! expensive for me. I was thinking of getting this for my mom. I was wondering if anyone tried a product similar to this that they liked. Any ideas would be welcomed!

12-05-2007, 10:07 AM
I have never used a facial scrubber but if you want to find the one on Oprah - go to her website - I'm sure it will be listed there.

m 'n c
12-05-2007, 10:30 AM
Discussion on Oprah's fav things with a link -> http://www.sunshinerewardsforum.com/showthread.php?t=4977&highlight=Oprah

Just a word of caution - I would figure out what her daily routine already is so that by adding in this product she is not overtreating her face.

I can't tell which one is the actual facial scrub but based on the prices I would recommend the DDF line at sephora (my fav skincare line) or Peter Thomas Roth is always highly recommened in there. I haven't tried it yet.

12-05-2007, 11:58 AM
I now know the one featured on Oprah was Clarisonic. But I guess what I'm asking is if anyone tried something similar to this that they liked, but less expensive. This one is like $195 but I know I've seen similar products like at Walgreens for around $20-$30? I'm just not sure if they're worth it. :confused:

m 'n c
12-05-2007, 12:01 PM
Oh god I just checked that website. That looks a little painful to me. I'm sure the brush bristles are a little softer than I'm imagining but I am thinking that could really irritate your skin.

I have absolutely no advice for you since up until now I've never seen this product. I just know my skin would not be able to handle a brush cleaning it on a daily basis since I have sensitive skin.

m 'n c
12-05-2007, 12:05 PM
Here are some reviews from makeupalley.com This might help determine if its something worth looking more into. The girls can get pretty catty and nasty over there so just take that into consideration if you venture to the forums (i don't really recommend them).


12-05-2007, 12:29 PM
Thanks for the link to reviews. It sounds like a good product, but it's still too expensive for me.

m 'n c
12-05-2007, 12:32 PM
Yeah I was just providing the link in hopes that it would tell you more about it. I would try the Walgreens one for $20-30 and if you fall in love with it go for a better brand later. Similar to people trying out flat irons before buying the $100+ Chi you know.