View Full Version : Credit reversal, How long??

11-27-2010, 11:16 AM
Long story short:
I purchased a washer and dryer from Home Depot online. Something went wrong with first order, Home Depot canceled it(they were very helpful with this, not a complaint!). I ordered a second time. I got credit for both purchases, not complaining about that either. But I know the credit will be reversed. Just wondering how long that usually takes?? The extra credit is sitting in my account, nearly $24, and I'm always having to subtract that to know how much I really have. I placed the order on Nov. 12.

12-01-2010, 01:12 PM
Just in case that anyone was wondering it the reversal came through today. I'm sad but very releaved, feel like a monkey is off my back. So I got the credit on around Nov. 15 and it was reversed today, Dec. 1, it takes about 15days.