View Full Version : Kindle Free eBooks

m 'n c
12-17-2010, 01:33 PM
Amazon updated their free Kindle eBooks list recently and have a ton of cookbooks you can download for free. Might be a good idea if you are getting a Kindle under the tree or are giving one.

12-17-2010, 01:39 PM
Awesome! I love checking out their free list for everyone in my family. Kevin has the app on his phone, I have a new tablet, and my FIL has an ipad. We all get the free kindle books!

m 'n c
12-17-2010, 01:48 PM
If you like Pride and Prejudice, download Mr Darcy's Diary. It is free right now and I read it over the summer. It is P&P rewritten through his eyes and the writing style is excellent.

12-17-2010, 03:04 PM
If you like Pride and Prejudice, download Mr Darcy's Diary. It is free right now and I read it over the summer. It is P&P rewritten through his eyes and the writing style is excellent.

There's a Harry Potter cookbook on there.
I've recently read:
Reaper-essentially reads like House of Night series, but good enough
Fireflies in December-good historical fiction

m 'n c
12-17-2010, 03:44 PM
I went through and downloaded all the free Jane Austen spin off books. I figure since they are free why not.

I also downloaded the Harry Potter cookbook. Not sure if I'm brave enough to try those recipes but we'll see.

12-17-2010, 03:56 PM
HP Cookbook??? My kids would LOVE that!! Who's going to blog about it so that I can tweet it out? LOL

m 'n c
12-17-2010, 09:16 PM
download it since it is free tricia!

12-21-2010, 08:58 PM
HP Cookbook??? My kids would LOVE that!! Who's going to blog about it so that I can tweet it out? LOL


m 'n c
12-27-2010, 09:43 AM
A few more books were added for free! I've had Millie's Fling on my amazon wishlist because I wanted to try a new author (Jill Mansell) and it popped up on the freebie list this weekend. :)

12-27-2010, 01:30 PM
i also read earlier that the book "walt disney's way" is free on the kindle. wish they had it for the nook :(

m 'n c
12-27-2010, 01:32 PM
i also read earlier that the book "walt disney's way" is free on the kindle. wish they had it for the nook :(

You can download a free app for your laptop and you can read Kindle books that way.

12-27-2010, 02:34 PM
bought my mom one for christmas........... I'll have to check out all the freebies............ my kids would get a kick out of HP cookbook!!``

Blessing and Miracle
12-27-2010, 05:24 PM
I did the Kindle for DD21 for Christmas. She loves it. Even found a way to download or upload her music to it. I'm gonna buy her the cover and the night light I guess. I thought I could get it from somewhere else but I didn't find the one with the light so back to Amazon I go. It would be nice to get money back for such expensive items. LOL.

I'm trying to decide if I want the nook or the kindle for myself.

m 'n c
12-27-2010, 05:28 PM
Try BestBuy or Target Lisa. Both sell Kindle accessories. I think Staples might too.

12-28-2010, 03:17 PM
Try BestBuy or Target Lisa. Both sell Kindle accessories. I think Staples might too.

I'll have to remember this for my mom.............thanks

Blessing and Miracle
12-28-2010, 05:01 PM
Try BestBuy or Target Lisa. Both sell Kindle accessories. I think Staples might too.

Will do. Thanks as I want to get her one before she leaves for school in January. :)

She really loves this thing. LOL. I guess I'mma have to ahead and buy me one.

12-28-2010, 05:41 PM
Will do. Thanks as I want to get her one before she leaves for school in January. :)

She really loves this thing. LOL. I guess I'mma have to ahead and buy me one.

Lisa I feel the same way - we went together and purchased a Kindle for my Dad and now I want one! It is really amazing what all you can do with it. I too wish that Amazon would give cash back. Oh well, you can get cash back on every purchase although I wish you could!

Blessing and Miracle
12-28-2010, 07:40 PM
Lisa I feel the same way - we went together and purchased a Kindle for my Dad and now I want one! It is really amazing what all you can do with it. I too wish that Amazon would give cash back. Oh well, you can get cash back on every purchase although I wish you could!

Hhmm, I'm trying not to take Amazon too personally. LOL. My daughter and I were looking through some of the books and the prices and I noticed that all of the African American books were much more expensive just like the AA Barbie Video Doll I needed.

I don't know anything about Amazon and I made my first purchase the other day when I bought the Kindle so I'm still learning but that's what I've noticed so far. LOL.

12-28-2010, 11:44 PM
Hhmm, I'm trying not to take Amazon too personally. LOL. My daughter and I were looking through some of the books and the prices and I noticed that all of the African American books were much more expensive just like the AA Barbie Video Doll I needed.

I don't know anything about Amazon and I made my first purchase the other day when I bought the Kindle so I'm still learning but that's what I've noticed so far. LOL.

Wow that is strange a price difference for African American books!

12-29-2010, 12:05 AM
Amazon doesn't make the prices, the publishers do. Supposedly it has something to do with publishers not wanting Amazon to be the biggest seller and they don't want people to stop buying their hardbacks which are more expensive.

It is very annoying.

Blessing and Miracle
12-29-2010, 02:06 AM
Amazon doesn't make the prices, the publishers do. Supposedly it has something to do with publishers not wanting Amazon to be the biggest seller and they don't want people to stop buying their hardbacks which are more expensive.

It is very annoying.

That would make sense. And again, I'm still learning Amazon. I was probably the only online shopper that had never made a purchase with them. LOL. Maybe next I'll try again with Ebay which I've found very intimidating. :rotfl:

At first I couldn't get into the EReaders because I couldn't see not actually having a physical book in my hand and or not adding to my library but after exploring the Kindle, I think I would like to have one. :)

12-29-2010, 12:24 PM
I was the same way. I love my books, the paper kind. Loved them cluttering my room. :) But then I got to not liking the clutter and have been trying to be "greener." Supposedly if you read 40 books over the life of the Kindle it uses less energy then making the books. Well, I have read more then 40 in 6 months so I am sure I am being better for the environment as well. Now I love my Kindle. But I also buy some books and still borrow some from the library. Whichever way is cheaper and faster. :)

m 'n c
12-29-2010, 12:49 PM
I do the same thing. I borrow paperbacks from friends, check out books at the library, lend my books toi people, participate in paperbackswap, and then buy from Amazon.com unless it is a series that I "collect" like the Shopaholic series where I want the hardback book for my shelf. I just love having less clutter in my apartment. I feel saner now.

12-29-2010, 01:08 PM
That would make sense. And again, I'm still learning Amazon. I was probably the only online shopper that had never made a purchase with them. LOL. Maybe next I'll try again with Ebay which I've found very intimidating. :rotfl:

At first I couldn't get into the EReaders because I couldn't see not actually having a physical book in my hand and or not adding to my library but after exploring the Kindle, I think I would like to have one. :)

I was surprised you weren't an Amazon or eBay shopper before this year. I shop Amazon probably more than anyplace else, other than Ebay. I shop Barnes and Nobles quite a bit, too, esp as a member you get free shipping, no minimum. This yr, I checked Amazon almost every day because prices/sales varied from day to day. I bought alot of dvds, cd, games and Amazon had the best prices.

Now, I am kind of wanting an eReader but haven't decided on which one so for now, I am using the app for the pc until I can make a decision.

12-29-2010, 01:22 PM
have y'all checked out this site? LOTS of free and low-price books for the kindle that you can d'l from amazon.com. also some for nook (from b&n) and sony.


m 'n c
12-29-2010, 01:29 PM
have y'all checked out this site? LOTS of free and low-price books for the kindle that you can d'l from amazon.com. also some for nook (from b&n) and sony.


That is so dangerous. I love the Cecelia Ahern book they have listed for $1.99. I have it in hard cover so I'm going to keep it that way but it is so worth that price.

Blessing and Miracle
12-29-2010, 08:49 PM
I was the same way. I love my books, the paper kind. Loved them cluttering my room. :) But then I got to not liking the clutter and have been trying to be "greener." Supposedly if you read 40 books over the life of the Kindle it uses less energy then making the books. Well, I have read more then 40 in 6 months so I am sure I am being better for the environment as well. Now I love my Kindle. But I also buy some books and still borrow some from the library. Whichever way is cheaper and faster. :)

I knew I had to do something when the twins were born. My shelves were overcrowded. Books were falling off the shelves and it became dangerous around here for them. LOL. It was either the books are them. :rotfl: So I boxed up a lot of my books and sold some and kept some. I'm often saddened when I think about the collections I once had.

I was surprised you weren't an Amazon or eBay shopper before this year. I shop Amazon probably more than anyplace else, other than Ebay. I shop Barnes and Nobles quite a bit, too, esp as a member you get free shipping, no minimum. This yr, I checked Amazon almost every day because prices/sales varied from day to day. I bought alot of dvds, cd, games and Amazon had the best prices.

Now, I am kind of wanting an eReader but haven't decided on which one so for now, I am using the app for the pc until I can make a decision.

Nope, not a shopper of either. I've never understood Ebay. It's not from a lack of trying. I did a few times years ago before I gave up. I'm also afraid that I'm gonna buy something and it never arrives or it's junk when it does.

My purchase of the Kindle on Amazon went smoothly, but when I was looking for that Barbie Video I didn't understand why the same item had several different prices. Then Tricia told me that they were like Ebay with sellers.

12-29-2010, 11:03 PM
That is so dangerous. I love the Cecelia Ahern book they have listed for $1.99. I have it in hard cover so I'm going to keep it that way but it is so worth that price.

lol, you're right, cate. over the past week or so, i've noticed myself checking the site at least once a day for deals.