View Full Version : UnderCoverTourist Question??

12-25-2010, 05:36 PM
I :love:LOVE:love: UnderCoverTourist.com! I've used them for our last three trips and they have been fantastic. I wish they had been a SR merchant the last time I needed tickets.

I am a subscriber to the mousesavers.com newsletter so I have always used the "special link" to order my tickets. I bookmarked the page on my computer and so now it will always go to the "discounted" site. When UCT came on line with SR, I tried clicking through the SR link and it went to the "regular" UCT page, which I expected.

Now, my dad is looking to order 14 tickets and since they do not charge for shipping, I would like to place his order. I want to order all 14 tickets individually through the SR link (WOW!! That's $35 in Sunshine Rewards:sunshine:). I told him what the price was on the "regular" site, the one I land on via the SR link and he was fine with that.

Here's my question/problem... Today, after clearing my cookies, I clicked on the UCT link from SR and landed on the UCT "discount" page, the one with exclusive prices for readers of the mousesavers.com newsletter. If I order the tickets, will SR still get credit? I am not overly concerned with getting credit myself, although it would be nice. I just want to make sure I do this correctly.

Thanks! Merry Christmas!

12-25-2010, 09:49 PM
I'm really not sure. It definitely depends how the cookie is being set. If you click on our link and set a new cookie and it takes you to that discount page, I can't see why they would deny us the credit? I'm kind of confused how you get to that page though without a cookie being set.

So I'm pretty much no help. LOL I'm not sure what kind of deal they have with them that makes that page show up.

12-25-2010, 11:58 PM
Well, now I tried it again and it must have been a fluke because I am getting the regular site now when I click through SR. At least I *know* it will credit now.

Thanks, and Merry Christmas!