View Full Version : Help!! What is the 1-800 # for Disney Shopping?

01-04-2008, 06:20 AM
Need the phone number to place an order. Our school's drama teacher may want to order something but she will have to call instead of doing on-line. Does anyone know???????

01-04-2008, 11:39 AM

I think this is the current number, but with Disney taking away the at home catalog I only do shopping on the internet.


01-04-2008, 03:13 PM
Thanks!! That was the only number I could find under customer service but I did not know if there were any other numbers that were just for ordering. Our school has to do a purchase order (if Disney Shopping even will take them) so they can't order on line. I gave all the info to our Drama teacher so if she can't order with a purchase order she will order at home and just put it on her credit card.

We are doing Alice in Wonderland for our Spring musical and I was telling her about some of the good deals for some of the items we are interested in.

Thanks again!!!

01-04-2008, 03:49 PM
Ok totally weird!! Our music teacher is doing a spring musical of Alice in Wonderland!! She wanted to know when we were going back to Disneyland so I could pick up some stuff!!

What state do you live in? Could we be neighbors?

01-04-2008, 05:26 PM
LOL!!! Very FAR neighbors!!!! I live in South west Georgia!!!!

I was just at WDW at Christmas and we could find NOTHING other than a couple of pins and a tea pot set that had Alice in Wonderland. Last year at the outlets there was TONS of stuff and I had planned on going crazy with buying things to sell at consessions. BUT NO luck at all!!!!

Are you all doing the Disney version that is the Jr Broadway site? This is the one we are doing. Our school is grades 3-5. Last year we did Honk!Jr., and before then was Aladdin Jr and the year before that Cinderella's Glass Slipper. Our Drama teacher is wonderful (she is actually a 5th grade teacher and volunteers ALL of he time each year for these productions. The musicals she picks out are recommended for Middle school ages but she expects much more from the kids.
My dd got the part of Queen of Hearts this year and she is thrilled. She rehearsed the sample stuff SO much and she was totally ready for her audition!!!

This is great!!! We will have to get ideas from each other!!!

01-04-2008, 05:44 PM
Too funny!! Our drama teacher is K-6 music and drama. Last musical was Cinderella. DD12 got the Stepmother:angrywife: . She was awesome!! The little Kindergarden kids were scared of her!!:rotfl:

Spring musical for us starts Jan.8. Auditions won't be until the end of January. We will definately have to keep each other posted!!