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View Full Version : Need a lil bit of help...

01-04-2008, 07:47 PM
I finally got my older sister to join SR. She's managed to pass the $5 mark on her own, so I've already gotten the referral bonus.:cooldance: But now she's asking how to really get started on here. I've told her about getting a new email acct. but what next. Whats the best advice you all have for a new person starting off on SR. I've told her about the forums. But she's not too familiar and comfortable with computers, so I don't think she quite gets it yet. To be honest, Im shocked she made it passed the $5 on her own. LOL She said she kept getting emails from SR, and she would just do those. And I tried explaining that those are not the only offers to do, that she needed to visit the actual site. LOL So...What would you all say?? Thanks!


m 'n c
01-04-2008, 07:54 PM
How about emailing her specific threads so that she can read them?

I would start with explaining how to do a daily survey and how to complete an offer (but it sounds like she knows how to do that one) and then go from there.

01-04-2008, 07:55 PM
You got me! I have a siter and mother who have just passed the intial 5 buck mark and don't care do do anymore. My sister did the vistaprint offer when she NEEDED postcards but that is all I have convinced her to do. So strange. My mom really doesn't have the time. But I wish she could do more.

I finally got my older sister to join SR. She's managed to pass the $5 mark on her own, so I've already gotten the referral bonus.:cooldance: But now she's asking how to really get started on here. I've told her about getting a new email acct. but what next. Whats the best advice you all have for a new person starting off on SR. I've told her about the forums. But she's not too familiar and comfortable with computers, so I don't think she quite gets it yet. To be honest, Im shocked she made it passed the $5 on her own. LOL She said she kept getting emails from SR, and she would just do those. And I tried explaining that those are not the only offers to do, that she needed to visit the actual site. LOL So...What would you all say?? Thanks!


01-04-2008, 07:58 PM
You got me! I have a siter and mother who have just passed the intial 5 buck mark and don't care do do anymore. My sister did the vistaprint offer when she NEEDED postcards but that is all I have convinced her to do. So strange. My mom really doesn't have the time. But I wish she could do more.

Yup! My mom joined back in November, and never checked it out after that. My Sister is eager to learn, but it's hard for me to explain it all. lol I really don't even know how I figured it out. lol :)

01-04-2008, 08:01 PM
How about emailing her specific threads so that she can read them?
Good idea, I think I am gonna try and do that.

I would start with explaining how to do a daily survey and how to complete an offer (but it sounds like she knows how to do that one) and then go from there.
Yeah I need to explain the surveys to her, because all she said last was that she kept getting a page saying she didn't qualify. :confused: I don't think she knows how to do the offers, that is what gets me, I really don't know how she made it passed the 5 mark. :confused:

m 'n c
01-04-2008, 08:04 PM
well in the FAQ thread I tried my hardest to walk people through a simple MID offer so send that one over to her and then maybe do a search on surveys to see if you can find a good thread on how to complete them.

01-04-2008, 08:14 PM
Also make sure that she is signed up for the freebie emails. That way she will be getting some alerts for offers that are kind of tried and true.