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View Full Version : Which browser for Mac users??

02-02-2011, 09:35 PM
I'm a Mac user trying to figure out how to maximize my credits on SR. Internet Explorer for Mac hasn't been supported since 2005 so which browser should I use? I have Chrome, Safari, and Firefox; it doesn't matter to me which one I use, as long as it works well with the credits from surveys and shopping. So, which is best? And are there any special settings I should use (I've read a lot about "clearing cookies"...before surveys, between surveys, after surveys...kinda confusing)? Thanks much for any help! And apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong location!

02-02-2011, 10:24 PM
Hi - Welcome!

I am a Mac User and use Firefox exclusively and don't usually have any problems.

About the cookie clearing - I clear once in the morning before I do anything on SR. And then I clear one other time during the day after I have taken my SSI and before I take SSI(2), but don't clear before you get credit. And I usually don't have any problems getting credit for surveys. There's always a random chance that one won't credit but it happens to me less than once a month.

If I am doing any shopping, I will clear cookies if I have been in the"store" browsing and then go back into the "store".

Ask me any questions, I'll be happy to answer - I've been here awhile. :sunshine:

02-02-2011, 11:05 PM
I am also a Mac user and mostly use Firefox, sometimes Safari for my Greenfield daily survey. There are times when Firefox does not save my demographic information for the GF daily survey for some reason and Safari does, so I use it. For everything else I use Firefox. I also clear cookies in the morning, in between surveys, but after each has credited and before I shop. HTH's and welcome!

02-03-2011, 09:41 AM
Hi! Also a Mac user. I use Firefox for everything except printing out coupons from coupons.com. For some reason I can only do that on Safari. I think when I first started on SR I was having some problems with things loading on Safari, so I tried Firefox and have never had problems with anything since.

Also, like the others said, I just clear my cookies first thing in the morning unless I'm trying for both an SSI and SSI2 and then I'll clear again between them but only after the first SSI has credited.

Welcome and have fun!