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View Full Version : Mine and DD trip might NOT happen...BOO

01-14-2008, 02:54 PM
For those of you following my Disney trip saga, here it is:

I was suppose to go with parents and DSis's family over July to WDW with just me and DD. I was looking forward to it ALOT!

Sis just called and said they may not go now until September. DD is in school then! She homeschools, so it is not a big deal for her. I am quite bummed....she will inform me within the next week to let me know. If they go in Sept, I will not go at all. My parents going was my excuse to go - (I really wanted to go with them anyway) having some bonding time with them. DH won't go for a trip "just because".

Send lots of pixie dust.....I WANT TO GO!!!!!

01-14-2008, 03:01 PM
:sorry: *~*~HeReS sOmE pIxIe DuSt For YoU!!~*~** :wizard:

m 'n c
01-14-2008, 03:02 PM
oh no! Could you maybe let her skip a thursday and friday and make a weekend of it?

01-14-2008, 03:05 PM
OHHH!! Darn it! :(

I hope it all works out for you Angela, I know that you really want the trip to happen.

BTW, we took the boys (DS11 and DS7) out of school for our trip Tues-Friday in September. Their teachers/schools didn't mind at all. It was at the beginning of the year which is "pretty much all review anyway" as their teacher's put it. Also it wasn't state testing time or anything so they didn't mind at all.

Just throwing that out there! :angel:

01-14-2008, 03:06 PM
oh no! Could you maybe let her skip a thursday and friday and make a weekend of it?

I thought about taking her out for maybe Thurs, Fri, and Monday. Not sure if DH will go for that. She will be in 2nd grade and will have an AWESOME teacher that is very helpful and understanding in those situations. PLUS....if Disney would offer free dining at that time, DH might go for it. Crossing my fingers................................and legs, and arms, etc., etc., etc......

01-14-2008, 03:09 PM
Best wishes! :sunshine2:

Magical JenK
01-14-2008, 03:21 PM
Oh no Angela! I know you really want this to happen! :wizard: :tinkerbell: I'm sorry your sister has changed their minds! Any hope that they won't??

As for September...I'm guessing since they've been offering bounceback free dining, it will happen again! Maybe that will work out for you then too!

01-14-2008, 03:31 PM
Angela, I'm so sorry! I know how excited you were about this trip. Hope things work out for you.:hugs:

m 'n c
01-14-2008, 03:39 PM
I thought about taking her out for maybe Thurs, Fri, and Monday. Not sure if DH will go for that. She will be in 2nd grade and will have an AWESOME teacher that is very helpful and understanding in those situations. PLUS....if Disney would offer free dining at that time, DH might go for it. Crossing my fingers................................and legs, and arms, etc., etc., etc......

Well I'll cross everything for you as well. I'm thinking it wouldn't be too big of a deal to miss a Thurs/Friday combo and just make a long weekend out of it. Lets hope it goes that way for you.

I'm watching out for free dining as well so I'll definetly let you know if I hear of anything. I am actually considering disney visa for nothing else but the chance at free dining.

01-14-2008, 03:51 PM
Oh, I hope that it works out for you two to go!! I know you were really looking forward to it and it would be a great trip for you all. Sending you pixie dust!!!

01-14-2008, 03:55 PM
Angela, if its your july trip or if you have to convince DH for September, I really hope you get a trip to Disney! It is after all the Happiest Place on Earth!!!!

01-14-2008, 03:59 PM
That really sucks! Did your sister say why they were changing their dates? I say get on the phone and put a massive guilt trip on her to keep the summer dates.lol. Hopefully you guys can go anyway.

01-14-2008, 04:21 PM
That really sucks! Did your sister say why they were changing their dates? I say get on the phone and put a massive guilt trip on her to keep the summer dates.lol. Hopefully you guys can go anyway.

Well...the reason that they were going is to celebrate her DH's graduation. He took classes online and is FINALLY finished. He graduates in Florida. Either in Orlando or Tampa. His last class is July 5. BUT, the graduation in Tampa is August 17 - which I cannot go AT ALL (unless they go the week before) because that is the kids first day of school.

They are waiting to see when the Orlando graduations are. There are 2. They are hoping for a week in July, but were not given much hope when they were on the phone with school officials. They should find out this week when his graduation is.

They said if they cannot go in July, they will just skip his graduation (he does not have to be there) and go in September. They usually take vacations in September, so they would go during there "normal" September week.

They sort of wanted me to go, because I know a lot of the things to see, etc. Mom and Dad would like me to go, well....because I am their DD. If I cannot go, I will still help them plan their trip. It is still fun to plan.....even if I cannot go.

Magical JenK
01-14-2008, 04:43 PM
Oh I like the guilt trip idea too...but I'm evil.

01-14-2008, 05:05 PM
Oh I like the guilt trip idea too...but I'm evil.

I cannot do guilt trips....I am a wimp. If someone upsets me, I usually go and have a good cry and then wipe my eyes and move on. I need more backbone. However, it is their vacation. I was just invited. Life will go on either way.

No...you are not evil....just smart! :) :angel:

Magical JenK
01-14-2008, 05:10 PM
No...you are not evil....just smart! :) :angel:

Nah...when it comes to Disney trips...I'm evil!! :D
(there are no evil smilies...so I had to pick this one...seriously I'm evil!! ha ha ha)

01-14-2008, 05:16 PM
You should consider the Sept trip. As a caveat, I'll add that my DD's school here in CT doesn't start until the week after Labor Day, so that may change what I'm going to say. That being said, we pulled my oldest out of school for our September trip. Unfortunately, my work life is CRAZY in the summer because our year end close is June 30th, so by the time I'm done dealing with the auditors and finalizing our 10K filing for our earnings report, my summer is pretty much shot. We have ONE week in August that we fight over taking off and this year I gave it to my coworker since I took it last year. Anyway...I digress, as usual...she started school on Weds 9/5, went to school for three days, and then we pulled her out the following week for our trip to WDW (free dining!). She too was (still is) in 2nd grade. Her teachers laughed at me when I expressed my concern about it. I actually notified them about our trip in May and then popped them a reminder email the week before school started. They were 100% supportive and said "if you're going to pull her out of school for a week, your best bet is to do it at the beginning of the school year because it's less disruptive". They didn't even give her make up assignments - nothing. Her only homework was "to have a WONDERFUL trip"! I know some school systems are particularly tough on pulling them from school for vacations, but my district is pretty good about understanding that some of us parents don't have the choice to travel when school is NOT in session. Which is pretty much the case for my job.

And September is a wonderfully quiet time to visit. Good luck - I hope things work out the best...whichever way that may end up. :sunshine:

01-14-2008, 06:02 PM
Good luck to you. I know how much you were looking forward to the mother/daughter trip. I hope it works out.

I understand about agonizing over taking the girls out of school too. I have tried and tried to convince myself that I could do it, but in reality - I just can't. I felt somewhat guilty this year and we missed the last day before the christmas break (and school got out at 11:45)...:rotfl:

But I do have all school holidays out too so I just can't see not utilizing those times.....

Blessing and Miracle
01-14-2008, 06:44 PM
Oh, Angela!! I know you were really looking forward to this bonding trip for the two of you! I hope it still happens for you! I'll cross everything too, just for you! :)

01-14-2008, 07:13 PM
:( Angela

I too am sad for you. 1) that you will miss it and 2) that we wont get a trip report. :) I know very selfish. hehe

No seriously this sounds like it could work if they change their dates. A LONG weekend may be a great way to do it without missing your other kids too much.

01-14-2008, 10:06 PM
:( Angela

I too am sad for you. 1) that you will miss it and 2) that we wont get a trip report. :) I know very selfish. hehe

No seriously this sounds like it could work if they change their dates. A LONG weekend may be a great way to do it without missing your other kids too much.

That is true....if I go a shorter time, I wouldn't miss all my boys so much. I can't wait until I find out the official date, and then I can start either planning or thinking about...gulp...NOT planning...:(

01-14-2008, 10:53 PM
Oh Angela........just stumbled upon this thread.....my heart sank for you!!!! I hope it all works out in the end for you.......if July cannot happen REALLY think about the long weekend........since it will only be you and your daughter it may be the best option.....you don't have to wrangle 3 other boys, oops I mean 2 other boys:p . I remember you mentioned how you had to pull your hubby along sometimes.......

Last May I did a long weekend suprise trip for my girls (and my sister and her 7month old came) and although it was a shorter trip we had a blast......did tons and even hung out at the pools!!

keep us posted.


01-14-2008, 11:12 PM
Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!

01-15-2008, 12:09 AM
Angela- I sincerely hope it all works out for you.

I took my oldest out of 2nd grade about the 3rd week of school a couple years ago. his teacher had no problem with it whatsoever. :hugs:

01-18-2008, 07:38 AM
Well....after I finally decided I would take DD out of school, DSis informed me that the week they were going to go is the ONLY week that I cannot go. The 1st week of school for our kids.....:( I am a bit bummed. I really wanted to go. But I cannot have DD miss her first week of school. If it was a few weeks later I would have taken her out.

I kept telling DH that I was upset and that I really wanted to have DD and me time. I keep hoping that he will just say - Why don't you just go anyway for a few days. Yea....that is a stretch, but you never know.

I have a friend who has a DD and we had thought about going and sharing a room. It would be in July, the same time my DS has basketball tourneys. It would be a perfect time to go. The boys would be playing basketball and staying at a hotel, and DD & I could take a trip to Disney and save on costs by sharing a hotel. However....it most likely will not happen. The whole reason DH was letting me go in the first place was so that I could spend time with my parents at MY favorite place......WAAAAAAHHHHHH

01-18-2008, 08:46 AM
passing tissues............big :hugs:

I am sorry to hear that they picked the only time you couldn't go. Maybe something else will work out for you. Sending lots of pixy dust....

01-18-2008, 09:24 AM
Oh Angela - I'm so sorry!! :hugs: I would be super disappointed too. Perhaps you can smooth talk your hubby into the trip with your friend. Hopefully something will work out for you.

m 'n c
01-18-2008, 10:12 AM
I'm still hoping something works out for you Angela. Chin up and we'll all help you keep thinking of a way to make it happen. :)

01-18-2008, 10:13 AM
I'm so sorry, Angela. You and DD deserve a trip like this together. Here's hoping something good will happen and you'll be able to go.:sunshine2:

Magical JenK
01-18-2008, 10:53 AM
I'm still hoping for you too!! :sunshine:

01-18-2008, 02:23 PM
:hugs: Sorry Angela!! :hugs:

01-18-2008, 02:33 PM
Would he go for a SR meet. :) I would love to take my daughter there sometime just the two of us. We could meet. :) haha. Though I am not sure I can go this year. I had thought of taking just her to the SR cruise but I am taking her out of school just a few months after the cruise for a WDW trip so that did not work out. Someday I will do WDW with just her.

Seriously so sorry for you Angela!!! :) Pouting for you.

01-18-2008, 02:40 PM
Would he go for a SR meet. :) I would love to take my daughter there sometime just the two of us. We could meet. :) haha. Though I am not sure I can go this year. I had thought of taking just her to the SR cruise but I am taking her out of school just a few months after the cruise for a WDW trip so that did not work out. Someday I will do WDW with just her.

Seriously so sorry for you Angela!!! :) Pouting for you.

Thanks for pouting for me!

Unfortunately, DH made the comment today, "Well...since you are not going to WDW, you get to come to our son's basketball tournament with us!" I sort of acted less than thrilled. Not like I don't like to watch my son play. In fact, in all his years of playing, I have only missed one game. He was a little upset that I wasn't too excited. I just said, "yea....it is nice to go to Fort Wayne for the tournament....but it isn't WDW..."

So....doesn't look too hopeful for him to let me go now......

01-18-2008, 04:50 PM
:hugs: and some Disney Magic your way that somehow someway you can have your DD at Disney Time...

01-21-2008, 12:31 AM
Oh Angela!!!! :( I'm so sorry that things aren't looking so bright for your trip! I hope things turn around and something works out so you and Bethany can go.