View Full Version : New member help...

03-24-2011, 09:16 AM
Ok I just joined and a little confused.

I joined on monday and did a greenfield survey. I got credit for it. Yesterday I did another Greenfield but never got credit. So I read about clearing cookies so this morning I cleared my cookies and did another Greenfield survey. I qualified it took me a good 30 min (maybe more) to take the survey, there was a ton of commercials to watch and a bunch of questions. I get to the end and it says thanks for you opnion but you didnt qualify. How do I not qualify I just took the entire survey, they got all my answers but arent going to pay? Does this happen a lot. I could see if I answer the first 5 or so question and didnt qualify but this one said I did made me do all the work then nothing.

Also what is the deal on clearing cookies? Do I do it after each survey? Do I have to wait for it to credit before I clear...help?

m 'n c
03-24-2011, 09:33 AM

Greenfield surveys are going through a transition period with the crediting. Some are crediting within and hour and some are still coming in around 8:30 the next morning. So you should see credit this morning.

Not qualifying - yeah this happens every now and then and it stinks! What I recommend is when you want to take a GF survey right click on the green box and open it in a new tab. Then when you are doing the classification questions at the end just make it a habit to copy the link of the page you are on. If you get the you don't qualify message you now have a link to put in the box on the report a survey link associated with the GF surveys. The items we report are directly reported to GF.

Now cookies. You really just need to clear cookies before you start surveys each morning. Usually I do my surveys like this:


Clear cookies (make sure you wait until the top of the next hour when you finished the last survey in the above list)
Then take
Your 2 Cents

One hint on surveys as well, if you have a willing husband put in his demographics for Your 2 Cents and SSI2 since they pull from the same pool of surveys (GF and SSI). To make things easy on my husband, I do the intro questions and the classification questions and then I shout out the questions and answers so he doesn't have to spend a lot of time doing surveys.

03-24-2011, 09:34 AM
Hi and welcome!!

1st about the DS survey......they NORMALLY credit the next business day. They are in the process of switching over to credit on the hour like the other survey's do, but it hasn't fully happened yet. It's very likely the survey you took yesterday will credit this morning, usually around 1030am.

As for watching the commericals and doing the survey only to get told you don't qualify......no it doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Yes it sucks big time, but just brush it off and move on to another one. I think that happens to me less than once a month, and i do a LOT of survey's.

Clearing cookies.......I clear cookies once a day, first thing in the morning. then I do my survey's. If you do an SSI survey, then get credit and want to do an SSI2, you will need to clear cookies again, but only AFTER the SSI has credited. that's the only other time you would need to clear cookies.

Good luck and ask all the questions you want! We've all had the same questions before!

03-24-2011, 09:53 AM
Ok so I should clear cookies in the morning...then if I do the 2nd SSI ok good to know...

And have hubby do the last 2...ok that make sence...

Really annoyed that got all my opnions then said so sad too bad...and it was only my 3rd survey so that stinks...but good to know it doesnt happen much.

I never cleared cookies yesterday morning before I did the Greenfield survey (and I had done one the day before) so do you think I will still get credit?

m 'n c
03-24-2011, 09:56 AM
yes the daily survey tracks by your user id so you are fine.

03-24-2011, 10:38 AM
Just to clarify, daily survey "DS" and Greenfield "GF" are the same thing. They're used pretty interchangeably on the forum to describe the same survey.

Welcome to SR! Once you learn the ropes, I think you'll have no trouble reaching your earning goal for your next trip!

03-24-2011, 07:55 PM
One thing to remember....if you try for an SSI 2 one day and are not successful, you MUST clear cookies before attempting an SSI the following day or it will credit at the lower payout. It's just weird like that!