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View Full Version : Please tell me About Simon Visa

06-02-2007, 01:13 PM
I know this isn't an offer but I have read where many of you are using the Simon Gift Visa's.

I have a couple of questions/concerns!

1. There is a $5.95 charge to get one?

2. If you don't use the balance 12 months from the date of issue they start charging you $2.50 a month?

3. If the above is true, it wouldn't be worth while to reload the card would it?
Or.....you could reload it for 12 months as long as you use it up before the 12 month deadline? :confused:

4. I do have a Simon Mall near me so I could get one there or order it online.
Where did everyone get theirs?

5. Has anyone used any other similar gift VISA/Mastercard/AMEX that they would recommend?


m 'n c
06-02-2007, 01:20 PM
janet has been using her obopay card and is having luck with it. I am going to request on with the free $10 for signing up to give it a whirl and see how it goes. I think there is a tiny fee every time you reload it but I think she said it was like 1% or something that equated to 15 cents for her.
Check this thread for her responses:

06-02-2007, 02:12 PM
I did signed up for the OBOPAY card. Free and they give you $10 to start. I'll have to wait until Monday. My bank doesn't post anything on the weekends!

OBOPAY look like it might be a better deal. Thanks!

Trying to investigate all options!! :dollarsign: