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01-02-2008, 02:41 PM
Since this is now a sticky I'm taking over the first post. Hope you don't mind.

Here is a summary of important lessons learned for OTX surveys:

OTX recently changed and you have to enter an email address even if it states its optional. It is now there way of tracking us and how often we do surveys. They are now on a strict 24 hour timer and will let you know if you are too early.

Additionally, if you don't clear cookies you run the risk of the surveys not crediting. I have had that happen to me twice now so I clear before trying. Glad it worked for people in the past but apparently OTX has made some changes so we all need to adapt as well.

Please do not mention brand names or companies that you give your opinion on through these surveys.

Also if you want to avoid being called a cheater or dishonest you must add 1 year to your birthday in 2008 even if your birthday hasn't passed. OTX has a glitch in their system they have not fixed that assumes we were all born on January 1st and we are all 1 year older. So for example, my birthday is in September and it is April. Obviously my birthday hasn't passed but OTX says it has so I add 1 year to my age and voila! no problems!

Update: If you think you are getting the same survey each day please read this:

If you are using the same email and demographics then you are not getting the same surveys. There are many many surveys with the same screener questions but they are different surveys. Once you close that window you are shut out of the surveys until tomorrow. So next time just keep going and don't close out until it either says thanks for taking a survey or none available.

01-02-2008, 02:56 PM
Fool that I am I just tried another OTX survey after getting burned twice yesterday. I was hoping that by now they would have corrected their "age" problem. After completing the entire 30 minute survey I typed in my "correct" age and again they told me I was "being dishonest." That's it for me with these surveys. Much as I would like the extra $.70 a day it's not worth it to invest that much time and not get credit.

I was just coming here to see if anyone has tried. Sorry you got burned again, I was mad last night too.


01-02-2008, 03:38 PM
Is it just particular surveys or all of your OTX tries? I was able to get one credit last night. It was on nesquick.

I never fill in the email field, but I don't think that should have anything to do w/ the birthday issues.

01-02-2008, 03:44 PM
It was a problem everytime I tried OTX yesterday, no matter what the survey. I just tried a little while ago for the first time, and it says I've taken too many surveys. Since I haven't successfully done an OTX survey since Saturday or Sunday.........I think it still has problems.:computer: Here is what I keep getting:

Come back soon

We're sorry, but you seem to have reached the maximum number of surveys in our system for the time period. If you have joined several survey programs, you may have taken one of our surveys on another survey program.

We have many survey opportunities most of the time, so don't hesitate to try again tomorrow for your next chance to give your opinion.

Note that we are temporarily unable to send you back to your survey program. Please accept our apologies.

COPYRIGHT © 2000 - 2006 Online Testing Exchange Technical Problems?

01-02-2008, 03:44 PM
I just had the same problem. I spent about 30 minutes on one about online travel companies and at the end it asked for my age and I got the message that I was being dishonest.:computer: I may be done with OTX.

01-02-2008, 04:17 PM
I hate to think about the number of OTX surveys I have completed, and then gotten some ridiculous error message at the very end and not gotten credit.

What irks me though, is when I try to retake one, it recognizes that I already took one and will not let me. So OTX is getting completed surveys, but not paying out for them!!!! Now that really upsets me!


m 'n c
01-02-2008, 04:28 PM
How odd. I have not come across those error messages lately and I have been taking the surveys almost daily. I wish I had some great advice to give but I am stumped.

01-02-2008, 04:29 PM
I just got home from work, and being the fool I am, I retried it. I only got so far when I got this:

Unexpected error

We’re sorry, but an unexpected error has occurred. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion.

01-02-2008, 04:33 PM
Unexpected error

We’re sorry, but an unexpected error has occurred. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion.[/QUOTE]

Yep, that is one of them. and i bet if you retry, it will not let you!


01-02-2008, 05:24 PM
How odd. I have not come across those error messages lately and I have been taking the surveys almost daily. I wish I had some great advice to give but I am stumped.

Neither did I, the ones that are burning us are the ones at the end for classification purposes are asking for your age, when you put in your correct age (bc your bday hasn't happened in 08 yet) it boots you out telling you your dishonest. Yesterday the 1st was when it first started happening.

m 'n c
01-02-2008, 05:44 PM
I'll have to be on the lookout today for this new error. I wonder if its all surveys or just a chunk of them.

01-02-2008, 07:55 PM
I just completed a survey on OTX and it accepted my age and everything - so maybe it's working now!! I too got the you exceeded surveys for most of the day!

Good luck - I hope it works for everyone!!

01-02-2008, 08:46 PM
Have tried on and off all day to do an OTX survey. I get only so far, and each and every time I get this message:

Unexpected error

We’re sorry, but an unexpected error has occurred. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion.

I give up!:computer:

01-02-2008, 09:16 PM
I finally did get one at 5pm today, it didn't ask for my age though like the vaccum cleaner and car one so I didn't have to worry about it.

I also got credit for it.

01-02-2008, 10:30 PM
It's not fixed yet...I just got booted out of the vacuum cleaner one after "being dishonest" about my age. But now it says I've already done a survey. I'm sure I won't get credit though. Same thing happened to me yesterday too. I guess it's because of the new year. I hope they get it fixed soon.

01-02-2008, 10:30 PM
DH got all the way through a car one, told them his age, and it called him a liar! Now it says I've come back too soon and won't give us another. I quit! Stupid OTX!!!!!!

01-02-2008, 10:34 PM
I've been trying to get a deal to work with them directly so that I can talk with them about this kind of thing, but so far they are ignoring me. :(

01-02-2008, 10:42 PM
After reading some of your posts that you had finally got this to credit I (foolishly) decided to give it one more try. 30 minutes of filling out questions only to be told again that I am lying about my age! That's definitely it for me and OTX. I have wasted over 2 hours of time over 2 days for absolutely nothing and on top of it they are calling me DISHONEST! :computer:

m 'n c
01-02-2008, 10:42 PM
I just completed one after getting the unexpected error message. Not sure if it will credit.

01-02-2008, 11:12 PM
I got one tonight right befor 9pm and it credited for me at 9pm it was about vacumm cleaners . Make sure your birthday that you put inwhen you first enter OTX matches the age you put in on the last page .

01-02-2008, 11:17 PM
Stupid OTX....I was almost (I think) done completing a survey on smartphones, and it said sorry an unexpected error occurred, then it told me I had exceeded my limit for the day!!!:computer:

01-02-2008, 11:29 PM
We just had a BUNCH of OTX credits come in.

01-02-2008, 11:37 PM
I had the "age" problem as well. Finished the whole survey last night (wanting the increased credit from yesterday), they asked my age and they said I was dishonest and felt like they were slapping me on the hand, telling me I should take their surveys more seriously and be honest. Right! Be honest? Me who put in my real age should be honest???


01-02-2008, 11:54 PM
I keep getting the error message also

m 'n c
01-02-2008, 11:57 PM
are yall able to refresh or go back a page and refresh when you get the error message? I was able to do that once today and keep going with the survey. Just a thought.

01-03-2008, 01:54 AM
Thank you for your participation in our research study today. Unfortunately, you have given an invalid answer, which will not allow you to complete this study. Honest answers to survey questions are vital to the integrity of the research process. In the future, please make sure to read each question carefully and give your honest answer. Remember to pay attention to any media (video, print, etc….) that you are exposed to.


01-03-2008, 02:00 AM
Looks like I'm in great company: the same thing keeps happening to me.:computer:

01-03-2008, 07:02 AM
are yall able to refresh or go back a page and refresh when you get the error message? I was able to do that once today and keep going with the survey. Just a thought.

No, couldn't refresh. That's the first thing I tried, and I tried it several times. No luck at all.:(

01-03-2008, 09:02 AM
Thank you for your participation in our research study today. Unfortunately, you have given an invalid answer, which will not allow you to complete this study. Honest answers to survey questions are vital to the integrity of the research process. In the future, please make sure to read each question carefully and give your honest answer. Remember to pay attention to any media (video, print, etc….) that you are exposed to.


I got this this morning after completing a 25 minute survey! How frustrating! I usually don't do surveys because i don't have that much time or patience LOL

01-03-2008, 08:22 PM
I got another dishonest accusation from OTX after finishing a travel survey today. GRR!!! I really hate giving up these credits. You spend HOURS trying to qualify and feel like they now have your entire life history and then finally get one and give it good, thoughtful, correct answers and they get out of paying by calling you a liar. I clicked on their technical support link, which of course is broken. So... I don't know what's wrong. Last couple of weeks I've gotten them pretty regularly and not had any trouble.

Tricia, I sure hope you have luck getting these from another souce so they work better for us.

01-03-2008, 09:55 PM
Just a warning still not fixed yet, I went through a survey sort of like the one on Tuesday (just different product) and when it asked my age I put in what I would be turning in April of this year instead of what I am now and it took it.

So it appears they haven't fixed that problem yet!!!!

01-03-2008, 10:01 PM
Just a warning still not fixed yet, I went through a survey sort of like the one on Tuesday (just different product) and when it asked my age I put in what I would be turning in April of this year instead of what I am now and it took it.

So it appears they haven't fixed that problem yet!!!!

Alright... I'll give it one more try and be sure to remember to LIE about my age and see what happens, lol!

01-03-2008, 10:21 PM
Alright... I'll give it one more try and be sure to remember to LIE about my age and see what happens, lol!

LOL, that's how I felt.... I was honest and they called me a "liar" so i moved my age up by 4 months and they think I was telling the truth!

Oh well...
Good Luck

01-03-2008, 10:54 PM
Just a warning still not fixed yet, I went through a survey sort of like the one on Tuesday (just different product) and when it asked my age I put in what I would be turning in April of this year instead of what I am now and it took it.

So it appears they haven't fixed that problem yet!!!!

Ditto for me.

01-04-2008, 08:48 AM
I emailed the "contact" off the front page of the OTX surveys last night and was surprised to actually get a reply from them.

"Hello Shelly,

Thanks for your email. I forwarded your email to our programming team to look into what may be causing this issue. What email address did you enter in the online form? This will assist us in potentially finding the source of the problem.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


The Panthera Interactive Team"

Naturally, I do not put email addresses on the OTX surveys. Ugh.

01-04-2008, 09:19 AM
When I do OTX survey's, I feel like I tread on thin water. Don't do them to fast, or to slow. I figured I have done at least 20 and have gotten credit for maybe 3. I like the instant credit when you do qualify, but when they don't give you the completion message and an excuse why you didn't qualify, I want to :computer: .

01-04-2008, 04:38 PM
When I do OTX survey's, I feel like I tread on thin water. Don't do them to fast, or to slow. I figured I have done at least 20 and have gotten credit for maybe 3. I like the instant credit when you do qualify, but when they don't give you the completion message and an excuse why you didn't qualify, I want to :computer: .

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with the OTX surveys. I've completed several but hardly ever get credit. I guess I'm just one who thinks things will get better as I keep doing them. I did one yesterday and finished it, no credit. I did one today, so I'll see if it credits in a few minutes.

If you don't qualify for a survey, are you all clicking the "do you want to try for another survey" button or are you going back to the original SR page?

01-04-2008, 05:05 PM
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with the OTX surveys. I've completed several but hardly ever get credit. I guess I'm just one who thinks things will get better as I keep doing them. I did one yesterday and finished it, no credit. I did one today, so I'll see if it credits in a few minutes.

If you don't qualify for a survey, are you all clicking the "do you want to try for another survey" button or are you going back to the original SR page?

I always hit "do you want to try for another survey" and keep going. I usually get one with in the next two tried that way. Of course the SM survey's you have to exit out and go back in. Wouldn't it be easy if they all worked the same way>?? :)

01-04-2008, 08:59 PM
I refuse to mess with them after they called me a liar. That was my breaking point!

01-04-2008, 09:05 PM
Well, I think the problem is in their programming. I had absolutely no problem with taking them until New Year's Day. Now, as soon as I put in my real age, it pops up that I'm being dishonest. I think (not certain, but probably right) that there is a computer glitch that thinks I'm a year older than I'm stating because it is now 2008, not 2007. Somehow, even though I won't turn a year older until April (heaven forbid:( ), the computer program already thinks I am a year older and kicks me out when it doesn't get it's expected age. I just got kicked out of another one because of this.:computer:

m 'n c
01-04-2008, 09:06 PM
Ok we finally got one that requested an exact birthdate (beer survey) at the beginning and the end and had no problems or error messages.

01-04-2008, 09:22 PM
Ok we finally got one that requested an exact birthdate (beer survey) at the beginning and the end and had no problems or error messages.

Well it depends. The ones we're having issue's with (and it looks like Spring just had it again) is they dont' ask your age at the beginning of the survey (it's the year we put in when we launch the page where the Wii is etc) then the first classification page after all the survey questions are done it asks for your age in digit format not birth year. So the minute I put in 33 it called me dishonest. But I had it yesterday and put in 34 (although not until April) and it accepted it. The only time I put the year in is when I click on the link from the offer's section and the demo info comes up. Then the 2 digit age at the end for "classification". not sure when you finished yours but it looks like Spring just got nailed again.

01-04-2008, 09:29 PM
Well it depends. The ones we're having issue's with (and it looks like Spring just had it again) is they dont' ask your age at the beginning of the survey (it's the year we put in when we launch the page where the Wii is etc) then the first classification page after all the survey questions are done it asks for your age in digit format not birth year. So the minute I put in 33 it called me dishonest. But I had it yesterday and put in 34 (although not until April) and it accepted it. The only time I put the year in is when I click on the link from the offer's section and the demo info comes up. Then the 2 digit age at the end for "classification". not sure when you finished yours but it looks like Spring just got nailed again.

You better believe it! I would like to go back and try your method, but now it says I've exceeded my surveys for this time period! I tried clearing cookies, clearing temp files and changing e-mail addys - but the same message.:computer:

m 'n c
01-04-2008, 09:34 PM
Well it depends. The ones we're having issue's with (and it looks like Spring just had it again) is they dont' ask your age at the beginning of the survey (it's the year we put in when we launch the page where the Wii is etc) then the first classification page after all the survey questions are done it asks for your age in digit format not birth year. So the minute I put in 33 it called me dishonest. But I had it yesterday and put in 34 (although not until April) and it accepted it. The only time I put the year in is when I click on the link from the offer's section and the demo info comes up. Then the 2 digit age at the end for "classification". not sure when you finished yours but it looks like Spring just got nailed again.

Ok. I still have not run across any of those. I will report back though when and if I do.

01-04-2008, 09:40 PM
You better believe it! I would like to go back and try your method, but now it says I've exceeded my surveys for this time period! I tried clearing cookies, clearing temp files and changing e-mail addys - but the same message.:computer:

That happened to me, I gave it a half hour and I think it let me back in, bc I did do 2 that night and got burned on both.

try again later......

01-04-2008, 11:58 PM
You better believe it! I would like to go back and try your method, but now it says I've exceeded my surveys for this time period! I tried clearing cookies, clearing temp files and changing e-mail addys - but the same message.:computer:

That happened to me, I gave it a half hour and I think it let me back in, bc I did do 2 that night and got burned on both.

try again later......

Same thing here for me tonight. I tried to take one, asked when I'd buy my next car, then it told me I was over limit, but I write down my times when I finish so I know I was over 24 hours. Tried again 30 minutes later and still no luck. I was having pretty good luck w/ these too. I think I'm just spoiled and am survey greedy!! :eat:

01-05-2008, 09:24 AM
I was having good luck with these surveys...until a few days ago. Now it just keeps bringing up the same survey so I have to back out since I have already done it. And all day yesterday it kept saying I was over my limit into late last night. UGH!! I finally gave up!!!!

01-05-2008, 09:34 AM
Ok. I still have not run across any of those. I will report back though when and if I do.

Count your lucky stars then...it's TERRIBLE.

I got the car one too and had the same thing happen.

01-05-2008, 10:04 AM
I had the age thing happen to me and couldn't figure out why....At least that's why I guess it happened...It was a vacuum survey and I had been real slow and caught all the questions that say to "mark 3", etc...And then when I got to demographics, it told me I had answered unreliably. That would be a good explanation though. My birthday isn't until December, but I'll try next time to bump up my age.

01-05-2008, 10:31 AM
Anyone seen this? Think I'll get credit?

I just finished a pretty lengthy one on cell phones and after completing it, it went to a Global Test Market Screen and it said:

According to our records, you have already filled out this survey.

FWIW, I had not ever taken that survey.

01-05-2008, 10:47 AM
OK, I quit LOL

I just spent 40 minutes doing a vacumn survey. Took my time, made sure I amswered every single question honestly and I got the same 'your not honest' response!!

So, that's it. I am not doing them ever again! I am starting to wonder of they just want all our answers but then dont want to pay out :mad:

01-05-2008, 12:04 PM
OK, I quit LOL

I just spent 40 minutes doing a vacumn survey. Took my time, made sure I amswered every single question honestly and I got the same 'your not honest' response!!

So, that's it. I am not doing them ever again! I am starting to wonder of they just want all our answers but then dont want to pay out :mad:

I wouldn't give them up completely just yet. Today I got one that didn't ask my EXACT age at the end, so I finished without getting the "Dishonest" message. I only get the "Dishonest" message whenever I have to put my EXACT age into the ending Demographics. I think it expects me to be a year older than I am because it is now 2008, not 2007.

01-05-2008, 12:13 PM
I wouldn't give them up completely just yet. Today I got one that didn't ask my EXACT age at the end, so I finished without getting the "Dishonest" message. I only get the "Dishonest" message whenever I have to put my EXACT age into the ending Demographics. I think it expects me to be a year older than I am because it is now 2008, not 2007.

I managed to get one this morning that didn't ask my age either. There is hope yet!

01-05-2008, 12:23 PM
OK, I quit LOL

I just spent 40 minutes doing a vacumn survey. Took my time, made sure I amswered every single question honestly and I got the same 'your not honest' response!!

So, that's it. I am not doing them ever again! I am starting to wonder of they just want all our answers but then dont want to pay out :mad:

Yes don't give up, just move your age up to what you'll be this year., I'm guessing it's not going to get fixed over the weekend, but hopefully sometime next week. If your bday hasn't passed since 08 has come, I would just move it up one year. i.e I'll be 34 in April so that's what I've been putting in if it asks my 2 digit age.

01-05-2008, 12:26 PM
Yes don't give up, just move your age up to what you'll be this year., I'm guessing it's not going to get fixed over the weekend, but hopefully sometime next week. If your bday hasn't passed since 08 has come, I would just move it up one year. i.e I'll be 34 in April so that's what I've been putting in if it asks my 2 digit age.

OT... I forgot you were such a baby, April, LOL! I have to fib and put in 45, LOL!

01-05-2008, 12:30 PM
OT... I forgot you were such a baby, April, LOL! I have to fib and put in 45, LOL!

LOL, how come I don't "feel" like a baby!!! DH isn't he hit the big 40 this year! :)

01-05-2008, 01:40 PM
I would like to go back and try your method, but now it says I've exceeded my surveys for this time period! I tried clearing cookies, clearing temp files and changing e-mail addys - but the same message.:computer:

Does OTX operate on a 24-hour cycle? I got my first ever to credit last night but now I'm getting this message after clearing out everything and changing email, too. They must track by IP address?

01-05-2008, 01:41 PM
Does OTX operate on a 24-hour cycle? I got my first ever to credit last night but now I'm getting this message after clearing out everything and changing email, too. They must track by IP address?

My understanding is that you have to wait 24 hours between surveys.

01-05-2008, 01:57 PM
My understanding is that you have to wait 24 hours between surveys.

Thanks Pat. Now when I look at the offer more carefully, I see it does say you can take them every 24 hours. I was really excited to finally get one but wish it hadn't been so late. Maybe I won't try tonight so I can get off the 'late night' cycle.

m 'n c
01-05-2008, 02:10 PM
My understanding is that you have to wait 24 hours between surveys.

I don't know if that is necessarily true. I know I did one yesterday around 5 or 6 and I already did one for today and got credit. Maybe it was because Mike took it yesterday and I did today. (change in demographics but no change in email). I really don't know how it works though.

01-05-2008, 02:13 PM
I don't know if that is necessarily true. I know I did one yesterday around 5 or 6 and I already did one for today and got credit. Maybe it was because Mike took it yesterday and I did today. (change in demographics but no change in email). I really don't know how it works though.

Interesting...........I'll have to try again. Now, if that is true, I actually took yesterdays OTX survey early this morning because I didn't qualify yesterday and today's wasn't up yet. Would I be able to take today's survey and get credit? I'm not going to even try, but it's an interesting thought.:confused:

m 'n c
01-05-2008, 02:22 PM
Interesting...........I'll have to try again. Now, if that is true, I actually took yesterdays OTX survey early this morning because I didn't qualify yesterday and today's wasn't up yet. Would I be able to take today's survey and get credit? I'm not going to even try, but it's an interesting thought.:confused:

I think so if you took yesterday's first and then today but I really don't know and I don't want to tell you wrong. maybe janet or tricia can pop in next time they are on.

01-05-2008, 02:28 PM
I think so if you took yesterday's first and then today but I really don't know and I don't want to tell you wrong. maybe janet or tricia can pop in next time they are on.

Thanks anyway. Honestly, it's enough to take one OTX survey in a day without trying to do two (oh, my aching head!:rotfl: )

01-05-2008, 02:57 PM
As far as I can tell, it is actually every 24 hours.

01-05-2008, 03:32 PM
This has been my experience with OTX. I have gotten several since the offer began and gotten credit, but not necessarily every day. I don't wait exactly 24 hours and can still get one. In other words I just did one about an hour ago, 12:30 P.M. CST and I could probably get one for tomorrow at 2:00 A.M. if I was up and tried.

The biggest thing I have found is if I have to try several times to get an OTX survey and don't qualify, and by this time have probably switched to DH demographics and email, it will tell me that I have tried all the surveys available at the moment and to try again on another day. Sometimes it tells me I have already done one when I haven't. I think that may be all the tries. I tried several times last night with no luck and it told me to come back and try in 1 hour. Since I went to bed and wasn't up, I tried this morning, got right in, didn't qualify for the 1st one, but did the 2nd one, completed it and got credit on the hour. It was a movie survey. I think it did ask my age at the end. My b'day isn't until May and I have not changed my age in the OTX surveys in 08. I have not really figured OTX out and am not going to try. I figure when I get one, GREAT, that's another .80 and when I can't, it's okay, I'll just wait until the next day. I've been lucky with regular surveys and pretty lucky with the SM ones, so I'm happy.

01-06-2008, 09:53 AM
Okay, this cements the issue for me. I just took the same survey on cars from OTX that I have been kicked out of at the end repeatedly when I put my age in. Today, I put my age in as 1 year older and had no problem. I don't like doing that, but I also think OTX needs to fix it's survey site. I don't like spending 25 minutes doing a survey and being told I'm dishonest for entering my age correctly, either.

01-06-2008, 11:18 AM
I was able to get one easy today about movies. I think I have only been able to get 2 so far this month. hopefully they have it fixed.

01-06-2008, 04:02 PM
Okay, this cements the issue for me. I just took the same survey on cars from OTX that I have been kicked out of at the end repeatedly when I put my age in. Today, I put my age in as 1 year older and had no problem. I don't like doing that, but I also think OTX needs to fix it's survey site. I don't like spending 25 minutes doing a survey and being told I'm dishonest for entering my age correctly, either.

Me too! After being kicked out of two in a row for "being dishonest" about my age, I did a third one and said I was a year older (only 1 1/2 mo. and I will be that age) and it took it. Today my husband took a loooong one on car ads, and I forgot to tell him about the age thing, and of course it called him a liar! Nice. I'm going to try to find a way to contact OTX and report the problem.

01-06-2008, 04:07 PM
Me too! After being kicked out of two in a row for "being dishonest" about my age, I did a third one and said I was a year older (only 1 1/2 mo. and I will be that age) and it took it. Today my husband took a loooong one on car ads, and I forgot to tell him about the age thing, and of course it called him a liar! Nice. I'm going to try to find a way to contact OTX and report the problem.

DH "lied" today (by a month and a half also!) and it took it!!

Here's the email address of the person who wrote me back...

Matt Sandin [matt@pantherainteractive.com]; on behalf of; info@pantherainteractive.com

01-06-2008, 04:16 PM
DH "lied" today (by a month and a half also!) and it took it!!

Here's the email address of the person who wrote me back...

Matt Sandin [matt@pantherainteractive.com]; on behalf of; info@pantherainteractive.com

thanks - just sent my own email to info@pantherainteractive.com
hopefully they can get it fixed for all of us

01-09-2008, 01:31 AM

Come back soon

We're sorry, but you seem to have reached the maximum number of surveys in our system for the time period. If you have joined several survey programs, you may have taken one of our surveys on another survey program.

We have many survey opportunities most of the time, so don't hesitate to try again tomorrow for your next chance to give your opinion.

Note that we are temporarily unable to send you back to your survey program. Please accept our apologies.

That's nice, it's all well and good, IF I had taken a survey.

Instead, I got into a survey that would have gone through for me. How do I know? Because I've taken it before and it credited. In the interests of being a good little girl and NOT re-taking a survey I've taken before, I backed out of it.

When I went to get back in, the above is the message I got.


01-09-2008, 06:49 PM

That's nice, it's all well and good, IF I had taken a survey.

Instead, I got into a survey that would have gone through for me. How do I know? Because I've taken it before and it credited. In the interests of being a good little girl and NOT re-taking a survey I've taken before, I backed out of it.

When I went to get back in, the above is the message I got.

Sometimes I get that too. I just go and clear cookies and then I can get back in.

What peeves me is they still haven't fixed the age issue! I am NOT 31 yet (I've still got a couple of weeks) so I refuse to put 31 in the box when I'm still only 30. And to top it off, spending all that time to do a survey only to be told I'm lying about my age! :(

01-09-2008, 06:58 PM
You'll have a couple years left on lying. I tried to get a survey and was told I was lying about my age (32). How old do I have to be?:computer:

Personally, I'm not doing the survey under offers until it is fixed. I hate going through that whole process to be told I am lying!!!!:angrywife:

01-09-2008, 07:46 PM
Aw man, clearing cookies would have taken care of it? Ugh.

Is this age thing new? Like, since the year changed? Could it be a problem with their calendars that they want people to put that they are one year older than they are?

01-09-2008, 07:48 PM
Aw man, clearing cookies would have taken care of it? Ugh.

Is this age thing new? Like, since the year changed? Could it be a problem with their calendars that they want people to put that they are one year older than they are?

Clearing cookies sometimes helps me, but other times I have to wait a couple hours, then I can get back in.

The first time I noticed the age thing was New Year's Day, so I think it is absolutely a calendar thing. I've given up and have just made myself a year older until OTX can fix this. It's a computer glitch that is calling us dishonest.

01-09-2008, 07:51 PM
Aw man, clearing cookies would have taken care of it? Ugh.

Is this age thing new? Like, since the year changed? Could it be a problem with their calendars that they want people to put that they are one year older than they are?

I think what it is...they only ask for your birth year (not full birthday), so I think their survey program is set up to calculate based on Jan 1st. So basically, even though you haven't turned 30 or 31 or 58 YET, you will during the year of 2008 and that's the limitations of the software. The OTX surveys are fairly new, so I'm guessing we didn't notice the problem much in 2007 because it was the the end of the year and many folks actually HAD turned their respective year older. Just my theory...

01-09-2008, 07:53 PM
I think that's a good theory! I hadn't run into the age problem, as I hadn't qualified for one (that I hadn't already done) yet, but I'll know to watch out for it~

01-09-2008, 08:34 PM
Well i am not sure if the age thing is still a problem, but after an hour on an otx survey not including the time to get into an otx survey i just deceded lets add a year (What i will be in 2008) and it worked! Did not like having to do it but did not want to risk loosing the hour invested, if the problem still exists!

01-09-2008, 08:41 PM
Well i am not sure if the age thing is still a problem, but after an hour on an otx survey not including the time to get into an otx survey i just deceded lets add a year (What i will be in 2008) and it worked! Did not like having to do it but did not want to risk loosing the hour invested, if the problem still exists!

Even though my b-day isn't until September, at this point, I have been burned so many times on OTX, I will be 40 for the rest of the year.:( Not something I was looking forward to.

01-09-2008, 09:03 PM
Well crap I wish I had known this. I finished an OTX on automobiles today and they told me I was lying when they asked for my age at the end. I can't believe that they actually think they have that many people lying on a question like that. :(

01-10-2008, 12:47 PM
I wish I had read this thread sooner. I just got called a liar too. Now it won't let me try to take another survey nor can I take a SM survey because it is also through this company. Very frustrating!!!

01-10-2008, 02:50 PM
I wish I had read this thread sooner. I just got called a liar too. Now it won't let me try to take another survey nor can I take a SM survey because it is also through this company. Very frustrating!!!

I believe the SM survey is through Greenfield, not OTX. One shouldn't exclude the other. Be sure to clear your cookies before trying the SM survey!:sunshine:

01-10-2008, 03:07 PM
From what I read on other threads, right now the SM survey is being routed to OTX, so it does impact it. Right now.

01-10-2008, 03:12 PM
Earlier today the SM survey was going to OTX but I just finished the SM survey and it was back to "2 cents." Hopefully it will stay that way.

01-10-2008, 03:13 PM
I did an SM survey around 1:30pm and it went to greenfield's page where you fill in your info, not OTX. Rec'd credit on the hour (was that long one where you had to pick 2 car attributes from a bunch of boxes A B C, etc.)

01-10-2008, 10:26 PM
OK - last two nights I tried to take a n OTX survey and after 35 minutes the next button never loaded so I got kicked out and tonight after 40 minutes of car questions it asked my age and called me a liar.
I can not get back in. I have waited an hour, cleared cookies... It will not let me try again. Says I exceeded daily limit.....
Well then pay SR so I can get paid!!!!@!:computer:

01-13-2008, 08:13 PM
Somebody must have just done something bc my OTX survey credit just posted from yesterday. Now I'll go and try and take one for today!

Whoo hoo!

m 'n c
01-13-2008, 08:15 PM
Yup my credit showed up too. Maybe there was just a server delay on their end. I just finished a 20 minute survey without any hiccups so we'll see if it credits at 7. :)

01-13-2008, 08:49 PM
My faith is temporarily restored! Yay!

01-19-2008, 01:09 PM
I couldn't find the thread about the OTX survey issues from last weekend so maybe someone will want to move this there. I took the survey this morning and didn't receive credit on the hour or the next hour. I'm wondering if this is because it's Saturday and happens every weekend or if I'm the only one this time. I had the same problem last weekend and it credited on 1/13 instead.

01-19-2008, 01:11 PM
Sorry, mine credited on the hour, so I don't know what the answer is.

01-20-2008, 07:44 PM
I just about finished a survey on luxury automobiles. At the end, I put in my real age and was told I was being untruthful. So, I'm assuming this problem isn't fixed yet. Is there any news from them on when this will be fixed? Will they tell us when it's fixed so we know how old we should be? So very frustrating!

01-20-2008, 09:42 PM
For the My Thoughts Count Surveys...should they bring you back to SR or am I good if I get the screen that says "thank you!"

m 'n c
01-20-2008, 09:44 PM
These do not bring you back to SR so if you get that page you are good.

01-20-2008, 09:48 PM
Yay! Thanks!

01-21-2008, 11:12 AM
These do not bring you back to SR so if you get that page you are good.

I had it happen twice this weekend where I was given the Thank you page but didn't get credit. I'm hoping it comes today. This happened last weekend too (only one day though).

01-21-2008, 01:49 PM
I was credited for it, but it took a little time. Hope you were credited too!

01-21-2008, 09:34 PM
So, yesterday OTX called me dishonest for putting my real age in. Today, I added a year and gave them the age that I will be after I have my birthday this year. Once again, I'm called dishonest. Heck, what gives? If I'm going to lie, I'll at least say I'm 29 again! Now, there are two days that I've done a full survey and SR or me won't see a penny of it. :computer: :computer:

Is there any way we could have confirmation of whether they've fixed the age error so we don't waste our time? Thanks!!!

m 'n c
01-21-2008, 09:38 PM
So, yesterday OTX called me dishonest for putting my real age in. Today, I added a year and gave them the age that I will be after I have my birthday this year. Once again, I'm called dishonest. Heck, what gives? If I'm going to lie, I'll at least say I'm 29 again! Now, there are two days that I've done a full survey and SR or me won't see a penny of it. :computer: :computer:

Is there any way we could have confirmation of whether they've fixed the age error so we don't waste our time? Thanks!!!

The problem is that these are going through a 3rd party not OTX directly so Tricia doesn't have anyone over there to discuss these things with. I know she is trying to work a deal with them directly but hasn't been able to so far.

I wish I knew what to tell you but I have no suggestions or ideas.

01-21-2008, 11:47 PM
Oh I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. Last night I did an OTX survey and at the end I got the "liar" message after putting in my age. I thought maybe I messed up the year on the first page since I typed that info in so fast. Tonight I did an OTX one that ended in a Thank You page, is it supposed to go to the SR congrats page or is the Thank You one the right one to get credit?

01-21-2008, 11:50 PM
Oh I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. Last night I did an OTX survey and at the end I got the "liar" message after putting in my age. I thought maybe I messed up the year on the first page since I typed that info in so fast. Tonight I did an OTX one that ended in a Thank You page, is it supposed to go to the SR congrats page or is the Thank You one the right one to get credit?

The 'Thank You' page is all I've ever gotten after completing an OTX survey, and I've usually gotten credit. Hope it credits for you!

01-21-2008, 11:56 PM
So, yesterday OTX called me dishonest for putting my real age in. Today, I added a year and gave them the age that I will be after I have my birthday this year. Once again, I'm called dishonest. Heck, what gives? If I'm going to lie, I'll at least say I'm 29 again! Now, there are two days that I've done a full survey and SR or me won't see a penny of it. :computer: :computer:

Is there any way we could have confirmation of whether they've fixed the age error so we don't waste our time? Thanks!!!

Maybe they did fix it? I didnt' do one today but I saw your post last night about it not being fixed while I was doing my OTX survey, it did ask my age and I had to "lie" and say I was 34 instead of 33 and it went through and I got the credit. I didn't try today bc it won't let me until 11pm, so I may just skip it tonight and take one early tomorrow so I can get back on track.

01-22-2008, 10:49 AM
I did get credit for the one I did last night so maybe it's fixed. It's great having that extra survey to earn a little extra!

01-22-2008, 11:49 AM
I did one this AM and put the age in I will be in April without getting the dishonest message. I also got credit. I'm thinking it's still not fixed.

01-22-2008, 01:42 PM
congrats to all of you for getting an otx survey. i have been trying for the last 2 days and all i keep getting is that i don't qualify for anything and it thanks me for my time. all i want to do is just scream and throw my computer out the window. i wish i knew what otx was looking for and why i don't qualify for anything lately - it's very frustrating.:computer:

m 'n c
01-22-2008, 02:24 PM
congrats to all of you for getting an otx survey. i have been trying for the last 2 days and all i keep getting is that i don't qualify for anything and it thanks me for my time. all i want to do is just scream and throw my computer out the window. i wish i knew what otx was looking for and why i don't qualify for anything lately - it's very frustrating.:computer:

the ones that i've been coming across is looking for someone under 13 who plays a lot of video games which is of course not me nor Mike. Not sure what else they are looking for but we haven't been qualifying either since last week.

01-22-2008, 03:20 PM
Well, there's the one on (COVER YOUR EARS GENTLEMEN SRers) Meno*****. Without giving TMI, they tell me I'm a liar. Ask my DH - he'll tell you I'm not! :rotfl:

01-22-2008, 05:52 PM
I keep getting the message "this survey is now closed", though it won't return me to the Sunshine Rewards page. I went back to it, myself, to try again to try again for a different survey, and I got the same one, with the same "this survey is now closed" message. It doesn't seem like it's counting them, but also will not let me move past it. I will try again later, but was wondering if anyone had this experience before?

01-22-2008, 06:10 PM
:sunshine2: I just got one that was so easy, I truly thought it was a mistake. until .70 got credited to my account 10 minutes later. It basically asked if I liked certain print items, yes or no. then I got the congrats page. Wow!

01-22-2008, 06:42 PM
I was also surprised at how easy a time I had today - my very first try! It was kind of long and not a fun survey - but still it was fun to get the credit!!

01-22-2008, 08:57 PM
I got a survey today, but I was just nearly to the end that they had a problem of some sort and it cut me off with a nice sorry statement. RATS!

01-22-2008, 09:57 PM
DH had one and the page would not load, we waited and waited until it timed out, refreshed. still a no go but got the you came back too soon page when trying again. :( Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

01-22-2008, 10:22 PM
DH got one tonight on a professional sport. Didn't ask for his age and gave him the "thank you" page.

01-23-2008, 11:25 AM
Last night I spent about 20 doing the my thoughts offer and I was almost done and they asked for my age and I said 34 then the next page said I can not continue because they only want honest people. I know at the begin they asked for the year I was born 1973 but I’m not yet 35 (not until August). Is that why I couldn’t complete it? Has this happened to anyone else?

01-23-2008, 11:31 AM
Last night I spent about 20 doing the my thoughts offer and I was almost done and they asked for my age and I said 34 then the next page said I can not continue because they only want honest people. I know at the begin they asked for the year I was born 1973 but I’m not yet 35 (not until August). Is that why I couldn’t complete it? Has this happened to anyone else?

Yes, there have been several threads speaking about just this problem. As of January 1st, I've had to add a year to my age (the age I'll be in April). I think it is a programming glitch. Tricia has tried to address it, but hasn't had much interest from the company, from what I can gather. I have just resolved to be a year older until my actual birthday.

01-23-2008, 11:38 AM
I got that they only wanted honest people, too -- it never occurred to me that it was because of an age discrepancy! I wondered what in the heck I had done wrong. It was at the very end of an agonizingly long survey about car ads. I rarely qualify for the OTX surveys b/c my husband works for the media, a question I aways answer honestly. Ironically, the next time I tried at OTX survey, it started heading me toward that one again -- I quickly closed out!:rotfl:

01-23-2008, 11:49 AM
Thank you Pat!

That is one thing I would love to be dishonest about but I wasn't. I will try it again today as being 35 :eek:

01-23-2008, 01:10 PM
i finally got an otx survey today - first one in 3 days and it was the car one so i had to remember to add a year to my age or else i would get the dishonest message again (it has happened more than once). it worked and i got the thank you page and it credited. i do wonder if and when otx is ever going to fix this problem or do we all just have to remember to add a year to our ages just to get through this. well everyone - have a happy day anyway.:sunshine:

01-23-2008, 01:47 PM
I hope they fix it so I don't have to remember it. My birthday isn't until December. That's a long time to lie. :)

01-23-2008, 01:52 PM
I hope they fix it so I don't have to remember it. My birthday isn't until December. That's a long time to lie. :)

I'm October. Sigh. I've been avoiding the surveys b/c of this.

Maybe I'll have DH take 'em, his b'day is in March.

01-23-2008, 05:51 PM
Funny thing, I have had an easy time with the OTX the last 2 days, and they have not asked about my age at all.
Today was insanely easy - just about 3 minutes! All they did was ask about my cell phone, if it had video capability on it, and what I had done with it the last month; also what I thought about certains TV show categories. That was it!!! I could NOT believe it when I got the questions about how I rated the survey experience and then the thank you page :cooldance: But I will sure grab it and run!!!

01-23-2008, 06:59 PM
I had over 20 minutes stuck into a OTX and I got a failure page. I watch a 9 minute show. 15 video's and another 15 video's on the end. I've been having a great run with OTX, so I guess sooner or later it was going to happen.

01-23-2008, 07:36 PM
Hmmm... my OTX survey didn't credit on the hour. Maybe next hour? I've been having a streak of luck with these (don't hate me!)- I hate to see it end.

01-23-2008, 09:06 PM
Hmmm... my OTX survey didn't credit on the hour. Maybe next hour? I've been having a streak of luck with these (don't hate me!)- I hate to see it end.

Neither did mine, and I did it about 4 hours ago.

01-23-2008, 09:28 PM
Yeah, mine still didn't. Weird. I don't have the patience to try another one tonight. It was sort of a long one on alcoholic beverages.:confused:

01-23-2008, 09:45 PM
that's kind of odd that your otx surveys didn't credit. that happened to me alot in december (you should see my pending offers) even though i got the thank you page. did both of you get the first and second thank you pages after you completed the survey? usually if they don't credit within the first hour you may not get credit for them but you never know as otx surveys are so unpredictable. i'll keep my fingers crossed for both of you that you get credit for them as i know how hard it is to get one. have a great evening and keep smiling.:sunshine:

01-23-2008, 10:54 PM
I just tried to do a new one, but it says I've done the maximum # of surveys for the day.:confused:

01-23-2008, 11:06 PM
I tried to qualify...did not. Went back and had DH try, and it gave him the you have reached the max for the time period...I have not taken one of these for more than 48 hours. :computer: :computer: :computer:

01-24-2008, 12:14 PM
One of the biggest problems I have with OTX is that it routes me to the same surveys I don't qualify for each time. I know it will send me to autos, then cell phones, then credit cards, etc. I don't qualify for any of them, so after 5or 6, I get the message that I'm finished for today. I rarely qualify for any of them but try every single day.

01-24-2008, 12:26 PM
your problem sounds exactly like the problems i am having today. otx keeps asking the same basic questions (do you smoke, what credit cards do you have, etc.) and when i answer honestly and truthfully i get booted out and don't qualify for anything. otx needs to update their survey database so there is a wider variety of surveys to take that we can qualify for the 70 cents. sometimes i wonder if sweating over 70 cents each day for a survey is really worth all the time and effort we all put into it yet i do keep trying day after day just on the slight chance i may actually complete one and get the thank you page. sorry i'm just venting as i am totally frustrated today and i can't qualify for anything.:computer:

01-24-2008, 12:46 PM
I did a survey yesterday. All the way to the end and then it had an error! I refreshed and it said I completed the surveys for the day (some wording like that) so, I thought all was good! NO! No credit:computer: I'm not even trying with OTX until this is fixed!

01-24-2008, 03:50 PM
I took one of these at 3:30 yest, tried at 1:30 today and was told I had taken the maximum number already for today - so apparently the strict 24 hr rule is in place, eh? I didn't think it was quite 24 hours from the day before when I took a survey yest., tho.
Also, I enter my email addy and still get the little deal that pops up and says if you don't enter your email address, we can't send you notice if you win. For some reason I can't continue unless I select OK which means it erases the address I put it, and then it goes on. I simply don't seem to be able to put my address in and just click start survey without this happening. I wonder why this is.:confused:

01-24-2008, 03:55 PM
I took one of these at 3:30 yest, tried at 1:30 today and was told I had taken the maximum number already for today - so apparently the strict 24 hr rule is in place, eh? I didn't think it was quite 24 hours from the day before when I took a survey yest., tho.
Also, I enter my email addy and still get the little deal that pops up and says if you don't enter your email address, we can't send you notice if you win. For some reason I can't continue unless I select OK which means it erases the address I put it, and then it goes on. I simply don't seem to be able to put my address in and just click start survey without this happening. I wonder why this is.:confused:

I found that happens to me (w/email addy) when I type in my gmail, if I use my comcast it doesn't happen at all and yes the 24 hr time period is strict from the time it POSTS. I took one Sunday night at 10 pm and it didn't credit until 11pm so Monday it wouldn't let me at 10 when I tried so I just skipped it and took one early on Tuesday to get back on an early rotation.

01-24-2008, 04:04 PM
I did not realize that it was the posting time. Good information to know. I usually just look at what time I got done. HA! Of course I don't always remember when I completed it either...

01-24-2008, 06:41 PM
Well, now I tried to take a survey and the survey site I was sent to to take the survey encountered an error and I could not continue. So, of course, OTX told me I had reached the maximum for the day!:computer: :computer:
So, I went to their question pages, and sent them an email about the issue, not that I expect much.
Since it was an affiliated partner they sent me to I guess how would they know but what I finished the survey they gave me. But I wish they had a way of learning from their affiliates when a survey failed, so a person could try again!
With all the other things that have been accomplished with computer technology etc, you'd think they could have a way to trace this sort of thing too. Oh well ... life goes on - whether I get my .70 or not.

01-24-2008, 07:33 PM
Hi guys! This will be the ONE AND ONLY thread for discussing MTC surveys. This will be for all discussions of these types of surveys. I am hoping that by spliting the stickies by type of survey we can get people to keep ALL posts about surveys to three sticky threads. I am hoping you guys can get on board and help out with this. Thanks!

01-25-2008, 05:05 PM
Am I the only one who did not get credit for the survey today? I did it 2 hours ago and no credit. :computer: Oh well, chalk that one up I guess. Try again tomorrow.

01-25-2008, 05:13 PM
Mine went thru right away, so I'm guess I'm no consolation to you! I can't imagine why yours wouldn't - how disappointing that would be. Maybe it will yet - fingers crossed.

01-25-2008, 05:40 PM
Am I the only one who did not get credit for the survey today? I did it 2 hours ago and no credit. :computer: Oh well, chalk that one up I guess. Try again tomorrow.

That happened to me on Wednesday! So frustrating! I got one last night though and will try, try again tonight.

01-25-2008, 06:52 PM
that happened to me a lot in december so i know how you feel. i know we can't dispute surveys but maybe you should tell tricia about it and maybe she can let someone know that this is happening a lot and making people really frustrated. i wish i could say something else that could make you feel better so have a nice weekend anyway and keep smiling - there's always another survey tomorrow and i will keep my fingers crossed for you that you get one and it credits.:sunshine:

01-25-2008, 06:58 PM
Just wanted to let you all know, there are two "thank you" pages when you finish an OTX survey. One is basically telling you thanks, but you didn't qualify for a survey and there are no more available. For that one, obviously you wouldn't get credit. The other is telling you thanks, we appreciate your opinion. And you should receive credit for that one. Unfortunately, the pages look exactly the same, except for the wording. Maybe that is causing some confusion here. I don't know, I'm just throwing that out there in case people don't know. HTH!

If I get a chance, I will try and post the exact wording as soon as I can remember.

01-25-2008, 07:16 PM
I did get all the way to the end of a 35 minute survey and got the thank you page. Although lately there have been 2 thank yous one with graphics and one without. I did not get the one without today. Oh well. Thanks for trying to make me feel better! :sunshine:

01-25-2008, 07:24 PM
please don't hate me but i only got thank you page today when i completed my survey (for the last couple of days i did get 2 thank you pages) and mine credited - i'm sorry that yours didn't but i do know how you feel.:sunshine:

01-26-2008, 06:10 AM
The age issue is still not resolved. I just completed a very long survey on travel sites, put in my correct age and was booted for being dishonest.

Debbie Jean
01-26-2008, 11:53 AM
I got that they only wanted honest people, too -- it never occurred to me that it was because of an age discrepancy! I wondered what in the heck I had done wrong. It was at the very end of an agonizingly long survey about car ads. I rarely qualify for the OTX surveys b/c my husband works for the media, a question I aways answer honestly. Ironically, the next time I tried at OTX survey, it started heading me toward that one again -- I quickly closed out!:rotfl:

OK, I really need to train myself to come here first!!!

I got dumped yesterday for "dishonesty" YIKES!!! And did another one today with the same results. Now I really am God's most honest creature so I'm thinking WTH???? Of course, I come here and find the answer straight away.

Guess I'll have to add a year to my age, though going from 55 to 56 before my actual birthday in July kinda hurts since it puts me closer to 60 than 50!

01-26-2008, 11:58 AM
OK, I really need to train myself to come here first!!!

I got dumped yesterday for "dishonesty" YIKES!!! And did another one today with the same results. Now I really am God's most honest creature so I'm thinking WTH???? Of course, I come here and find the answer straight away.

Guess I'll have to add a year to my age, though going from 55 to 56 before my actual birthday in July kinda hurts since it puts me closer to 60 than 50!

I hear you........LOL........, but if you want it to credit, you got to do it!:rotfl:

Debbie Jean
01-26-2008, 12:02 PM
I hear you........LOL........, but if you want it to credit, you got to do it!:rotfl:

Sooooo true!!!! They say everyone has their price and I guess mine would be $.75!!! LOL

01-26-2008, 03:40 PM
Honestly, I don't understand about the 2 thank you pages or the age problem. I have taken 4 of these OTX surveys this week without getting asked about my age at the end or getting 2 thank you pages, and I have received immediate credit. I keep waiting with baited breath at the end for an age ? and just haven't gotten it - not that I mind!!:angel: I'm sure sorry that some of you get it tho and have to lie about your age - I'd have to be lying about my age till Nov - and I'm not ready to be 32 yet anyway!
Whoops - went back and looked at the original post about 2 thank you pages - haha, I must be really be slow today - naptime!! Of course there's only one thank you page I've been getting - duh.

01-26-2008, 03:57 PM
Just remember, not EVERY OTX survey asks you for your exact age. However, if it does, and you have not yet had a birthday in 2008, you will need to add a year to your age. It's a computer glitch, plain and simple.

01-26-2008, 04:53 PM
Guess I haven't gotten one yet that has asked my age at the end, or at least not in '08, but if I do, I'll remember. Thanks for the heads up.:)

01-26-2008, 06:54 PM
Thank you.

We appreciate your participation in this survey.

We hope you'll continue to participate in future surveys, as we value your opinions.

Okay. So, this is the "thank you" message you will receive if you have successfully completed an OTX survey(as I stated in my earlier post). When you get this thank you page, you should get credit. As soon as I get the other thank you page(the one where you don't qualify), I will post it.

01-26-2008, 07:01 PM
Yeah, that one above is the only one I have ever seen!! Of course, I haven't done OTX terribly often since I have been reading about the troubles some have had, but decided I have been missing out on some potential earnings by not even trying, so this week's efforts have been rewarding. Next week, we shall see!

01-26-2008, 07:32 PM
Thank you.

We appreciate your participation in this survey.

We hope you'll continue to participate in future surveys, as we value your opinions.

Okay. So, this is the "thank you" message you will receive if you have successfully completed an OTX survey(as I stated in my earlier post). When you get this thank you page, you should get credit. As soon as I get the other thank you page(the one where you don't qualify), I will post it.

This is the message I got this morning and never received credit? I have no idea what happened, I cleared cookies before I did the survey too, so that can't be the reason. This is the first time this has happened to me, that I got the thank you page but no credit? :confused:

01-26-2008, 08:14 PM
I never got credit for the two surveys I completed last weekend and got the Thank You, you've completed... message. I had been getting two thank you pages at work (and receiving credit) but last weekend (on my home computer) I only got one thank you message. I tried the survey from my home computer last night, got only one thank you message, and got credit. Go figure.... I just finished one tonight, got this message:

Thank you.
We appreciate your participation in this survey.
We hope you'll continue to participate in future surveys, as we value your opinions.

So we will see if I get credit. It's what happened last night, got credit but it's also what happened last weekend, no credit.

Update: I did get the credit tonight. I'm now wondering if it has something to do with the time that it credits?? I waited to start the one tonight AFTER the time that it credited last night.

m 'n c
01-28-2008, 12:01 AM
grr. I have finally come across one of those surveys that ask for your age and then gives you the error message. It was travel related if that helps anyone. I will remember this for tomorrow. :(

01-28-2008, 12:09 AM
grr. I have finally come across one of those surveys that ask for your age and then gives you the error message. It was travel related if that helps anyone. I will remember this for tomorrow. :(

Actually, I think I had that one today - it was certainly travel related - dealing with certain online companies. And it asked my age - so with heart beating a little heavier I put in a what I will be on my birthday rather than what I actually am and got the thank you page. Got credit, too. First time I have been asked my age in several surveys.

01-28-2008, 03:53 AM
Got a survey on ads for airlines and was asked for my age in the classification questions. Luckily, I remembered this time to add a year to my current age and I didn't get booted for being dishonest (though technically I was!).

01-28-2008, 06:12 PM
Is anyone else having trouble with these today? It just gives me the Internet Explorer Cannot Display page.

01-28-2008, 06:14 PM
Is anyone else having trouble with these today? It just gives me the Internet Explorer Cannot Display page.

Yes I got that - then I closed out and tried again only to get the exceeded maximum for the day message - grrr-ump!!:computer: Exceedingly bothersome.

01-28-2008, 06:31 PM
I have had that problem, and actually if you go and do a couple things online and then come back to it, I have found that it will let me try again. Sometimes it is 30 minutes later, sometimes an hour. I use firefox and it gives me the option to try again and I have found that if I use that instead of closing out and trying again it does not give me the come back soon message.

Good Luck!!

01-28-2008, 06:34 PM
I agree. I tried to do an OTX this afternoon, but I didn't qualify for ANY of the surveys they send my way. I finally got the "Sorry" page. I waited until DH got home, cleared cookies, and he was able to successfully take a survey.

I especially get a kick out of it when it starts to send you to a survey, but before you know where you are going, it tells you you already took that survey so you're not qualified to take it again. NO KIDDING!

01-28-2008, 06:35 PM
Well looks like whatever it was is ok now- I was able to complete a suvey!

01-28-2008, 06:45 PM
Well, I was able to get back in - but then it only gave me 2 chances at trying before it said sorry but you did not meet the criteria for taking a survey today. Oh well - you don't win them all!

01-29-2008, 01:05 AM
I got one. A LONG one. With umpteen commercials, questions....and now it looks like I'm not getting credit. :computer:

01-29-2008, 03:14 AM
Is anyone else having trouble with these today? It just gives me the Internet Explorer Cannot Display page.

I get this page every so often. I just close it out, do a couple of other things, and come back later. Tonight I am getting the exceeded the maximum surveys page even though I haven't done an OTX survey today.

01-29-2008, 07:44 AM
Does anyone know what time the OTX surveys are put up on SR? Or do they automatically appear at the 24 hour mark?

01-29-2008, 08:11 AM
Does anyone know what time the OTX surveys are put up on SR? Or do they automatically appear at the 24 hour mark?

I have noticed them suddenly appearing around 10AM to 11AM, so I'm thinking they are manually put there by Tricia. However, that is only my guess.

01-29-2008, 02:39 PM
for some reason today i can't seem to qualify for an otx survey. i have been trying since around noon and all i get is thank you but you do not qualify for any surveys today. i had been doing so well lately and i was kind of hoping that my luck would continue so i could get the 80 cents today. i guess it just isn't my day for an otx survey. maybe i'll try again later so keep your fingers crossed everybody that maybe i'll get one.:(

01-30-2008, 12:10 AM
2nd night in a row I've done an OTX survey, and now it looks like 2nd night in a row I am not getting credit. I get the 'thank you' page at the end. Is something going on, or is it just me? :confused: :( I'm so bummed! This money is seriously what puts me between #16 and #14 on the Big Board.

01-30-2008, 08:43 AM
These are tracked totally by cookies so you have to make sure that you clear your cookies before you do them. If you do it one night and don't clear cookies before you try the next night you won't get credit. So make sure you clear cookies between attempts.

01-30-2008, 09:24 AM
They say everyone has their price and I guess mine would be $.75!!! LOL

Oh, Tag Fairy...where for art thou? How funny!!!

01-30-2008, 05:22 PM
ok, I'm very new to these surveys. But I just took a rather long one with commercials & opinions to get to the demographics and get a response that I did not give honest answers :confused: :computer: :confused: therefore my survey was rejected.

Nothing like making me feel like a cheat.

01-30-2008, 05:27 PM
ok, I'm very new to these surveys. But I just took a rather long one with commercials & opinions to get to the demographics and get a response that I did not give honest answers :confused: :computer: :confused: therefore my survey was rejected.

Nothing like making me feel like a cheat.

Join the club! I know this thread is VERY LONG, but if you have the time to glance at a few postings, you will quickly learn that OTX has a computer glitch on their site that became apparent the 1st of this year. If you have not yet had a birthday in 2008, you must enter your age at a year older (or what age you'll be on your birthday in 2008), or the computer tells you that you are dishonest. Crazy as it seems, the site doesn't seem interested in correcting this error. Read through this thread a bit and you'll get the idea. Good luck!:sunshine:

01-30-2008, 06:17 PM
ok, I'm very new to these surveys. But I just took a rather long one with commercials & opinions to get to the demographics and get a response that I did not give honest answers :confused: :computer: :confused: therefore my survey was rejected.

Nothing like making me feel like a cheat.

Don't worry, I should have known better too and put my age I will be in 2008. I've read about the glitch so many times, and yet I put how old I was today. Grrr. I spent 20 minutes on commercials for vacuums on the web.

01-30-2008, 09:49 PM
Join the club! I know this thread is VERY LONG, but if you have the time to glance at a few postings, you will quickly learn that OTX has a computer glitch on their site that became apparent the 1st of this year. If you have not yet had a birthday in 2008, you must enter your age at a year older (or what age you'll be on your birthday in 2008), or the computer tells you that you are dishonest. Crazy as it seems, the site doesn't seem interested in correcting this error. Read through this thread a bit and you'll get the idea. Good luck!:sunshine:

Don't worry, I should have known better too and put my age I will be in 2008. I've read about the glitch so many times, and yet I put how old I was today. Grrr. I spent 20 minutes on commercials for vacuums on the web.

Thanks! At least I know that I'm not alone. I really felt bad having a computer call me a liar. I did go back and start to read this long thread. Good suggestion.

Gosh, they could have at least taken a year off my age, instead of adding one. That happens quick enough, I don't need any extra help. :(

01-30-2008, 10:20 PM
Thanks! At least I know that I'm not alone. I really felt bad having a computer call me a liar. I did go back and start to read this long thread. Good suggestion.

Gosh, they could have at least taken a year off my age, instead of adding one. That happens quick enough, I don't need any extra help. :(

That's funny - and oh so true!:rotfl:

01-31-2008, 08:23 AM
Grrrr! I did a long OTX survey this morning and forgot to up my age by a year ( I know but I'd only had 1 cup of coffee!!!) it was rejected. I hate wasting my time!!!!!

01-31-2008, 09:29 AM
Grrrr! I did a long OTX survey this morning and forgot to up my age by a year ( I know but I'd only had 1 cup of coffee!!!) it was rejected. I hate wasting my time!!!!!

I just did the same thing :computer: .... now I can't do another one... Does it open it up later in the day?

m 'n c
01-31-2008, 10:11 AM
Grrrr! I did a long OTX survey this morning and forgot to up my age by a year ( I know but I'd only had 1 cup of coffee!!!) it was rejected. I hate wasting my time!!!!!

I just wish I could remember so I quit screwing it up on these surveys!

I just did the same thing :computer: .... now I can't do another one... Does it open it up later in the day?

They are on a straight 24 hour rule. I think once you get booted like that you have to wait 24 hours to try again. :( Maybe someone else can pipe in though and confirm. The one time I messed up like that I just said screw it and didn't try for the rest of the day so I"m not sure if I could have gotten one later or not.

01-31-2008, 10:11 AM
I just did the same thing :computer: .... now I can't do another one... Does it open it up later in the day?

Nope, not that I'm aware of. This happened to me earlier in the week and I had to wait until the next day after the 24 hr time I tried to take one. Except mine was took the survey and got an error at the end.

01-31-2008, 10:35 AM
I got booted and was at 10:30 at night and was able to take another one at 8am the next morning. May have been a fluke...Good luck!!

01-31-2008, 12:18 PM
Don't worry, I should have known better too and put my age I will be in 2008. I've read about the glitch so many times, and yet I put how old I was today. Grrr. I spent 20 minutes on commercials for vacuums on the web.

Aargh! I just did this one too and forgot to add one to my age! I cannot believe I forgot to do that! Then the irony of getting the "honest answers are vital" message! :rotfl:

01-31-2008, 01:41 PM
I really need to remember to get on here an look at these threads before I try and get surverys. I had the same problem...and I'm sitting there wondering what dishonest answer I gave! :computer: Turns out, I guess I need to add a year to my age.

01-31-2008, 01:50 PM
Thank you.

We appreciate your participation in this survey.

We hope you'll continue to participate in future surveys, as we value your opinions.

Okay. So, this is the "thank you" message you will receive if you have successfully completed an OTX survey(as I stated in my earlier post). When you get this thank you page, you should get credit. As soon as I get the other thank you page(the one where you don't qualify), I will post it.

Thank you for your time.

Thank you for your willingness to share your opinion with us, but unfortunately you did not meet the criteria to take a survey today.

We hope you'll continue to participate in future surveys, as we value your opinions.

Okay. I finally got the other "thank you" page. When you receive this one, you won't receive credit. Problem is, the two pages look exactly the same. So, if you don't look at it closely, you may not realize which page it is.

01-31-2008, 01:55 PM
OK, I cleared cookies and tried again. I hope i get credit! It's just weird, cause sometimes i do these OTX surveys several days in a row without clearing my cookies. Odd how sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

01-31-2008, 08:35 PM
So far, I've done two of these surveys and haven't gotten credit for either of them. I did clear cookies before taking each survey and have been using Firefox. (My IE shuts down on me with no warning. :( ) Any thoughts as to why no credits?

01-31-2008, 08:51 PM
when you have completed the otx survey do you get the thank you page that says thank you, we appreciate your participation in this survey, we hope you'll continue to participate in future surveys as we value your opinion or do you get the thank you for your time and your willingness to share your opinion with us but unfortunately you did not meet the criteria to take a survey today. they do look the same as the both say thank you but only the first one will give you the credit you deserve. i know how frustrating this must be for you as it happened to me a lot in december (at least 10 or 12 surveys). the only thing i can suggest is to keep clearing out your cookies everyday and to keep trying - that's all i have done and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. i know this probably doesn't solve your problem but i did want you to know that you are not the only person that experiences these problems and i have empathy for what you are going thru so keep smiling.:sunshine:

01-31-2008, 08:56 PM
when you have completed the otx survey do you get the thank you page that says thank you, we appreciate your participation in this survey, we hope you'll continue to participate in future surveys as we value your opinion or do you get the thank you for your time and your willingness to share your opinion with us but unfortunately you did not meet the criteria to take a survey today. they do look the same as the both say thank you but only the first one will give you the credit you deserve. i know how frustrating this must be for you as it happened to me a lot in december (at least 10 or 12 surveys). the only thing i can suggest is to keep clearing out your cookies everyday and to keep trying - that's all i have done and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. i know this probably doesn't solve your problem but i did want you to know that you are not the only person that experiences these problems and i have empathy for what you are going thru so keep smiling.:sunshine:

Thanks for the reply! :) I did get the thank you for your participation message twice. It's kind of frustrating for me because I don't qualify for surveys, can't get things to credit (except shopping), and now, can't get these to credit either.....:confused: I need more Disney money!:rotfl:

02-01-2008, 12:16 PM
I'm so frustrated I could cry ... actually I"m starting to.

I just spent an hour on an OTX survey concerning travel and I got through everything and all the classification questions and it told me I lied about my age (which I didn't!) and my survey wouldn't be counted!:cry:

I'm so angry and frustrated right now ... I hadn't been able to get a my thoughts count for over a week, I finally get one and this happens ...

02-01-2008, 12:34 PM
The age thing is so frustrating and I guess it won't be fixed so we have to lie about our age until we have our birthday. My birthday isn't until the end of December, so I pretty much have to remember this for the entire year.

It is very easy to forget sometimes to "correct" your age. Would it be possible to have a SR note in the offer directions to remember to enter the age you will be in 2008?

02-01-2008, 05:39 PM
i have been trying since around 3:30 this afternoon to get an otx survey and i keep getting the page that i have reached my limit for the day. i haven't taken an otx survey since yesterday so this is really very frustrating. i have cleaned out my cookies and deleted my temporary internet files so i don't know why this is happening (it has been over 24 hours since my last otx survey). ugh.:computer:

02-01-2008, 06:38 PM
I did my first one today. I got to the thank you page so hopefully will get the credit. They only asked my age at the beginning of the survey! SOOOOOO I am keeping my fingers crossed!! I did not realize that these counted towards our total surveys last month so I am psyched to get all surveys this month:angel:

02-01-2008, 07:26 PM
I did my first one today. I got to the thank you page so hopefully will get the credit. They only asked my age at the beginning of the survey! SOOOOOO I am keeping my fingers crossed!! I did not realize that these counted towards our total surveys last month so I am psyched to get all surveys this month:angel:

Hmmm. Maybe I am misunderstanding your post, but these surveys(My thoughts count/OTX) do not count towards the survey, as far as the bonus is concerned. The ones for the survey bonus are the Greenfield surveys that you access through the EARN DAILY link.

02-02-2008, 01:19 PM
Has anyone gotten credit for one of these today? I've done two and no credits yet. I did one and when I didn't get credit on the first or second hour, I cleared my cookies and did another one. No credit for that one either.

I'd been having really good luck with these.

02-02-2008, 01:25 PM
Has anyone gotten credit for one of these today? I've done two and no credits yet. I did one and when I didn't get credit on the first or second hour, I cleared my cookies and did another one. No credit for that one either.

I'd been having really good luck with these.

I just did one at 11:30am that should of credited on the noon hour but didn't, now it is saying that I've exceeded my number of surveys for the day? Darn, I haven't had this happen before to me, there must be a tracking problem on their end? :confused:

02-02-2008, 01:41 PM
Has anyone gotten credit for one of these today? I've done two and no credits yet. I did one and when I didn't get credit on the first or second hour, I cleared my cookies and did another one. No credit for that one either.

I'd been having really good luck with these.

Haven't tried an OTX survey yet today, but what you described has happened to me in the past. I do one, get the congrats page, but don't get credit. I just have come to realize now that that's going to happen sometimes. Once I have done one, even if I don't get credit, I have never been able to do another one for 24 hours even if I clear cookies and personal data. Sorry you didn't get credit! I seem to remember at some point that this happened and some people got credit the next day, so I think there may still be hope. Good luck!

02-02-2008, 01:57 PM
I just did one at 11:30am that should of credited on the noon hour but didn't, now it is saying that I've exceeded my number of surveys for the day? Darn, I haven't had this happen before to me, there must be a tracking problem on their end? :confused:

My credit is showing up now:) So there is hope!

02-02-2008, 02:06 PM
My credit is showing up now:) So there is hope!

Just checked and nothing for me yet on the 2nd hour? :computer:

02-02-2008, 02:11 PM
Just checked and nothing for me yet on the 2nd hour? :computer:

Move it to pending.

02-02-2008, 02:23 PM
Move it to pending.

OK, I did move it to pending...but inquiring minds want to know...why? :rotfl:

02-02-2008, 02:50 PM
Update on my OTX Survey...I did get credit sometime between the 2nd and 3rd hour....strange but very happy that it did credit! :banana:

02-02-2008, 05:18 PM
My MTC posted on the 2nd hour after I finished, also.

02-02-2008, 05:36 PM
My MTC posted on the 2nd hour after I finished, also.

Same with mine. :)

02-02-2008, 06:34 PM
Was hoping mine would show up on the 2nd hour after hearing from pp, but no luck. I'm hoping it is just a glitch like we had a few weeks ago. I think it was the longest darn otx survey on the planet too, of course a glitch happens on the difficult ones! I'm keeping optimistic, the survey tikigods have been good to me the past few months :p

02-02-2008, 07:46 PM
i took a survey yesterday evening that i never got credit for. guess they were having trouble yesterday too. bummer can't qualify for anything today.

02-02-2008, 08:03 PM
Stupid me. I got all the way through a long survey and mistakenly put in my REAL age. Forgot to add a year. Oh, well..........it's only 30 minutes of my time wasted.:cry:

02-03-2008, 11:26 AM
Did everyone see the OTX survery is 85 cents today:cooldance: Thanks Tricia! DH just did a pretty interesting one about kids characters.

02-03-2008, 04:10 PM
Has anyone else gotten a message that OTX is out of surveys right now for them? :confused: I'm going to try an offer, maybe try for another daily survey, and try again-but maybe it's just me.
ETA: It was under 24 hours. Duh. Ignore me-I'm spoiled by Greenfield's policy.

02-03-2008, 04:22 PM
Has anyone else gotten a message that OTX is out of surveys right now for them? :confused: I'm going to try an offer, maybe try for another daily survey, and try again-but maybe it's just me.

Yes, I have gotten that message before, but usually after the site has let me try to qualify for 1 survey, usually I can try to qualify for several surveys if they are available. I don't think it's you, they probably are low on surveys, but you never know, keep trying!

02-03-2008, 07:25 PM
I just have to say...Thank God for the OTX surveys. The OTX surveys don't give me as many problems as the Greenfield(and SM) surveys. I don't need to bug DH at all to take OTX surveys and other than the age/dishonesty issue that was realized at the beginning of the year, I haven't had any problems with them. There just seem to be a larger variety of OTX surveys...I hardly ever come across the same one twice. And it just bugs me that DH's opinion seems to be valued more than mine at Greenfield. When I can't qualify, 99% of the time he can. Even though our demographics are almost the same(he is 5 years older and of course, male). But, I don't have that problem with OTX. I haven't had to ask DH to take any of the OTX surveys yet.

m 'n c
02-04-2008, 10:05 AM
I just have to say...Thank God for the OTX surveys. The OTX surveys don't give me as many problems as the Greenfield(and SM) surveys. I don't need to bug DH at all to take OTX surveys and other than the age/dishonesty issue that was realized at the beginning of the year, I haven't had any problems with them. There just seem to be a larger variety of OTX surveys...I hardly ever come across the same one twice. And it just bugs me that DH's opinion seems to be valued more than mine at Greenfield. When I can't qualify, 99% of the time he can. Even though our demographics are almost the same(he is 5 years older and of course, male). But, I don't have that problem with OTX. I haven't had to ask DH to take any of the OTX surveys yet.

I think the survey shortage we all see with Greenfield is because they are all over every reward program out there as either Greenfield or Your2Cents (as seen on SR) plus both Greenfield and Your2Cents have their own survey program you can join. Since most people who are willing to take surveys are females there is just an overabundance of us taking surveys and filling in the demographics faster than the survey companies can keep up. Unfortunately most men aren't willing to take surveys and thus why we have to get husbands, boyfriends, male friends to fill in the surveys. I don't think its a "value of opinion" issue with Greenfield but rather a demographic thing that the survey sponsors are wanting..

OTX isn't as all over the place as Greenfield which is helping us all out.

02-04-2008, 04:29 PM
The age issue is still not resolved. I just completed a very long survey on travel sites, put in my correct age and was booted for being dishonest.

I got this exact survey this afternoon and automatically put my correct age in and it called me dishonest etc. I knew this was happening to alot of people but honestly I never had any trouble....until today! I too will be adding a year to my age if I'm asked again. I tried sending them an email where it says report any technical problems but that didn't seem to work, all I got was a page can't be displayed or something? I wish they would fix this, it's not fair to spend 20-30 min. on a survey and then get disqualified for telling the truth. :computer:

02-04-2008, 04:59 PM
I got an OTX last night for DH and getting him to do it is not easy, so we got all the way thru it and got to the Thank You page, and didn't get credit. It was during the bump up to .85 so I was excited to get one and so happy to see that Thank You page and then nothing. I think that's it for me and OTX. It's just not worth putting in all that time and geting nothing for it.

02-04-2008, 06:37 PM
i tried to do an otx survey early today as i could not remember what time i had done it yesterday and got the message to come back again in 7 hours so i tried again more than 7 hours later and now it says i have reached my limit for the day. what's up with that? it made me mad as i waited longer than requested and still no surveys for me. i am seriously thinking of giving up on otx surveys as they are becoming a big hassle and definitely not worth the time or the 70 cents. ugh.:computer: :computer:

02-04-2008, 07:02 PM
I agree that OTX is not worth the hassle. They take all my info and then at the end always gives me an error message! It is frustrating to know they get the info, but do not pay for it. This is on my home computer, I can take them on my work one usually.


02-04-2008, 10:54 PM
just letting out my frustration :computer: stupid age. and we knew better to add a year but didn't as we were afraid w/ all the greenfield fraud hoopla. he just said this is crazy, if you want to go to disney that bad I'll give you a raise :rotfl: Can you put that in writing please!!! :rotfl:

02-05-2008, 02:58 AM

Someone on the daily survey bummer announcement thread mentioned that they don't remember using an email address for the OTX surveys. I do notice that the email address "box" isn't marked as required, but I always put in an email address. Do any of you NOT put in an email address? Does it work? Can you still get credit?

I'd love to do anything to cut down on the typing and just get into the surveys, as long as it's within the rules!

02-05-2008, 03:12 AM
Since this problem with fraudulent activity on GF, I was wondering if I could get some clarification on the OTX surveys. I have noticed that the OTX surveys skew to a younger demographic. I never seem to qualify but my DD does. Is it OK for my DD to take the surveys using my e-mail address? She would be inputting different demographics from mine so I don't want this to be viewed as dishonest. I realize I may be overly paranoid at this point but I certainly do not wish to be banned from SR over a 70 cent survey.

02-05-2008, 07:10 AM
Ok I just said last night i was done with OTX, but since GF is not available right now, I did one this morning. It was LONG about 45 min about airlines, and it never asked for my age in the classification data. I really hope it credits. fingers crossed..... I did make it to the Thank you page, but I did the other day too and no credit for that one. :computer:

02-05-2008, 08:20 AM
I don;t even have the offer up this morning. I hope that you get the credit!

02-05-2008, 08:28 AM
Since this problem with fraudulant activity on GF, I was wondering if I could get some clarification on the OTX surveys. I have noticed that the OTX surveys skew to a younger demographic. I never seem to qualify but my DD does. Is it OK for my DD to take the surveys using my e-mail address? She would be inputting different demographics from mine so I don't want this to be viewed as dishonest. I realize I may be overly paranoid at this point but I certainly do not wish to be banned from SR over a 70 cent survey.

We have gotten no feedback whatsoever on OTX surveys. So at this point, just keep doing what you are doing and be sure 1) not to take more than 1 a day and 2) not to ever take the same survey twice.

02-05-2008, 08:57 AM
We have gotten no feedback whatsoever on OTX surveys. So at this point, just keep doing what you are doing and be sure 1) not to take more than 1 a day and 2) not to ever take the same survey twice.

And put your age in as of your birthday this year? That won't be fraudulent? Sorry to be paranoid but I'd hate to lose SR privileges for two quarters and two dimes. Thanks.

02-05-2008, 10:42 AM
We have gotten no feedback whatsoever on OTX surveys. So at this point, just keep doing what you are doing and be sure 1) not to take more than 1 a day and 2) not to ever take the same survey twice.

Thanks Tricia. The only surveys I do are the OTX and the GF and only on SR.

02-05-2008, 10:32 PM
DH just went to take a survey (we've decided that HE will be the one taking them, b/c he reads slower than I do and doesn't have to multitask, he qualifies for more than I do, and they seem to be more interested in what he has to say...hopefully that will be alright with OTX), and realized there are two issues.

One is the age thing, but not HIS age. He was given the question about kids, and their ages. Should we put the age DS is now ("boy, 3 years") or the age he will turn this year?

The other issue is when we do run into a survey we have taken before. As soon as he hit the page about how many hours of a certain sport he might have watched, read about, downloaded, blah blah blah this week, we both knew he had done it (b/c I read that stinkin' page to him, getting his answers, while he was making dinner one night!). Well, with OTX, if you back out, you're done for the day, no credit, no getting back in as far as I know. So instead of backing out, I had him just leave everything at zero (considering that he had just answered that he is very interested with that sport I figured their BS meters would boot him out) and within one more page it said he didn't qualify. They gave him a few more questions for other surveys, but ultimately he didn't get one so we're done, inside of 10 minutes (probably more like 5).

Is there ANYTHING to be done, to back out of a survey he has done before (since he's taking the surveys from now on, darnit), that doesn't get him finished for the day without actually taking a survey?

m 'n c
02-06-2008, 10:55 AM
I just got an easy one on retail shopping. 15 minutes tops and no age question.

02-06-2008, 11:06 AM
I got one pretty easy today too :)
I usually don't have the patience to try lol but this morning I got lucky!!

Ellen aka Snow White
02-06-2008, 11:54 AM
where can I find this survey? Is it just for SM? I know I missed this somewhere!:confused:

02-06-2008, 12:11 PM
if you are talking about the otx surveys you will find them under offers as my thought counts and it will have todays date next to it. i hope this is helpful to you.:sunshine:

Ellen aka Snow White
02-06-2008, 01:10 PM
if you are talking about the otx surveys you will find them under offers as my thought counts and it will have todays date next to it. i hope this is helpful to you.:sunshine:

Thank you! Thank you!

02-06-2008, 01:22 PM
you are very welcome - glad i could help you out. have a great day and good luck with your survey, i hope you get one.:sunshine:

02-06-2008, 09:07 PM
I think the survey shortage we all see with Greenfield is because they are all over every reward program out there as either Greenfield or Your2Cents (as seen on SR) plus both Greenfield and Your2Cents have their own survey program you can join. Since most people who are willing to take surveys are females there is just an overabundance of us taking surveys and filling in the demographics faster than the survey companies can keep up. Unfortunately most men aren't willing to take surveys and thus why we have to get husbands, boyfriends, male friends to fill in the surveys. I don't think its a "value of opinion" issue with Greenfield but rather a demographic thing that the survey sponsors are wanting..

OTX isn't as all over the place as Greenfield which is helping us all out.
Thanks Catherine. I understand and appreciate that. But, I can't help but notice that OTX doesn't even ask for male/female in the demographics. It's just something that bugs me, I guess.

m 'n c
02-06-2008, 09:36 PM
Thanks Catherine. I understand and appreciate that. But, I can't help but notice that OTX doesn't even ask for male/female in the demographics. It's just something that bugs me, I guess.

I think its survey specific. I know in about a third of my surveys have a male/female qualification question. Probably just depends on which ones you get filtered towards you based on the initial screen.

02-06-2008, 10:46 PM
When I click on the demographics page, the first page for OTX, the first question on my screen that you have to check is male/female. It's a pull down answer. Not all surveys ask for this information but the initial demographics page always has. Maybe that page is different for everyone?

02-07-2008, 12:00 AM
Well, maybe no one else has a survey shortage with OTX, but I do!!
It seems the last 3-4 days all I have gotten are the same questions that lead to surveys I have already done - and so after 2-3 sets of questions I get the thank you but you don't qualify for any surveys today. I can clear cookies, try again, and get the very same thing. So - where are some new surveys for me?! I can't get any love on surveys these days - GF and OTX are both spurning me right now!

02-07-2008, 10:42 AM
My problem is not getting surveys but receiving credit for them. The last three days I have done an OTX survey, completed it, and received the "Thank you" page. I have yet to receive credit for any of those surveys.
Any ideas as to what might be happening? I hate to keep wasting my time on them if they are not going to credit.

m 'n c
02-07-2008, 10:50 AM
My problem is not getting surveys but receiving credit for them. The last three days I have done an OTX survey, completed it, and received the "Thank you" page. I have yet to receive credit for any of those surveys.
Any ideas as to what might be happening? I hate to keep wasting my time on them if they are not going to credit.

not sure if this applies to you but before I start one I clear cookies and wait to begin it a little after the top of the hour.

02-07-2008, 11:12 AM
not sure if this applies to you but before I start one I clear cookies and wait to begin it a little after the top of the hour.

Thanks. I have completed these surveys in the past without having to clear my cookies but maybe it's something new. I did surveys on the 5th, 6th, and today and not received credit. I know that the one I completed this morning was at the half hour mark so I will try taking tomorrow's just after the hour like you suggested.

m 'n c
02-07-2008, 11:20 AM
Ahh it could very well be a cookie thing then since they are tracking by cookies. Definetly try clearing cookies tomorrow and seeing if that helps.

02-07-2008, 11:22 AM
These surveys are and have been since the beginning tracked by cookies. You have to clear cookies between doing them or you will get credit for the first one and none of them after that until cookies are cleared because the original cookie is still there. If you try these and they don't credit you can clear cookies and try again in the same day but you can only get credit once per day.

02-07-2008, 11:39 AM
I have a question about clearing cookies. Right now I take these surveys on IE. I really don't want to clear my cookies each time since I use this browser for online banking and other functions. Is it possible to take the surveys in another browser like Safari or Firefox and use that browser strictly for the OTX and SM surveys? With all the inconsistencies in the GF mess, I certainly do not want to be involved in another "fraudgate" with OTX.

02-07-2008, 11:53 AM
It wouldn't be against the rules of GF to use one of the other browsers to do the survey. I haven't ever tried then in doing surveys so I don't know for sure they will credit but it wouldn't hurt to try it out and see what happens. In the beginning I was using AOL to do everything and I got credit for most things. The issue didn't come until later and really only occurred with the offers and shopping so I would think that you would be ok with surveys. Try it out and let us know LOL

m 'n c
02-07-2008, 11:53 AM
I have a question about clearing cookies. Right now I take these surveys on IE. I really don't want to clear my cookies each time since I use this browser for online banking and other functions. Is it possible to take the surveys in another browser like Safari or Firefox and use that browser strictly for the OTX and SM surveys? With all the inconsistencies in the GF mess, I certainly do not want to be involved in another "fraudgate" with OTX.

Not sure how surveys will work on other browsers outside of IE. Based on the ones you are suggesting I'm thinking you are on a Mac. I think I've read people having success using firefox on a mac for surveys.

02-07-2008, 12:05 PM
Actually my desktop is a PC but we have Mac laptops in the house. My DD is the one who suggested downloading another browser and trying that. I only mentioned Safari and Firefox because those are the ones she uses on her Mac.
I'll check with her when she gets home from school and let you know how it works out. Thanks for all the help!

m 'n c
02-07-2008, 01:10 PM
Actually my desktop is a PC but we have Mac laptops in the house. My DD is the one who suggested downloading another browser and trying that. I only mentioned Safari and Firefox because those are the ones she uses on her Mac.
I'll check with her when she gets home from school and let you know how it works out. Thanks for all the help!

on the pc if you have ccleaner downloaded you can go into the options and select certain cookies to keep each time you clear cookies. I chose this option for certain sites like you mentioned (banking, forums, SR) so that I didn't have to sign in all the freaking time.

02-07-2008, 09:57 PM
Argh! OTX keeps on offering me the same survey I took last week! Gah. Frusterating. And I'm using the same e-mail.

02-07-2008, 11:18 PM
OTX finally offered me a survey I hadn't taken, so I got credit for the 1st time in about a week!

02-08-2008, 09:00 AM
I was able to get an OTX survey yesterday where I had to look at several different web pages and then aswer questions about the articles and ads I'd seen. As I was finishing, I just automatically typed my age in and of course got the dreaded message. I backed out, cleared cookies and started all over and I got a similar survey, only with completely different web pages with different articles and ads. I finished it, added a year to my age and got credit after the hour. Since I hadn't gotten credit for the first one, I felt OK about completing the second one. But I am very unclear as to whether those surveys would be considered the same one. Or would they be different because they were completely different web pages - and not only were the ads different, they were for a completely different product category?

02-08-2008, 09:17 AM
I was able to get an OTX survey yesterday where I had to look at several different web pages and then aswer questions about the articles and ads I'd seen. As I was finishing, I just automatically typed my age in and of course got the dreaded message. I backed out, cleared cookies and started all over and I got a similar survey, only with completely different web pages with different articles and ads. I finished it, added a year to my age and got credit after the hour. Since I hadn't gotten credit for the first one, I felt OK about completing the second one. But I am very unclear as to whether those surveys would be considered the same one. Or would they be different because they were completely different web pages - and not only were the ads different, they were for a completely different product category?

I take those to be different survey's. The last 3 days I've had the same TYPE of survey but with different ads. One was cars, one was household products and one was beverages. So to me I'm answering each one differently based on the products they've shown me.

02-08-2008, 11:26 AM
Argh! OTX keeps on offering me the same survey I took last week! Gah. Frusterating. And I'm using the same e-mail.

This keeps happening to me too :confused: This particular survey is asking if you use shampoo, toothpaste and deodorant daily, I'll check off "no" because I've already take this survey, it then takes me to the page that there are no surveys available, this is fine but when I go try again later, I'm getting these same questions again? It's like I'm in this loop with just this one survey? There should be a way for them to filter out the surveys that you have already taken, it is so frustrating.

02-08-2008, 03:22 PM
This keeps happening to me too :confused: This particular survey is asking if you use shampoo, toothpaste and deodorant daily, I'll check off "no" because I've already take this survey, it then takes me to the page that there are no surveys available, this is fine but when I go try again later, I'm getting these same questions again? It's like I'm in this loop with just this one survey? There should be a way for them to filter out the surveys that you have already taken, it is so frustrating.

I know about that one! I took it about a week ago, and have been getting the same questions every day; and about TV shows watched, a certain magazine read, etc - I keep getting these same questions over and over and then it will say, no surveys sorry! Until yesterday, I got something else - probably today I will get those questions again.