View Full Version : Apple Store

01-30-2008, 02:21 PM
Can I just say how much I love this merchant? LOL They have everything you could possibly want for an ipod including...ipods. They are so easy to shop through. I am able to use my Bill Me Later which I love since I can use that and not have to enter my banking info and then a few days later pay it off at BML. They also ship out SUPER fast. I ordered a gift for my MIL for christmas and I got it about 27 hours after I ordered it. CRAZY! I just went and ordered a new cord, earphones and carrying case for my ipod. I can't wait to see how quick they are this time. It would be nice to get more than 1% lol since I spent 82.00 but I am happy to be getting something back at all and from a merchant with such great Customer Service.

01-30-2008, 02:30 PM
Thank you for that info. My husband just told me that his ipod mini does not work, so I am going to search for a new ipod for him.

Any suggestions, prices.....?

01-30-2008, 02:39 PM
It really depends on what price you are willing to pay and how much memory you need. I have an ipod classic. It has 30 GB I think of memory and I haven't used even a small portion of the space. Those are selling for 249 right now but they are now selling with I think 80GB of memory. Apple store is also having FREE shipping right now so I didn't have to pay that either. With the ipods I have also heard that you can have the ipod engraved with anything you want before it is shipped. That is so awesome for a gift.

01-30-2008, 02:56 PM
Well not sure what GB an ipod mini has, but that seemed to be fine for DH, but more would be better since I would be getting him a new one.

01-30-2008, 03:02 PM
Does the ipod come with any accessories? Earphones, and such?

01-30-2008, 03:06 PM
Mine came with earphones and a little cover that slipped over it and it came with the cord you use to connect it to the computer. It also had the ipod software with it. I don't know what the capacity is on a mine either but they have the ipod nano for 149/199 depending on the space you want. They also have an ipod shuffle for 79.00 which has 1GB of space or about 240 songs.

01-30-2008, 08:02 PM
I love Apple and my iPod. I messed up though. We had to take DH's iPod in for service at the Apple store in the mall. His iPod was still under warranty, so they ended up giving him a brand new one to replace his old, broken one. Well, since our warranty was going to expire in a few days(and DH is really hard on his iPod), we just went ahead and got the extended warranty right there. I didn't even realize SR had Apple as a merchant. I lost out on $1.18 SR credit. Oh well. Now I know.