View Full Version : Surveys Much Better!

06-01-2011, 11:38 AM
I know the last 4 days were REALLY bad for surveys, but we are definitely on the upswing today. :) Not too much green yet but a lot more yellow and judging by the numbers quite a few about to turn green.

06-01-2011, 12:01 PM
I have noticed a positive upswing today. Lots of surveys and crediting well. I actually had a MV that credited within seconds like SH does. :sunshine:

06-01-2011, 12:40 PM
I have a DS & MV today.
I consider a really good day if I manage to get 3.
Anything beyond that is just :party:

06-01-2011, 02:05 PM
I tried earlier this morning for a DS....nothing.....just checked again and still nothing.

But, I did get a MV on the first try! I'm working my way down the list! (AMP has to wait until after 8pm)

Good luck everyone!:sunshine: