View Full Version : Subscription Agent Exclusive Deals

06-10-2011, 01:01 PM
Ashleigh met with Subscription Agent last week and we got two great exclusive deals from them based on what we know our members love:

Disney's Family Fun Magazine and Weight Watchers Magazine are 50% off the discounted prices when you use our coupon code. Plus, we are offering 20% cash back. That comes out to less than $5 for Family Fun and less than $8 for WW BEFORE the cash back. If you subscribe for more than a year, it costs you even less per year.

We really hope that you like the two magazines that we picked out. I think they would be great not only for many of our members but also to use as gifts. Subscription Agent has a great reputation and hopefully if we do well with this promotion we will be able to get even more of them for more magazines in the future!


06-10-2011, 06:01 PM
FYI-signed up yesterday for the WW subscription and entered the code for the discount. The discount though was not applied to my order. I was charged the whole $14.95. I sent them an email but have not heard back from them yet.

06-10-2011, 09:53 PM
FYI-signed up yesterday for the WW subscription and entered the code for the discount. The discount though was not applied to my order. I was charged the whole $14.95. I sent them an email but have not heard back from them yet.

I just heard back from them that they are taking care of it for you. I love merchants that actually work with us to make the members happy. :love:

06-13-2011, 01:44 PM
Yes it was! I got an email from them over the weekend.

Thank you!:clap: