View Full Version : Just completed my first survey in probably 6 months...

08-19-2011, 01:44 AM
but it didnt bring me to the ending SR page (which says youve been credited).

im beginning to remember why i gave up on surveys. never any there and when there is stuff like that happens... ugh.

of course i didnt take down any survey number or anything.

well, theres 40 mintues ill never get back. :(

08-19-2011, 08:29 AM
but it didnt bring me to the ending SR page (which says youve been credited).

im beginning to remember why i gave up on surveys. never any there and when there is stuff like that happens... ugh.

of course i didnt take down any survey number or anything.

well, theres 40 mintues ill never get back. :(

Did you end up getting credit? Sometimes even if you don't get rerouted you still get the credit.

08-19-2011, 10:17 AM
but it didnt bring me to the ending SR page (which says youve been credited).

im beginning to remember why i gave up on surveys. never any there and when there is stuff like that happens... ugh.

of course i didnt take down any survey number or anything.

well, theres 40 mintues ill never get back. :(

Wow, sorry about your bad luck. Don't give up from one bad survey. We all have that happen from time to time. Sometimes I have good days and bad days, but luckily the good days far outweigh the bad. Make sure you clear cookies at least once a day and clear between SSI and SSI2 and you will have more luck.

08-19-2011, 05:01 PM
Wow, sorry about your bad luck. Don't give up from one bad survey. We all have that happen from time to time. Sometimes I have good days and bad days, but luckily the good days far outweigh the bad. Make sure you clear cookies at least once a day and clear between SSI and SSI2 and you will have more luck.

Sorry, SSI and SSI2?

08-19-2011, 05:51 PM
Sorry, SSI and SSI2?

I know you haven't been doing surveys for a while, but do you know Tricia now provides 9 different surveys you can try for each day? SSI and SSI(2) are two of them.

08-23-2011, 01:36 PM
Wow, sorry about your bad luck. Don't give up from one bad survey. We all have that happen from time to time. Sometimes I have good days and bad days, but luckily the good days far outweigh the bad. Make sure you clear cookies at least once a day and clear between SSI and SSI2 and you will have more luck.

I've taken 2 SSI surveys already, and have not been credited. How do you clear cookies?

Thanks for any help. I've been referred from the nice folks over on the DIS boards :love:

08-28-2011, 02:23 AM
I know you haven't been doing surveys for a while, but do you know Tricia now provides 9 different surveys you can try for each day? SSI and SSI(2) are two of them.

Yeah, but im canadian so like, 5 of those at least, arent an option. (i tried lol)

Dont htink i ever got the credit for that one. Bummer.

08-31-2011, 12:28 AM
Ugh, now i tried for one and in the process it couldnt load the ppage and gave me an error!!

at least i hadnt spent 45 minutes at that point. though still frusterating