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View Full Version : New Book Club Offers Question...

Magical JenK
06-06-2007, 04:18 PM

Literary Guild & Bookspan Book-of-the-Month clubs...their sites look very similar to each other & to Quality Paperback Book club that I did last month...question is...can we do all of these? Or just one?


06-06-2007, 04:20 PM
I think that they are all very similar because Booksonline or someone like that owns all of them. They also own Rhapsody, Children's Book of the Month, Crossings, etc. So I think you can actually sign up for them individually and still get credits because they are all different offers.

Magical JenK
06-06-2007, 04:28 PM
oooh yeah! That's what I like to hear! One has the new Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum novel coming out later this month too! (Anyone else love these books! If you haven't read them yet, I HIGHLY recommend them! You laugh OUT LOUD!!)

Love to read! My mom loves to read! My Grama loves to read! :love:

I can take care of these commitments FAST! Thanks for getting back to me on this!


06-06-2007, 06:52 PM
I actually have a question along those lines too. I LOVE book clubs because we are avid readers in our family- they end up being great deals! I tried to sign up for the literary club, and at the end they didn't ask me for my cc info like they have done before, but said after reviewing my info they would contact me regarding membership. Do you know what that might be about? It made me wonder if we couldn't do all of them...

06-06-2007, 07:01 PM
I did both the quality paper back offer and the book of the month new offer. I haven't gotten credit for the 2nd one yet but I just did it this morning. It did however allow me to join both and I was already a member of Literary Guild and Childrens book of the month club though not through a rewards site. I will let you know if I get credit for the second one. I would assume it shouldn't take long. The literary guild has actually been my favorite book club so far. I have ordered way over my commitment on that one. HTH!

06-06-2007, 09:28 PM
Maybe someone reading this thread can help me out. I have looked into these book clubs because I am an avid reader also. But it irritates me that I have to make my choices based on the 30 or so books they have listed on the main page. Has anyone been able to find a way to choose from a larger selection of books?

06-06-2007, 09:45 PM
How are these supposed to credit Tricia? I signed up for this during the whole browser mess up today and used IE and now Im nervous it won't credit.

06-06-2007, 09:46 PM
Maybe someone reading this thread can help me out. I have looked into these book clubs because I am an avid reader also. But it irritates me that I have to make my choices based on the 30 or so books they have listed on the main page. Has anyone been able to find a way to choose from a larger selection of books?

Unfortunately no I have tried very hard to find a way :rotfl: the last one I had to chose 6 books with a 7th at 5.98 and I couldn't find a 7th to buy. The only consolation is that they offer more titles once you sign up.

06-06-2007, 10:05 PM
Unfortunately no I have tried very hard to find a way :rotfl: the last one I had to chose 6 books with a 7th at 5.98 and I couldn't find a 7th to buy. The only consolation is that they offer more titles once you sign up.

I am going to call them when I get my books and see if I can't exchange them. If not, okay, but would rather have a bigger choice. However I can't do another one of the clubs with exactly the same books... not enough selection unless I know I can exchange some.

Magical JenK
06-07-2007, 10:18 AM
I did both the quality paper back offer and the book of the month new offer. I haven't gotten credit for the 2nd one yet but I just did it this morning. It did however allow me to join both and I was already a member of Literary Guild and Childrens book of the month club though not through a rewards site. I will let you know if I get credit for the second one. I would assume it shouldn't take long. The literary guild has actually been my favorite book club so far. I have ordered way over my commitment on that one. HTH!

Question for you regarding Book of Month club offer...can I ask what your final total was? I tried doing one & it wasn't $0.99...it was closer to $14!! It said there was shipping for every book. When I did the Quality Paperback club, it was $4.00...nothing more....just curious.


06-07-2007, 10:37 AM
The book of the month and all of the rest of them except QPB charge for shipping of each of the books so my total for 6 books was 14.XX. This is how it is for Literary Guild too I believe. HTH!

Magical JenK
06-07-2007, 10:49 AM
How very interesting...especially since they're all run by the same company. Ok, well $14.xx for 6 books isn't bad at all!! Thanks, just wanted to make sure I didn't do something wrong!!

06-07-2007, 10:56 AM
That is how I looked at it too. I figure I would pay more than 14.00 for one book at regular price so what the heck? Not like I wouldn't have bought them anyways! This one must take a while to credit though because I did it yesterday morning and haven't seen any credits yet. I don't think Tricia has updated anything yet today though so I wouldn't expect to see anything until she gets back from DDs school thing! HTH! :sunshine2:

06-07-2007, 05:49 PM
How often do these update, Tricia? I did this yesteday morning and I haven't seen anything so I didn't know if there was a certain time it takes for the Book of the month club offer. Thanks!!

06-07-2007, 05:59 PM
I started to do the QPB offer, but every time I clicked on the membership agreement I got a blank page. I don't want to sign up without knowing how many more books I will have to buy and what time frame I will have to buy them in. Does anybody know how many books you have to buy after the initial two for $4?

06-07-2007, 06:03 PM
I started to do the QPB offer, but every time I clicked on the membership agreement I got a blank page. I don't want to sign up without knowing how many more books I will have to buy and what time frame I will have to buy them in. Does anybody know how many books you have to buy after the initial two for $4?

2 books over the next year.

06-07-2007, 07:50 PM
I did Childrens book of the month last night and still didn't get credit. Does this take awhile? All of the other book clubs I've done have credited pretty quickly. I never got an email from them either.

06-08-2007, 11:23 AM

Any idea how long these book clubs should take to credit? Mine has been 2 days now and no credit yet.

06-08-2007, 05:01 PM
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It posted today. It is obviously a manual credit because it came through after Tricia did the manual credit. This was for the new book of the month club. HTH!

The Cheshire Cat
06-08-2007, 05:07 PM
The literary guild was 4 books in 2 years but you could buy an extra now for $5.99 which I did so it's only 3 books. Not bad really~ it's also such a treat to have the hardback books.

Magical JenK
06-09-2007, 12:56 AM
I actually have a question along those lines too. I LOVE book clubs because we are avid readers in our family- they end up being great deals! I tried to sign up for the literary club, and at the end they didn't ask me for my cc info like they have done before, but said after reviewing my info they would contact me regarding membership. Do you know what that might be about? It made me wonder if we couldn't do all of them...

Vtgirlie-I received this same comment tonight when I signed up for the Book Of the Month club...however, a few hours earlier I did the Literacy Club offer & received credit for that...??? Just wondering if you ever got yours to go through & if you got credit?


06-09-2007, 09:35 AM
The book of the month club is not a quick credit. I took about 3 days for it to show up for me. I am a member of Literary Guild and Childen's Book of the month club and had no problem signing up for BOMC also. I didn't however join the first 2 through a rewards program so that could make a difference. Let us know how it goes.

Magical JenK
06-10-2007, 10:57 PM
The book of the month club is not a quick credit. I took about 3 days for it to show up for me. I am a member of Literary Guild and Childen's Book of the month club and had no problem signing up for BOMC also. I didn't however join the first 2 through a rewards program so that could make a difference. Let us know how it goes.

Yeah, I understand it's not a quick credit, but haven't even gotten a confirmation email from them regarding my order. When I did Literary Guild earlier that night (:blush: ) I got an email soon after. But this time when I did the BOMClub, I got a message saying that they were going to have to check into my membership request??? :confused:

I hope it works!!