View Full Version : How long does it take for shopping credits?

03-09-2008, 01:23 AM
Hi! New here:sunshine:

How long does it take to get your credit for shopping? I just made two purchases from Babiesrus and Disneyshopping and made sure I used the link. How long does it usually take to get the credit?


m 'n c
03-09-2008, 03:48 AM
Hi there. It really depends on the store and how fast they credit SR. Normally it takes about a week and credits have to be uploaded by tricia and she normally does that on Sundays. Since you ordered today it probably won't show up until next Sunday.

There is a SR FAQ thread in the members Q&A section if you need help with anything else. Weekend nights can be slow around here.

03-09-2008, 04:21 AM

Thank you! I'll check back next week.