View Full Version : What's Up With Surveys Today?

07-08-2012, 08:16 AM
Tried Live-sends me to a survey that won't load, now nothing for me. Global won't load. Tried DS a couple of times, first nothing, finally sends me to a closed survey, then one that won't load. DS has nothing again; tried later, sends me to another survey that won't load, again nothing. Try AMP, finally get into one, guess what-survey won't load and now AMP "thinks" I have completed one today and all I get is the white page.

Sundays are usually tough with surveys but can't remember a day where so many won't load. 5 so far: 3DS, 1AMP, 1Live.

07-08-2012, 02:01 PM
This whole weekend has been awful for me-global hasn't loaded since Friday; DS hasn't loaded for me today. Live keeps sending me to close surveys-and don't even get me started on SH.

Waiting on a Samp. to credit-we'll see-it went to the "VoteIt" page.

Guess some days are tougher than others, but on the whole each month seems to be getting to be more of a challenge to even qualify for