View Full Version : Daily Survey only 75 cents now?

08-01-2012, 09:16 PM
Just noticed this:

Toluna Daily Opinion Survey

Earn .75 a day

08-01-2012, 10:15 PM
I noticed that as well when attempting to take it, there arent any for me as usual but was surprised with the big decrease with no warning

m 'n c
08-01-2012, 10:39 PM
I believe in most of Tricia's emails last month about surveys she specifically pointed out that 3 (including the DS) were on a temporary increase for the month.

08-01-2012, 10:41 PM
DH completed one this morning and got the 90 cent credit. Maybe it changed later in the day?

08-01-2012, 11:50 PM
The GF surveys are usually .80 but we did increase them for 2 months to try to encourage people to take them. During the months that we paid the increases, we actually had LESS people try them than usual.

I was set to return them to .80 this morning when I got an email from GF totally out of the blue that they are lowering the payments for every survey across the board by .15. So to compensate, I lowered the normal rate to .75. I considered lowering it by the full .15 but honestly I am not sure if people would try them at all at .65. So I just cut it to the .75. Apparently it is just an economic issue for them. :(

08-02-2012, 12:03 AM
Tells you how much I pay attention LOL I took it at the lower rate and got credited at the lower rate and never even realized it! I just click on those links and keep clicking until I get congrats or sorry no surveys available and then I move on to the next. Tricia you could be paying me .05 a survey and I probably wouldn't have noticed :rotfl:

08-02-2012, 08:00 PM
I was surprised by the decrease as well when I actually had one credit this evening.

Tricia-are you able to tell how many people attempt them wo being able to get one to credit, versus those who actually get credit for one? I've never been quite clear on that.

I'd be interested to know the answer to that-because-as I've mentioned(and others as well) GF has simply become a pistol(to use an expression of my Mom's) to qualify for-let alone have it credit.

So, it may have nothing to do with whether the survey is .75 cents vs .90 cents-it simply may be not being able to get one at all.

Anyway...my .02.....

08-02-2012, 08:22 PM
It tracks how many people actually try them whether or not they actually get one to try and complete one is tracked by the light system. She actually can see how many people click on the link to try them and that is the number that was down during the time the credits were raised.

08-02-2012, 08:24 PM
Now I do think that the problems with crediting and the issues with qualifying is what keeps people from attempting them and is the reason the numbers are down. I think people just dont think they are worth it anymore no matter what price she puts them at.

08-02-2012, 09:25 PM
Now I do think that the problems with crediting and the issues with qualifying is what keeps people from attempting them and is the reason the numbers are down. I think people just dont think they are worth it anymore no matter what price she puts them at.

Agreed. I would say that we probably have about 25% of the people trying them who used to try them because they have gotten frustrated with crediting issues over time.

08-02-2012, 09:31 PM
Agreed. I would say that we probably have about 25% of the people trying them who used to try them because they have gotten frustrated with crediting issues over time.

Seems like there is a lot of "sorry no surveys, try back tomorrow" as soon as we try that day. Wonder how many people who get that a lot just stop trying? They do load more if you keep trying.

08-02-2012, 09:59 PM
no luck for me tonight with them sorry is what I got!

08-02-2012, 11:05 PM
I did one tonight that did not credit and I was surprised. That doesn't happen very often for me with Greenfield, but it's the second time this week. Very often I also get the no surveys right away and have to keep trying, but I am grateful for every survey I get and that credits. I remember surveygate all to well!

08-05-2012, 11:13 AM
I am not trying tosound ungrateful but this is my take on the DS.

GF used to be my "go to" survey. When all others failed, I could usually always qualify and complete a DS. Then things started to change and you could not qualify or you would get kicked out toward the end or you would finish and not get credit. I kept figuring, it was a bump in the raod and they would get things turned around. Due to vacations and hectic catering schedules. I have not taken a DS since JUNE 23rd. I have tried for the last two days and am told they have no surveys.
Maybe all survey companies are changing. But if not then maybe GF should look at the changes they have made over the last several months to see if maybe they are to blame for the lack of survey takers. I know I am only seeing one side of the equation. But to go from ample surveys to none and the need to lower their payments across the board they might want to look internally for a problem. Just my .02!

08-05-2012, 09:26 PM
I am not trying tosound ungrateful but this is my take on the DS.

GF used to be my "go to" survey. When all others failed, I could usually always qualify and complete a DS. Then things started to change and you could not qualify or you would get kicked out toward the end or you would finish and not get credit. I kept figuring, it was a bump in the raod and they would get things turned around. Due to vacations and hectic catering schedules. I have not taken a DS since JUNE 23rd. I have tried for the last two days and am told they have no surveys.
Maybe all survey companies are changing. But if not then maybe GF should look at the changes they have made over the last several months to see if maybe they are to blame for the lack of survey takers. I know I am only seeing one side of the equation. But to go from ample surveys to none and the need to lower their payments across the board they might want to look internally for a problem. Just my .02!

I agree. I used to try the DS first, and I used to qualify most days. It has gotten harder and harder to qualify, and when I do qualify, I seem to have problems with DS surveys more than any other company. Reporting surveys used to help (if they were legitimate errors, not failures to qualify), but that doesn't help anymore. DS is now the fourth or fifth survey I try, which means I don't try it at all most days.

08-05-2012, 10:35 PM
Here's my thinking...with the decrease, there are four other surveys that are now worth the same amount or better. AMP will tell me very quickly if there are none available and the same with Live Sample. The DS seems to take me a while to qualify for anything, so now I think it's better to do my go to survey (SSI) first, then try the other high payout ones next, then GF. I do use the lights as a guide, but if I'm not gonna qualify, I actually prefer being told that fairly quickly rather than spending a lot of time trying to qualify first. I'd rather do the ones first that will tell me fairly quickly if they have anything or not, then focus on those that take forever to qualify.

I also seem to have a problem with a certain survey company that runs through GF. Their surveys are rather long and my last two didn't credit and I did get the GF congrats page. I refuse to even attempt one with the company in question and will back out immediately. Granted, it's been a few months since the last one I completed with that company, but I'd rather not waste time with them.

08-05-2012, 10:39 PM
I also seem to have a problem with a certain survey company that runs through GF. Their surveys are rather long and my last two didn't credit and I did get the GF congrats page. I refuse to even attempt one with the company in question and will back out immediately. Granted, it's been a few months since the last one I completed with that company, but I'd rather not waste time with them.

I have trouble with a particular survey company through GF as well. I get the white page saying the survey has been completed. I reported the last one (I thought to copy the URL since I have had trouble with this company before), but after not getting credit, I just close out of them now.

I don't mean to complain because I am grateful for the survey opportunities, but GF is way down on my list of surveys to try due to problems I have with them.

08-07-2012, 10:39 AM
Agreed. I would say that we probably have about 25% of the people trying them who used to try them because they have gotten frustrated with crediting issues over time.

Yep! I am one of those who used to do the DS as my first survey EVERY DAY because even if it took me a few tries to qualify, 99% of the time, I would get one and it would credit no problem. It was my sure thing go-to survey.

As of a couple of months ago, I now can no longer even get options to take a GF survey. I tried changing my email address once, as suggested, and that got me in for one day with options and credited. But since then, even trying different email addresses doesn't work. Always says sorry no surveys available for me right now...FOR TWO MONTHS SOLID :rotfl:

So I now don't even bother trying them. I realize this isn't a crediting issue per se for me, but just why one less person is trying the Greenfields...

08-08-2012, 01:57 PM
Too bad GF won't wake up and smell the coffee! If you look at the people posting about problems with GF you will see they are earners with amounts in the thousands which means they are serious survey takers and not just people who come and go. If surveys were my business I would want this feedback............

08-08-2012, 07:40 PM
Too bad GF won't wake up and smell the coffee! If you look at the people posting about problems with GF you will see they are earners with amounts in the thousands which means they are serious survey takers and not just people who come and go. If surveys were my business I would want this feedback............

I agree with everything said here. GF used to be the first one I would try not because it paid the most but it was always an easy one to credit...not anymore, I leave it as a last resort now. I did get one to credit yesterday but it's the only one I've gotten this month, no idea how many in the past months but it hasn't been many at all. I'm liking the SS1 the best now.

08-09-2012, 08:52 PM
Thank you for participating in this survey!

For some reason you have been re-directed to this default landing page instead of your usual end page.
It could be due to an error in the survey set-up, survey being performed in an external system, or a momentary break in your internet connection.
Once the survey has been closed, the correct status will be applied to your account, but please allow one to two weeks for this to take place.

If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ's.

Thank you.

Has anyone ever gotten this message for GF DS? This is the message I got on my first attempt to do one today, and I got the message right away and had not done a survey. I tried again, got a survey, completed it with the code and then the SR congrats page, but it did not credit.