View Full Version : Pingo Question - Sort of?

03-16-2008, 01:30 PM
My brother is leaving for Iraq within a month (probably much sooner) and I just got an email from SR reminding of Pingo offer. The lightbulb went off over my head..."nice going away, miss you, love you" gift. Only one problem...

I have no idea how being oversees works though? Anyone here? Would he have need of a card? Could he use it?

I was thinking surely we had another military family here?

03-16-2008, 01:39 PM
I may have found my answer....on the pingo rates page, iraq isn't an option. Of course I have no idea how the military works and if you are technically calling from Iraq or some weird other classification...oh well. I'll assume he couldn't use it unless someone here knows otherwise....:(