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View Full Version : So spoiled with those fast credits!

06-08-2007, 08:41 AM
All of the fast crediting offers I've done have completely spoiled me! I have a few large offers that I am waiting to credit, and it's driving me nuts!!!!:rotfl:
I must check 15 times a day, and it's only been a few days, but seeing all that money waiting in pending is killing me.


And don't even get me STARTED on the surveys......."don't even get me started!" ......heeheee....anyone guess where that line is from?

06-08-2007, 08:47 AM
I am right there with ya!!

06-08-2007, 09:48 AM
Believe me, I totally agree. I am spoiled by the fast credits because it means that I don't have to do anything at all to get them to show up. :rotfl:

Seriously, I have been thinking a lot lately about the fast v the manual credits. The negatives of the manual credits are that they are majorly time consuming and that people don't like waiting on them. The positives are that they are either offers that I cannot get from the fast crediting advertisers or they pay a lot more manual crediting than they do fast crediting. So I'm torn on how much longer to continue doing the manual credit ones.

06-08-2007, 10:44 AM
I will wait for them!!! I do not know how much work it is - but more money and more offers sounds good to me!!!!

06-08-2007, 11:03 AM
Tell the impatient people to deal. You do a great job. If they wanna get mad they can go to M******* where the turn around is a lot longer.

Chevrolet Lumina Apv (http://www.chevy-wiki.com/wiki/Chevrolet_Lumina_APV)

06-08-2007, 04:20 PM
Just for the record, I am in no way complaining...just wanting to get back on the big board when my big credit offers come in!!

I appreciate the hours that Tricia must pour into this site...and it's the only one I do besides the inbox paid emails, so that oughta tell you something!!

06-08-2007, 04:54 PM
I just did some manual imports. A little good news. About 10 trouble tickets that I filed earlier in the week came through. Plus a couple of the new book club ones. And the SM puzzle book signups. Kind of a hodgepodge. :)

06-08-2007, 08:10 PM
I just did some manual imports. A little good news. About 10 trouble tickets that I filed earlier in the week came through. Plus a couple of the new book club ones. And the SM puzzle book signups. Kind of a hodgepodge. :)

Yippee!!! Thanks, Tricia!

06-09-2007, 05:14 PM
Somebody make me stoppppppppppppppppp! :rotfl: I have been going crazy with paid sign ups. I have been very diligent with them so I know what I have and haven't done but lawd Im outta control. I dont need anymore to make SM as a matter of fact I have done 3 times what I need LOL but I can't stand to see my balance not change so I end up doing a paid sign up just BECAUSE. I haven't really spent any real money though because they are all pretty much paid trials or book clubs I woulda joined anyways. This addiction is crazy. Man I need a 12 step program, the addition of fast crediting offers has made it even worse. Now I do an offer and check every 5 minutes afterwards to find my balance. At least before I knew not to expect them for a day or two. Oh well I guess this is the safest of addictions there is. Thanks for listening to my rant...psychotic melt down? :rotfl: :sunshine2: