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View Full Version : ok please tell me how you make money?

03-22-2008, 10:30 AM
I am trying to make some money for Disney. I have been actively doing SR sense Jan.

Please tell me the secrets:clap:. I do offers and check my email and sometimes there is no conformations. Sometimes I do have a conformation I do all the stuff and still o credit.:angrywife:

I do very little shopping online so I make about 70 cents a month with that
I can maybe get 2 surveys a week

I try to do offers daily

also what are the popular offers. They seem to only offer 5 credit and it is as much work as the 40 cents....

Guys I need some help:computer: Ineed to make some money to being 5 kids to character dinners:eat:... Please give me some advice..

m 'n c
03-22-2008, 10:43 AM
Can you tell us what internet browser you are running, operating system, type of email, and how often you are clearing cookies? Then we can all jump in and help you out.

03-22-2008, 10:50 AM
Please don't get frustrated. There is a learning curve with learning the ropes. I know I didn't make too much at first, then I suddenly got the hang of it. Here are a few tips. Hopefully, others will chime in as well:

Make sure you clear your cookies prior to doing an OTX or SM survey.

I have a few LONG gmail accounts I use just for paid offers. I dot the address to create what looks like a new account, ie 12345@gmail.com, 1.2345@gmail.com, 12.345@gmail.com, etc.

My DH also has several gmail accounts and he does the paid offers from time to time. He is also the only person that does OTX surveys.

I try not to do too many paid offers in a day. Plus, I try not to do two offers in a day or two using the same company. (MID, HuntfortheMoney, Brandarama, etc.) That was probably my biggest mistake when I started. I didn't pay any attention to this.

If I don't get credit for a paid offer, after 30 days I retry it. I have much more success at that point, but there are still offers that never credit for me no matter what. Those are the breaks.

Try the fast crediting ones to give yourself a little success and help you through the waiting process. You'll know sooner whether or not they are going to credit.

Most of all, patience and persistence pays off. It has for me, as you can see from my banner, and I work full time. As far as I'm concerned, anything that credits for me is FREE MONEY. All I've wasted is a little time.

Good luck to you. Keep plugging away.:sunshine:

03-22-2008, 10:50 AM
Like Catherine said the first thing is to get your system set up correctly so that you are accepting cookies and not clearing them too soon. Then a good place to start is with the automatic credits thread http://www.sunshinerewardsforum.com/showthread.php?t=644 start at the last post and work backwards. These are offers that are crediting for other people. I would do one or two and then wait to see if they credit.

03-22-2008, 10:51 AM
Can you tell us what internet browser you are running, operating system, type of email, and how often you are clearing cookies? Then we can all jump in and help you out.

I am using rr. My hubby dose the cookies every week ( I have no idea how to do it)

I use yahoo mail and check daily even the bulk mail:computer::rotfl:

m 'n c
03-22-2008, 10:58 AM
ok try setting up a gmail like spring suggests above. Advertisers are tracking by email so if you are doing multiple offers of the same type (also described by spring above) then you look like a duplicate and they won't credit for you.

you probably want to do cookies more than once a week. I do them once per day. In Internet explorer you would go to ->tools -> internet options -> delete cookies & delete files. You also need to change your settings in the security tab to medium/low and in the privacy tab click on advanced and then choose allow 1st & 3rd party, automatically override cookies and always allow session cookies (you have to check that one everytime you reboot your computer).

Also you need to run spybot and adaware at least once per week. Check the sticky in the technical issues section on how to download them. They are really easy to use.

Lastly, make sure you are using Internet Explorer (unless you are on a mac) to do these offers and remember not everything is a fast crediting offer. Lots are manuals and can take a week to show up.

03-22-2008, 01:18 PM
ok try setting up a gmail like spring suggests above. Advertisers are tracking by email so if you are doing multiple offers of the same type (also described by spring above) then you look like a duplicate and they won't credit for you.

you probably want to do cookies more than once a week. I do them once per day. In Internet explorer you would go to ->tools -> internet options -> delete cookies & delete files. You also need to change your settings in the security tab to medium/low and in the privacy tab click on advanced and then choose allow 1st & 3rd party, automatically override cookies and always allow session cookies (you have to check that one everytime you reboot your computer).

Also you need to run spybot and adaware at least once per week. Check the sticky in the technical issues section on how to download them. They are really easy to use.

Lastly, make sure you are using Internet Explorer (unless you are on a mac) to do these offers and remember not everything is a fast crediting offer. Lots are manuals and can take a week to show up.

ok I will have dh do that. I just learned how to do the cookies:cooldance: