View Full Version : ? Shopping at Restaurants.com credit question

Pooh's Pal
03-26-2008, 11:01 PM
Okay I am kind of a newbie to the shopping online with SR thingy...done a few Ebay.com and a few Disneyshopping.com through SR, but I just did the restaurants.com offer, (not an offer, but through the shopping links...and very good by the way)...and wondered when I would see the credit appear in my account?
I know there will probably be a hold period, but when should I expect to see something in my account pertaining to my purchase...or does not it show up for a couple of weeks, even the hold?

thanks for helping out the very old shopping newbie...:rotfl:

m 'n c
03-26-2008, 11:06 PM
from the FAQ thread :)

How long does shopping take to credit/pend?

Shopping credits are manual credits SR must receive from the merchants and then manually import to our accounts typically on Sundays. Most shopping will credit/pend within a 7-10 business days and then will pend for 3 days if you are a SM or 21 days if you are not. Merchants have been known to hold your credits until after the item ships so please take that into account as well. There are some shopping items that will take longer to credit such as travel shopping. These items typically will credit/pend after you complete your travel.

Pooh's Pal
03-26-2008, 11:26 PM
thanks, I had read that, just wondered with that particular site, as it is an instant type thing, you print off the gift certificate right away...okay, I'll sit tight. thanks again :)

m 'n c
03-26-2008, 11:28 PM
Its not instant - I don't think any are. I think for me it took maybe a day to show up in my account as pending. Maybe 2. Hope that helps.

disney always shows up the sunday following the week i made the purchase in. Ebay I am not familar with. i would assume the same.

03-27-2008, 05:53 PM
So, if I bought from Restaurant.com on 03/16 and it is still not in my account history... I have a problem?

m 'n c
03-27-2008, 05:54 PM
So, if I bought from Restaurant.com on 03/16 and it is still not in my account history... I have a problem?

Wait till monday and then file a TT. Remember there were holidays last week so things may be a bit behind.

03-27-2008, 06:01 PM
Wait till monday and then file a TT. Remember there were holidays last week so things may be a bit behind.

It hardly seems worth it for the SR staff to go through all that work for a couple of pennies.