View Full Version : Important Shopping Tip

03-27-2008, 02:20 PM
Okay, here it is, my tip for the day! Shop Quickly!! What do I mean? Well, I've found over the last couple of months that merchants are different, and one of the ways that they are different is in how long they hold or record or validate (whatever) your cookie. Some merchants will recognize your click to them from SR for as little as an hour. SO, if you go to a site and don't know what you want, look around awhile, get distracted by the kids, finish dinner, etc. etc. and then checkout, the merchant has already forgotten who you are and where you came from. They are excited to have the sale, but they do not have any feedback that links you to us so that we get credit that we can then share with you. AND no credit to SR means no reward to you! We personally do not want that to happen. We want to see you get the credits you deserve.

Your best bet is to know what you want/need, click on the desired merchant through SR, put what you want/need in the cart, and check out! Sometimes I visit a merchant two or three times before I actually make a purchase so that I have time to look at prices, sizes, accessories, etc. When the time comes to purchase, I know exactly what I want/need, I can go quickly and not be distracted, checkout and move on.

Now this doesn't mean that you have to go at lightening speed. It just means that you need to remember the time factor. Feel free to look around, browse, and enjoy yourself, just be aware that your cookie can and sometimes does expire if you take too long!

m 'n c
03-27-2008, 02:23 PM
I agree! I tend to search the site, write down what I find, and then I close out, clean out the computer and then go in to shop and usually it takes me under 10 minutes when I go into shop and purchase the items.

03-27-2008, 02:24 PM
Good information, Angie. I'm a browser and never even thought of that! I thought that as long as I cleared cookies and then shopped through SR, I could feel free to browse and shop away.

03-27-2008, 02:39 PM
Good information, Angie. I'm a browser and never even thought of that! I thought that as long as I cleared cookies and then shopped through SR, I could feel free to browse and shop away.

I don't want to ruin the fun of browsing. :sunshine2: I certainly like to just look around myself. However, knowing what I know now, I try to enjoy the shopping before I clear cookies, click on the SR link again, and make my purchase! Although there are times when I go directly in look at a couple of things and make my purchase knowing that I didn't browse too long.

03-28-2008, 10:03 AM
Thanks for the information. I tend to look around alot before I actually make the purchase. But, I have had a purchase or two that I tend to get lost and brouse around alot! I will have to make a little note at the computer to remind myself not to look around too long.

03-28-2008, 10:23 AM
I've basically been doing that for the most part. Only bc half the time when I do get distracted and come back, the kids may have been on the computer or clicked something and I always want to make sure I'm logged into SR and click through there, so if I do come back I usually close everything out (sometimes clear cookies) and make my purchase. (But that's mainly bc I think I'm losing my mind at times and can't remember if I really did click through SR! lol)