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View Full Version : Can any of you Super Members tell me....

06-08-2007, 08:24 PM
Once you are a super member, is easy to keep your super member status with all the special perks? Or will we struggle sometimes to keep our "SM status"? :p Thanks!!!
:heart: Veronica:heart:

The Cheshire Cat
06-08-2007, 08:52 PM
Once you are a super member, is easy to keep your super member status with all the special perks? Or will we struggle sometimes to keep our "SM status"? :p Thanks!!!
:heart: Veronica:heart:

I've found it easy and I think you will too. So far i've seen special clicks, special email with clicks, special small offers and special larger offers, sm special rate and release to us early and some times only to sm's. It's still work getting to sm but it sure is nice to have the extra perks! This is my third term as a SR.

Each time I think I won't make it because how many offers can you do before you run out but so far I've made it!

06-08-2007, 08:52 PM
Once you are a super member, is easy to keep your super member status with all the special perks? Or will we struggle sometimes to keep our "SM status"? :p Thanks!!!

I don't think anyone has to struggle but you still have to work at it. SM's have had a couple of good offers that were high paying. Even a couple of dollars more than the regular membership gets is a help. I don't do a lot of high paying offers..but I SHOP!!! :rotfl:

I also do the surveys when I can get in, the contests, the emails and look for paid clicks. I do some of the lower paying offers towards the end of the quarter if I am close.

Everyone here is really helpful in the finding good offers that will help your balance. Good luck.....hope you make it.

06-08-2007, 09:05 PM
Good Question... I've been wondering this myself... This has been alot of work for me, since I don't shop online much, and can only do limited pay offers since I have a small prepaid card.

I'm really struggling to make super member, this time... I certainly hope it will get easier to maintain than to achieve.

06-08-2007, 09:43 PM
I don't find it hard at all. If you do the daily survey every day (or almost), that's at least $70 right there. (figuring some days you can't/don't do it). Paid clicks and emails, scratch off is another dollar or two. Freebie sign ups add up- the .30, .40, .50 ones.

Add in just a couple paid offers and a couple shopping orders and you've got it!

I tend to do a couple big paid offers/trials per SM period; sometimes more depending on if it's something I want. Usually that's $40 right there-

Good luck!

06-09-2007, 10:19 AM
It shouldn't be hard at all if you do surveys...

On average 25 surveys a month will give you $60, and then you need to average 45 cents a day beyond that...

So as Robin said 1-2 paid offers a month or a little shopping, added to paid clicks, scratchoff, and emails make it possible. But you do need to work at it.

06-09-2007, 07:02 PM
Great!! I should be fine!! :cooldance: